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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Azalea no Shinzou
Song title
Romaji: Sensuikan Toroimerai
English: Submarine Traumerei
Original Upload Date
April 3, 2013 (album release date)
Tohma (music, lyrics)


Japanese Romaji English
深度、段違いに潜りきった地図にない底に shindo, danchigai ni moguri kitta chizu ni nai soko ni Depth, a bottom so deep it’s not on any map
コーデュロイの海月、無色透明の寄生魚 kooduroi no kurage, mushoku toumei no kiseigyo Corduroy jellyfish; colorless, transparent parasitic fish
気体バレーン纏った潜水艦、進め kitai bareen matotta sensuikan, susume Submarine with a gas balloon, advance!
サーチライト照らせ照らせ 岩窟の深奥層 saachiraito terase terase gankutsu no shinousou Shine, shine the searchlight on the cave’s mysterious bed

昼も夜も鉄の中の暗闇 バイパ管の振動 hiru mo yoru mo tetsu no naka no kurayami baipa kan no shindou Day and night, the pitch black inside the steel; the piping’s vibrations
唯一の手記だけを頼りに沈もう yuiitsu no shuki dake o tayori ni susumou I’ll sink, relying just on one sole memorandum
使い古された合図なんて必要ない tsukai furusareta aizu nante hitsuyou nai No need for a worn-out signal,
重油の匂いの塗れ降下を乱すな juuyu no nioi no nure kouka o midasu na don’t disturb this descent covered in the smell of heavy oil

水圧も静寂も目下アンダーゴウ suiatsu mo seijaku mo mokka andaagou Water pressure, silence, now both undergo
さあ文明に隠された真実論争 saa bunmei ni kakusareta shinjitsu ronsou See, a truth dispute hidden in civilization
眼前の浩々たる海底都市を… ganzen no koukoutaru kaitei toshi o... Spread before our eyes, an undersea town...

そこに愛はあった?誓いはあった? soko ni ai wa atta? Chikai wa atta? Did love lie there? A vow?
どこかで報われた? dokoka de mukuwareta? Were they rewarded somewhere?
日照りも、夜空も、生命も、 hideri mo, yozora mo, inochi mo The dry weather, the night sky, life,
明日があって、家庭があって、未来に包まれて suitorareta rekishi no kizuato ashita ga atte, katei ga atte, mirai ni tsutsumarete all absorbed scars of history. There is a tomorrow, a home, enveloped in the future...
もうそんな音もすっかり止んだ mou sonna oto mo sukkari yanda That sound has already stopped completely
水で満ちても、深い水底で虹は架からないの mizu de michite mo, fukai minasoko de niji wa kakaranai no Even if it’s filled with water, the deep ocean’s bottom won’t stretch a rainbow

栄光の対価 禁制文明 落下 eikou no taika kinsei bunmei rakka Compensation for glory, a prohibited civilization and its fall
行き過ぎた動力源の藍用 暴走脱法 ikisugita douryokugen no aiyou bousou dappou The abuse of an overly strong source of power, law circumvention on the run
幻想の買い手 権力者逃げ去って gensou no kaite kenryokusha nigesatte Buyers of delusions, influential persons, who had run away
黒い塊は空白に成り済ました kuroi katamari wa kuuhaku ni narisumashita and whom black lumps had emptily impersonated

幸せそうなネガフィルムの目 shiawase sou na nega firumu no me Happy-looking negative film eyes
指輪と髪飾り 安息の地 yubiwa to kami kazari ansoku no chi The resting ground of a ring and hair accessories
終幕を綴ったタイプライター shuumaku o tsuzutta taipuraitaa A typewriter which had written of the end
鳴らなくなった枯淡の鐘 naranakunatta kotan no kane and elegant simplicity’s bell which no longer rang

蒙昧な生活も紺碧に染まった moumai na seikatsu mo konpeki ni somatta An uncivilized lifestyle was dyed in azure
潜望鏡で見やった生態の退化 senboukyou de miyatta seitai no taika The degeneration of ecology gazed at with a periscope
人は何処へ行ってしまったのだろう hito wa doko e itte shimatta no darou I wonder where the people could have gone...

「帰りを待ったどんな言葉も "kaeri o matta donna kotoba mo "Any words of waiting for return,
母も子も夢も、愛の蜃気楼 haha mo ko mo yume mo, ai no shinkirou a mother, child, dreams, are just mirages of love.
明日を見せてと祈りました」 ashita o misete to inorimashita" I prayed for tomorrow to be shown”
朽ちた木の壁に彫り刻まれた kuchita ki no kabe ni hori kizamareta Carved into the trunk of a rotten tree
諦めきれない最後の叫び akiramekirenai saigo no sakebi was a final cry of not giving up
「向こうで先に待ってます」 "mukou de saki ni mattemasu" "I’m waiting up ahead."

でも命はあった demo inochi wa atta But there was life,
崩れた街は眩しく包まれた kuzureta machi wa mabushiku tsutsumareta and the ruined city was enveloped in light
瓦礫や緑の家から gareki ya midori no ie kara From the green wreckage of houses,
夜光虫たちが溢れて弾けた yakouchuutachi ga afurete hajiketa Sea Sparkles overflowed and burst with light
儚く散った 麗らかだった hakanaku chitta uraka datta Lasting but a moment, they scattered beautifully
すべてを確かめた subete o tashikameta and ascertained everything
想像を超えた、時代を超えた souzou o koeta, jidai o koeta Surpassing my imagination, surpassing the times,
幾万里深い底に残された思いは iku banri fukai soko ni nokosareta omoi wa the feelings left behind thousands of miles underwater
仄かな声を上げた honoka na koe o ageta raised a faint voice
そして、また、長く眠ってしまう soshite, mata, nagaku nemutte shimau and then, again, fell into a long sleep

栄光の対価 禁制文明 落下 eikou no taika kinsei bunmei rakka Compensation for glory, a prohibited civilization and its fall
行き過ぎた動力源の藍用 暴走脱法 ikisugita douryokugen no aiyou bousou dappou The abuse of an overly strong source of power, law circumvention on the run
幻想の買い手 権力者逃げ去って gensou no kaite kenryokusha nigesatte Buyers of delusions, influential persons, who had run away
黒い塊は空白に成り斉ました kuroi katamari wa kuuhaku ni nari sumashita and whom black lumps had emptily impersonated

海面に帰った潜水艦は嘆いた kaimen ni kaetta sensuikan wa nageita The submarine had returned to the ocean’s surface and lamented
消された文明は確かなにそこに在った kesareta bunmei wa tashikana ni soko ni atta A disappeared civilization was definitely there
始まりのようで終わるような海だ hajimari no you de owaru you na umi da The sea ends just like it begins
そして誰からも愛されなくなった街だ soshite dare kara mo aisarenaku natta machi da and within it lies a city no longer loved by anyone

English translation by Coleena Wu


This song was featured on the following albums:

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