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Song title | |||
"熱波" Romaji: Neppa English: Heatwave | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
November 4, 2020 | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku butter (harmonies) | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
100+ (NN), 7,800+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast (privated) / YouTube Broadcast (privated) / Bilibili Broadcast (reprint) | |||
"HELLOOOOO I had the pleasure to Illustrate for Tephe's first song, and so I thought I'd self indulge a little bit because I absolutely adore this song to death :P! Please listen to the original, Butter's vocals are STUNNING! |
Alternate Versions[]
Butter version. |
Upload date: October 29, 2020 |
Featuring: Butter |
Producer(s): Tephe (music) SAWTOWNE (illustration) Itovero (lyrics) Hess (vocal mix) Butter (vocal editing, video) |
YT / Spotify |
Japanese | Romaji | Official English |
網戸からこぼれる | amido kara koboreru | Spilling from the window screen |
燃え立つ陽に | moetatsu hi ni | That erratically burning sun |
背中を向けてさ | senaka o mukete sa | While I turn my body away |
「今日は何をしようかな」 | "kyou wa nani o shiyou kana" | Asking it “what should I do today” |
その呟きが枕で消された | sono tsubuyaki ga makura de kesareta | While my trailing voice gets erased by my pillow |
目に映ずる陽炎 | me ni eizuru kagerou | Heat hazes imaging onto pure black |
セミ達は鳴り | semitachi wa nari | While the cicadas ring around |
思考は |
shikou wa teishi | My thoughts getting im-pe-ded |
視界はとろけはじめ、 | shikai wa torokehajime, | My vision getting melty |
たまりたまりこぼれ落ちていく | tamari tamari koboreochite iku | Filling up, filling up (like a puddle) |
押し寄せる寂さに | oshiyoseru sabisa ni | As the loneliness quickly approach |
後悔を噛みしめて | koukai o kamishimete | I grit my teeth with regret |
やな熱波熱波 | ya na neppa neppa | Annoying heatwave heatwave |
私はあなたにまだ余熱を送ってるの | watashi wa anata ni mada yonetsu o okutteru no | I am still sending you leftover warmth |
やな熱波熱波 | ya na neppa neppa | Annoying heatwave heatwave |
あなたは花火のように消えていく | anata wa hanabi no you ni kiete iku | You disappearing away like the fireworks |
やな熱波熱波 | ya na neppa neppa | Annoying heatwave heatwave |
風鈴とともに私はかすれてゆくよ | fuurin to tomo ni watashi wa kasurete yuku yo | I fade away like the sounds of the wind chimes |
もういっかいっか | mou ikka ikka | It doesn’t matter, matter |
どうせさこの熱波と一緒にいっちゃうんだよ | douse sa kono neppa to issho ni icchau nda yo | Anyways, this feeling will go away with these heatwaves |
ね? | ne? | Right? |
External Links[]
- Dropbox - Off vocal
- Google Drive - Vsqx
- Google Docs - Lyrics and translation