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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Romaji: Mujuuryoku Piero
Official English: Agravity Pierrot
Original Upload Date
August 29, 2019
nyanyannya (music, lyrics)
Yokanko (illustration)
16,000+ (YT), 2,600+ (BB), 5,600+ (NN)
YouTube Broadcast / Bilibili Broadcast / Niconico Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
天幕に銀河 tenmaku ni ginga The galaxy under the tent
重力ダンスフロア juuryoku dansu furoa Is a gravitational dance floor
深海を泳ぐギャラリー shinkai o oyogu gyararii A gallery swimming through the deep sea

夏の影を溶かした natsu no kage o tokashita Bathing in the strip of spotlight
一筋のスポットライト浴びて hitosuji no supottoraito abite That melted summer's shadows,
コスモノート コスモノート kosumonooto kosumonooto The cosmonaut, Cosmonaut
笑う warau Laughs

それはワンダフル ワンダフル sore wa wandafuru wandafuru It's wonderful, Wonderful
息を呑むようなスペクタクル iki o nomu you na supekutakuru A breathtaking spectacle
忘れたいんだろう 変化を wasuretain darou henka o Don't you want to forget? The changes,
流れる哀歌を nagareru aika o and the playing lament

高く跳び上がる無重力圏 takaku tobiagaru mujuuryokuken The zero-gravity field soars high
零れた哀しみを湛えるストラトス koboreta kanashimi o tataeru sutoratosu The stratos expresses an overflowing sorrow
遠く魚群(なぶら)のさざめきに tooku nabura no sazameki ni Forget even the meaning behind
生まれたその日貼り付けた笑顔の umareta sono hi haritsuketa egao no the smile you plastered on the day you were born
意味さえ忘れて imi sae wasurete in the distant murmurs of schools of fish

思い出や絆は重たすぎる omoide ya kizuna wa omotasugiru Things like memories and bonds are too heavy
パラシュート降下 parashuuto kouka Parachute descent
どうか独りにしないで douka hitori ni shinaide Please don't leave me all alone

それはアンステイブル アンステイブル sore wa ansuteiburu ansuteiburu It's unstable, Unstable
胸詰まるようなスペクタクル mune tsumaru you na supekutakuru A heart-filling spectacle
夢なんだろう 選択も yume nan darou sentaku mo Is it just a dream?
流れる歳月も nagareru saigetsu mo This choice, and the flowing time

高く跳び上がる無重力圏 takaku tobiagaru mujuuryokuken The zero-gravity field soars high
離れるほどに軽くなって褪せてく hanareru hodo ni karuku natte aseteku It lightens and fades until it drifts away

サーカスはこの夜を飲み込んで saakasu wa kono yoru o nomikonde The circus engulfs this night
煌く惑星(ほし)の数だけ哀しい記憶 kirameku hoshi no kazu dake kanashii kioku And twinkles, as many sad memories as there are stars
遠く魚群(なぶら)のさざめきと tooku nabura no sazameki to Hide them
生まれたその日貼り付けた笑顔に umareta sono hi haritsuketa egao ni in the smile you plastered on the day you were born
隠して kakushite in the distant murmurs of schools of fish

English translation by Yu Puffin, checked by Violet330

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