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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Annya gendaihades
Song title
Romaji: Gendai Hadesu
English: Modern Day Hades
Original Upload Date
April 10, 2015
flower, Hatsune Miku and Hakaine Maiko
Annyahoo (music, lyrics)
Satoshiki (bass)
toma (mix, mastering)
R@ito (illustration)
Shirokane (video)
Niconico Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
コミュニティの個人は尊重されない komyuniti no kojin wa sonchou sarenai The community's individuals aren't respected
亡霊たち 意識は死んだ bourei tachi ishiki wa shinda The ghosts, their consciousnesses have died
陰惨な世界に次は来ない insan na sekai ni tsugi wa konai A “next” won't come for this gloomy world
ゲヘナの悲鳴が心を撫でる gehena no himei ga kokoro o naderu The screams of gehenna caress my heart

賢人と善人にサル以下のことをさせるのは誰? kenjin to zennin ni saru ika no koto o saseru no wa dare? Who makes wise and good people do things lower than dirt[1]?
汚物の扱い 憎しみの炎燃えたぎる 起爆剤化し 天が割ける obutsu no atsukai nikushimi no honoo moetagiru kibakuzai kashi ten ga sakeru Treated like garbage, the flames of hatred burn with passion, turning into a detonator, heaven splits

飛翔 その片翼羽ばたかせ hishou sono katayoku habatakase Soaring, flapping that single wing
アビスから抜け出すと決めた瞬間だ abisu kara nukedasu to kimeta shunkan da That was the moment you decided to escape from the abyss;
静寂に咲く花に一瞥を seijaku ni saku hana ni ichibetsu o With a single glance at the flower blooming in silence
己の自由求め旅立て onore no jiyuu motome tabidate Begin that journey to demand your own freedom

大都会 鉄塔に見下ろされる dai tokai tettou ni miorosareru Metropolis, gazing down from a pylon

オルガンの音 鼓舞する太鼓 orugan no oto kobu suru taiko The sound of organs and the inspiring drums
洗脳された 傀儡達よ sennou sareta kairai tachi yo O' brainwashed dolls
パニッシュメントの理はもう崩れ始めて壊れるのだ panisshumento no kotowari wa mou kuzure hajimete kowareru no da The reason for your punishment has already began to crumble and is breaking

更なる光求めて往く saranaru hikari motomete yuku You go, seeking more light
友との別れに価値は無いのだ tomo to no wakare ni kachi wa nai no da There's no value in the parting of friends

嘲笑 狂気の沙汰と蔑まれ choushou kyouki no sata to sagesumare Scorn, scorned as an impossible feat
混迷を招かぬよう構築されたのだ konmei o manekanu you kouchiku sareta no da It was constructed so as not to invite chaos
力 大いなる意思に対抗 chikara ooinaru ishi ni taikou Power opposes my great intentions
弱すぎる魂を嘆く yowasugiru tamashii o nageku I lament my far too weak soul

貴様らに操られていた事実 kisamara ni ayatsurarete ita jijitsu That truth manipulated by you people
審判の時は すなわち死だ shinpan no toki wa sunawachi shi da Your time of judgement is of course, at death
与えられた絶望から逃避 ataerareta zetsubou kara touhi I escape from the despair bestowed upon me
使役に憤慨することを知らない shieki ni fungai suru koto o shiranai I don't know what it is to “resent one's enslavement”

愚か 愚か 等価交換を oroka oroka touka koukan o Foolishness, foolishness; for equivalent exchange
憂う 憂う 優しさではない ureu ureu yasashisa de wa nai It laments, laments, it isn't kindness
倣う 倣う 右にひたすら narau narau migi ni hitasura It emulates, emulates the aforementioned single-mindedly
苦しみが渦巻く 死の安寧の地 kurushimi ga uzumaku shi no annei no chi Death's land of peace, where pain swirls

次元から嫌われた 概念から解き放たれるのを jigen kara kirawareta gainen kara tokihanatareru no o Hated by dimension, those released from concept
それでもこの世は幾重にも重なり合って可能性の火をまだ見るのだ soredemo kono yo wa ikue ni mo kasanari atte kanousei no hi o mada miru no da Even still I gaze upon the flames of the possibility that this world is folding in on itself over and over

飛翔 その片翼羽ばたかせ hishou sono katayoku habatakase Soaring, flapping that single wing
ハデスから抜け出すと決めた瞬間だ hadesu kara nukedasu to kimeta shunkan da That was the moment you decided to escape from Hades;
残る群衆に一瞥はせず nokoru gunshuu ni ichibetsu wa sezu Without so much of a glance at the crowds left behind
己の自由を求め旅立て onore no jiyuu o motome tabidate Begin that journey to demand your own freedom

English translation by Forgetfulsubs

Translation Notes

  1. lower than dirt - “サル以下” is a saying which literally/roughly means “below/equal to a monkey” meaning wise… I figured lower than dirt would be a fitting english equivalent for it


This song was featured in the following album:


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