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Song title | |||
"深窓のフロイライン" Romaji: Shinsou no Furoirain English: Secluded Girl Official English: Closeted Fräulein | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
November 5, 2018 | |||
Singer | |||
MEIKO | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
120,000+ (NN), 8,900+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast (private) / YouTube Broadcast | |||
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Japanese | Romaji | English |
Ah…生まれてきた頼りない“ |
Ah … umaretekita tayorinai “wake” wa | Ah… the vague reason for my existence |
壊れた |
kowareta kokoro ni fureta | Touched my broken soul |
Ah… | Ah… | Ah... |
Seele/Fehd/Donum/Rule | Sēle Fehd Donum Rule | Soul/Feud/Gift/Rule[1] |
疎まれ名は“La Shomeria”(できそこない) | utomaremei wa La Shomeria | They shunned me and called me “Useless Girl”[2] |
知ってるのは 無知の痛み | shitteru no wa muchi no itami | What I knew was the pain of ignorance |
当たり前のこともできず | atarimae no koto mo dekizu | I couldn’t even do the simplest things |
hoshi bakari mite ita | I just looked up at the stars and planets | |
暫くして連れられてきた | shibaraku shite tsurerarete kita | After a while, I was brought |
望まれた子 小さい君 | nozomareta ko chiisai kimi | The friend I had wished for–little you |
教えてくれはしませんか | oshiete kure wa shimasen ka | Won’t you tell me? |
愛ってどんな感じ? | ai tte donna kanji? | What does love feel like? |
許すとはどんな気持ち? | yurusu to wa donna kimochi? | When you let somebody in, what emotions do you have? |
困るから―― | komaru kara―― | Because it’s troubling me– |
そうしててのひらにてのひらを | soushite tenohira ni tenohira o | Is it the feeling I get |
抱いて揺らす感じ? さぁ…… | daite yurasu kanji? saa…… | When I hold your hand in mine like that and swing it? Hmm… |
間違いならいらない | machigai nara iranai | I don’t need mistakes |
嘘つきならいらない | usotsuki nara iranai | I don’t need liars |
お片づけ | okatazuke | Straighten up |
そう自分で決めたのに | sou jibun de kimeta no ni | Though I decided that myself |
――止めて! | ――tomete! | –Stop! |
退廃と排斥の“病棟” | taihai to haiseki no “byoutou” | The “hospital room” of degeneration and ostracism |
天井に広がる“染み” | tenjou ni hirogaru “shimi” | The “stain” spreading on the ceiling |
遁走乖離構築された“報い” | tonsou kairi kouchiku sareta “mukui” | The “repayment” constructed by escape and alienation |
鎖繋がれた“大図書館” | kusari tsunagareta “daitoshokan” | The chain-linked “great library” |
間違った同一性の“番人” | machigatta douitsusei no “bannin” | The “guard” with a mistaken identity |
曖昧に―― | aimai ni―― | Vaguely– |
(教えて?) | (oshiete?) | (Tell me?) |
ほらおかしくなるんだ | hora okashiku narun da | Look, I’m going mad |
どこかが間違いなんだ | dokoka ga machigai nanda | There must be a mistake somewhere |
接ぎ接いだ記憶の | tsugitsuida kioku no | I just want to know the shape |
形知りたいだけ | katachi shiritai dake | Of these memories connected one to another |
ただただ捲った | tada tada mekutta | I just kept turning pages |
知識の世界巡った | chishiki no sekai megutta | I traveled through the world of knowledge |
頁の隙間に | peeji no sukima ni | Between the lines of the pages, I’m searching |
てのひらとてのひらを | tenohira to tenohira o | For the rules |
揺らす |
yurasu ruuru motomete | Of swinging our joined hands |
Ah… | Ah… | Ah... |
Seele | Seele | Soul |
Fehd | Fehd | Feud |
Donum | Donum | Gift |
Rule | Rule | Rule |
English translation by bluepenguin
Translation Notes[]
This song was featured on the following albums:
External Links[]
- Pixiv - illustration
- Hatsune Miku Wiki
- VocaDB
- EJtranslations - Translation source