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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Ryuusem Prism
Song title
Romaji: Ryuusen Purizumu
English: Streamline Prism
Original Upload Date
February 7, 2010
Megurine Luka
Giga-P (music)
Horezai (music)
Momo Sakiyuzu (lyrics)
ひゆう (illustration)
Luka's version: 67,000+ (NN), 3,700+ (PP)
Rin and Len's version: 200,000+ (NN), 9,800+ (PP)
Luka's version: Niconico Broadcast / piapro Broadcast

Alternate Versions

Rin & Len version
Upload date: March 28, 2010
Featuring: Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len
Producer(s): Giga-P (music), Horezai (music), Momo Sakiyuzu (lyrics), ひゆう (illustration)
NN / PP / YT (reprint)


Japanese Romaji English
月の窓辺に放たれた tsuki no madobe ni hanatareta When the shape of the tears I shed by the window
涙の形 音を立てては消えていく namida no katachi oto o tatete wa kiete iku Of the moon make a sound, they vanish.
恋の終わりを告げる歌 koi no owari o tsugeru uta This song announcing the end of our love
不意にココロ乱す そんな真夜中 fui ni kokoro midasu sonna mayonaka Suddenly disturbed my heart on such a midnight.

ワタシだけ 何も聞こえない watashi dake nani mo kikoenai I’m the only one who can’t hear.
誰かの名前を呼びたくても もう dareka no namae o yobitakute mo mou Even if I want to call someone’s name,
この部屋に残されたものは kono heya ni nokosareta mono wa The only thing left in this room now
悲しみ色の歪んだ空気 kanashimi iro no yuganda kuuki Is air, with the color of sadness distorted.

願い事を届けてくれるなら negaigoto o todokete kureru nara If you send me your wishes,
一度だけ もう一度 声を聞かせて ichido dake mou ichido koe o kikasete Just once, one more time, let me hear your voice.
胸の中で (まわ)る刹那 mune no naka de mawaru setsuna Instants revolve in my heart,
何もかも 飲み込まれて nani mo kamo nomikomarete With everything being swallowed.

流れ落ちて 乱反射する nagareochite ranhansha suru The prism lets light stream through and give off diffuse reflections.
プリズムに 瞼を閉じて purizumu ni mabuta o tojite I close my eyes when looking at it,
記憶の彼方に消える 想い出に kioku no kanata ni kieru omoide ni And to the memories disappearing beyond recollections,
サヨナラを告げて もう行きましょう sayonara o tsugete mou ikimashou I bid farewell—I’m gonna go now.

振り返れば そこにあるのは furikaereba soko ni aru no wa All that was there when I think back on it
月の作る ワタシの影だけ tsuki no tsukuru watashi no kage dake Was my shadow created by the moon.
もう忘れたい でも できなくて mou wasuretai demo dekinakute I want to forget now, but I can’t,
繰り返しの歌 ヒトリで そう kurikaeshi no uta hitori de sou Because I’m just singing this repeated
歌うだけだから utau dake dakara Song by myself.

眠り続ける砂時計 nemuritsuzukeru sunadokei The hourglass continues to sleep.
まるで自分の役目も忘れてるみたい marude jibun no yakume mo wasureteru mitai It’s like it’s forgetting even its own role.
夢の終わり告げることもなく yume no owari tsugeru koto mo naku It's never even announced the end of my dream,
彷徨うの 誰かの影を探して samayou no dareka no kage o sagashite So I wander, searching for someone’s shadow.

嘘吐きな記憶手繰(たぐ)り寄せ usotsuki na kioku taguriyose Even if I try hauling in lying recollections
ツクリモノの愛 詰め込んでみても tsukurimono no ai tsumekonde mite mo And cramming in artificial love,
同じもの もう戻らないの onaji mo mou modoranai no The same thing won’t come back.
窓の外には変わらない月 mado no soto ni wa kawaranai tsuki The moon won’t change outside my window.

かれていく声に錆びる身体 karete iku koe ni sabiru karada My voice is hidden; my body is rusting.
消えていく記憶なら 残さないで kiete iku kioku nara nokosanaide If my memories are disappearing, don’t leave them here.
カナシミさえ 全て消して kanashimi sae subete keshite Erasing even all my sadness
0(ゼロ)になればいいの zero ni nareba ii no And becoming nothing will be fine.

夜の果てで 揺れるプリズム yoru no hate de yureru purizumu The prism flickers at the end of the night.
流線を 描いて消えた ryuusen o egaite kieta It draws a streamline and disappears.
悲しい歌ならもう 歌えない kanashii uta nara mou utaenai If it’s a sad song, I can no longer sing it.
綺麗なまま 壊してしまいたい kirei na mama kowashite shimaitai I want to break it while it’s still beautiful.

ぬくもりさえ 嘘で閉じ込め nukumori sae uso de tojikome If I can’t do anything but lock up even
泣く事しかできないのなら nakugoto shika dekinai no nara Your warmth with lies and cry,
手放したこと 後悔させないで tebanashita koto koukai sasenai de Don’t make me regret getting rid of you.
眠らせてよ もうこのまま 瞳を閉じて nemurasete yo mou kono mama hitomi o tojite Let me sleep now, closing my eyes just like this.

カナシミさえ 全て消して kanashimi sae subete keshite Erasing even all my sadness
0(ゼロ)になればいいの zero ni nareba ii no And becoming nothing will be fine.

夜の彼方で 乱反射する yoru no kanata de ranhansha suru The prism lets light give off diffuse reflections beyond the night.
プリズムに 瞼を閉じて purizumu ni mabuta o tojite I close my eyes when looking at it,
記憶の彼方に消える 想い出に kioku no kanata ni kieru omoide ni And to the memories disappearing beyond recollections,
サヨナラを告げて もう行きましょう sayonara o tsugete mou ikimashou I bid farewell—I’m gonna go now.

夜の果てで 揺れるプリズム yoru no hate de yureru purizumu The prism flickers at the end of the night.
流線描き 流れて消えた ryuusen egaki nagarete kieta It draws a streamline that flows and disappears.
悲しい歌ならもう 歌わない kanashii uta nara mou utawanai If it’s a sad song, I will no longer sing it.
繰り返しの歌 もう忘れて 全部終わらせて kurikaeshi no uta mou wasurete zenbu owarasete Now forget about the repeated song, let it all end.

English translation by MeaningfulUsername

External Links

  • piapro - Off-vocal without chorus
  • piapro - Off-vocal with chorus

