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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Hai ni tayutau
Song title
Romaji: Hai ni Tayutau
Original Upload Date
November 5, 2019
VICTREAM (music, lyrics, arrange, movie)
Ichinose Lupo (tuning, mix)
脾 (illustration)
YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
絡みつく夜の牢獄が僕 karamitsuku yoru no rougoku ga boku In the prison that is the twisted night, my
の心を蝕むのが孤独 no kokoro o mushibamu no ga kodoku heart erodes. The
に耐えたい人は救済を問う ni taetai hito wa kyuusai o tou people wanting to endure their loneliness ask for relief, but
が背を向くばかり屍の都市 ga se o muku bakari shikabane no toshi all they do is turn their backs in this corpse of a city

痛み分けは憚れる結末 itamiwake wa habakareru ketsumatsu Sharing your pain is confusing, the
は曖昧な解答に消えた wa aimai na kaitou ni kieta ending disappeared into an ambiguous answer.
僕は僕の首を絞めながら boku wa boku no kubi o shimenagara Today, while strangling myself,
今日も誰かに助けを乞うのです kyou mo dareka ni tasuke o kou no desu I beg someone to help

愛を求め 探す ai o motome sagasu Seeking love, searching
見つからないよ mitsukaranai yo I failed to find it

椅子に固く縛られてるここは僕の墓場か isu ni kataku shibarareteru koko wa boku no hakaba ka Tightly tied onto a chair, will this be my graveyard?
誰も彼もない世界 孤独な夜の日々はもう dare mo kare mo nai sekai kodoku na yoru no hibi wa mou A world without anybody in it, the days with lonely nights are already-
僕はここにいるの boku wa koko ni iru no I'm right here

Can you help me…?
僕は君の感情を上手く理解できないまま boku wa kimi no kanjou o umaku rikai dekinai mama I am still unable to grasp your feelings
Can you hear me…?
僕の心臓の中にある錘を解いてくれよ boku no shinzou no naka ni aru omori o hodoite kure yo Unchain these weights connected to my heart
Can you help me…?

僕は夜部屋で目を細めて boku wa yoru heya de me o hosomete In the room of an endless night, I narrow my eyes
君の救いが見えないように kimi no sukui ga mienai you ni so I won't see you trying to reach and soothe me
ぼやして逃げてまた捨てられる boyashite nigete mata suterareru It's not a strange occurrence
ような気がするのは奇遇じゃない you na ki ga suru no wa kiguu ja nai to feel like I want to run and throw it away again

溶け出す胸の氷はきっと tokedasu mune no kouri wa kitto The melting ice in my heart will surely
僕の涙に代えられてしまう boku no namida ni kaerarete shimau be replace by my tears
それは許されたものでしょうか sore wa yurusareta mono deshou ka Is that something forgivable
不意に溢れたものなのですか fui ni afureta mono na no desu ka Is it something abruptly overflowing

愛を受けて濁す ai o ukete nigosu Dirtied the love I received,
見えないよ mienai yo I cannot see

受けた愛を置いて僕が傷つかないようにと uketa ai o oite boku ga kizutsukanai you ni to So i won't get hurt,
逃げて捨てて去ってまた一人になるこの夜に nigete sutete satte mata hitori ni naru kono yoru ni I'm throwing away the love I received and running away, becoming alone on this night
僕はどこにいるの boku wa doko ni iru no Where am I?

Can you help me…?
僕は君の感情を上手く理解できないまま boku wa kimi no kanjou o umaku rikai dekinai mama I am still unable to grasp your feelings
Can you hear me…?
僕の心臓の中にある錘を解いてくれよ boku no shinzou no naka ni aru omori o hodoite kure yo Unchain these weights connected to my heart
Can you hear me…?

English translation by Anonymous

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