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Jon-YAKITORY KontonBugi
Song title
Romaji: Konton Bugi
English: Chaotic Boogie
Original Upload Date
August 30, 2023
Hatsune Miku
jon-YAKITORY (music, lyrics)
Ichimaru (video)
Rosso. (mix, mastering)
2,900,000+ (NN), 54,000,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
純情?なにそれ 愛情?なにそれ junjou? nani sore aijou? nani sore Innocence? The hell is that? Love? The hell is that?
美味しいの?ねぇ oishii no? nee Is it delicious? Hey
美味しいのって なあ oishii no tte naa I asked if it’s delicious, ya know!
乱暴ダメダメ 感情捨て去り ranbou damedame kanjou sutesari Violence ain't any good, no good. I'll abandon all my feelings
いっせーので ぶっ飛ぶだけ isseeno de buttobu dake On the count of three just blast off!

混沌ブギウギ ハッピー特盛 konton bugiugi happii tokumori It's a chaotic boogie-woogie, a happy extra-large serving
ドンビーシャイだ ドンビーシャイだもう donbiishai da donbiishai da mou Don't be shy now, don't be shy now, jeez!
段々堕ちてく IQクソワロ dandan ochiteku IQ kusowaro Your IQ is gradually dropping LMAO
いっせーので 死ぬまで踊れ isseeno de shinu made odore On the count of three, dance til' you drop dead!

完全体の山田 kanzentai no yamada Yamada has a perfect build
無関心なんてありえない mukanshin nante arienai There's no such thing as apathy
三千体の桑田の方がいいかな sanzentai no kuwata no hou ga ii kana I'd rather have Kuwata's figure x3000

わがままばかりじゃ落ち着かない wagamama bakari ja ochitsukanai I can't calm down if I’m merely egotistical all the time
冷や汗が出すぎて気持ち悪い hiyaase ga desugite kimochiwarui I'm drenched in a cold sweat, it's a horrible feeling
当たり前のことも手につかない atarimae no koto mo te ni tsukanai I'm not even able to focus on the reasonable things
もうなんて言ったらいい?ばかりで mou nante ittara ii? bakari de What more should I say? But I only say that

世間体とか投げ出したい sekentei toka nagedashitai I want to sacrifice my decency
狂った様に泣き出したい kurutta you ni nakidashitai I want to sob like I'm going crazy
思うがまま生きて消えていきたいな omou ga mama ikite kiete ikitai na I want to live and disappear til' I'm satisfied

純情?なにそれ 愛情?なにそれ junjou? nani sore aijou? nani sore Innocence? The hell is that? Love? The hell is that?
美味しいの?ねぇ oishii no? nee Is it delicious? Hey
美味しいのって なあ oishii no tte naa I asked is it delicious, ya know!
乱暴ダメダメ 感情捨て去り ranbou damedame kanjou sutesari Violence ain't any good, no good. I'll abandon all my feelings
いっせーので ぶっ飛ぶだけ isseeno de buttobu dake On the count of three just blast off!

混沌ブギウギ ハッピー特盛 konton bugiugi happii tokumori It's a chaotic boogie-woogie, a happy extra-large serving
ドンビーシャイだ ドンビーシャイだもう donbiishai da donbiishai da mou Don't be shy now, don't be shy now, jeez!
段々堕ちてく IQクソワロ dandan ochiteku IQ kusowaro Your IQ is gradually dropping LMAO
いっせーので 死ぬまで踊れ isseeno de shinu made odore On the count of three, dance til' you drop dead!

ワンツーまさかり 三四 刈り取り wantsuu masakari sanshi karitori One two it's in full bloom, three four I'm harvesting it all
もういいんだって もういいんだってもう mou ii nda tte mou ii nda tte mou It's fine, I already said it's fine, jeez!
ハッピーおかわり Give meトキメキ happii okawari Give me tokimeki A happy second helping, give me that heart-pounding excitement
いっせーので さあ 飛び込め isseeno de saa tobikome On the count of three, come on, jump in!

本能ブギウギ 混沌特盛 honnou bugiugi konton tokumori It's an instinctive boogie-woogie, a chaotic extra-large serving
もういいんだって もういいんだってもう mou ii nda tte mou ii nda tte mou It's fine, I already said it's fine, jeez!
最低 奴等のLike a ミステリ saitei yatsura no Like a misuteri It's the worst, those guys are like a mystery
いっせーので ぶっ飛ぶだけ isseeno de buttobu dake On the count of three just blast off!

混沌ブギウギ ハッピー特盛 konton bugiugi happii tokumori It's a chaotic boogie-woogie, a happy extra-large serving
ドンビーシャイだ ドンビーシャイだもう donbiishai da donbiishai da mou Don't be shy now, don't be shy now, jeez!
段々堕ちてく 人生クソワロ dandan ochiteku jinsei kusowaro Your life is gradually dropping LMAO
いっせーので 死ぬまで踊れ isseeno de shinu made odore On the count of three, dance til' you drop dead!

もういいや全部全部ほら mou ii ya zenbu zenbu hora It's fine, everything entirely, come on
忘れてしまおう wasurete shimaou Let us forget about it all
簡単なことじゃないが kantan na koto ja nai ga It's not an easy task
我々なら出来るだろう wareware nara dekiru darou But if it's us surely we can do it
なあ? Get Down naa? Get Down Right? Get Down

English translation by Webb, with edits by Hiraethie and Violet

Notable Derivatives

Yasai31 Konton Boogie
yasai31's cover feat. Teto (Synthesizer V)
Featuring: Kasane Teto
Producer(s): yasai31 (tuning, illustration, movie), Kiryma (UST)
Konton Boogie x Bling‐Bang‐Bang‐Born
Konton Boogie ✕ bling‐Bang‐Bang‐Born
Featuring: Creepy Nuts and Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): Kiko (mashup)
Konton Boogie - JIBURGER

Konton boogie chogakusei
Chogakusei's cover
Featuring: Chogakusei
Mabodofu Chaotic Boogie
Mabodofu's cover
Featuring: Mabodofu


This song was featured on the following album:

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