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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Romaji: Naitenai
English: I'm Not Crying
Original Upload Date
January 21, 2019
Hatsune Miku
Ayase (music, lyrics, movie)
98,000+ (NN), 710,000+ (YT), 65,000+ (BB)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / bilibili Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
肌寒い季節の風香る落莫帯びた道 hadasamui kisetsu no kaze kaoru rakubaku obita michi Along my dreariness-tinged path, scented by the bitingly cold wind of the season,
深い息纏い歩くしめやかに fukai iki matoi aruku shimeyaka ni I wrap myself in deep breaths and walk solemnly.
いつもと同じ景色が顔色を変えて佇む itsumo to onaji keshiki ga kaoiro o kaete tatazumu The landscape, same as usual, changes my complexion and I stop,
相も変わらず憂鬱を抱いたまま ai mo kawarazu yuuutsu o daita mama Holding my melancholy as closely as ever.

いつかは忘れていくものだって itsuka wa wasurete iku mono da tte I'm getting lonely because you say
あなたが言うから寂しくなって anata ga iu kara sabishiku natte That we'll forget about these things someday,
もう一度、もう一度 mou ichido, mou ichido And I want to look back
振り返りたくなる furikaeritaku naru On them once more, once more.
強く、強く結んだ糸が解ける tsuyoku, tsuyoku musunda ito ga tokeru The tightly, tightly tied thread comes undone.

風が吹くその度思うの kaze ga fuku sono tabi omou no I think of those times the wind blows.
木漏れ日の中一人想うの komorebi no naka hitori omou no I think alone, the sunlight through the leaves patterning me.
さよならを口にすれば sayonara o kuchi ni sureba If I put "goodbye" into words,
全てが此処で消えていくでしょ subete ga koko de kiete iku desho Everything would vanish here, wouldn't it?
いつまでも変わらずにいるよ itsu made mo kawarazu ni iru yo I'm always here, never changing.
この先で出逢えたその時はほら kono saki de deaeta sono toki wa hora From now on, the times we'll be able to meet, look...
あの日と同じ様に ano hi to onaji you ni Let's just gently laugh,
ただ優しく笑い合おう tada yasashiku waraiaou The same as back then.
あんまり見ないで anmari minaide Don't look too hard at me.
大丈夫 daijoubu I'm all right.
泣いてない naitenai I'm not crying.

少しだけ伸びた袖に空いた穴 sukoshi dake nobita sode ni aita ana A hole has opened up in my slightly stretched sleeve,
覗き込んだ先 nozokikonda saki And where I looked through it,
私達の未来が見える様な気がした watashitachi no mirai ga mieru you na ki ga shita I got the feeling that I could see our future.
誰にも言えないこと dare ni mo ienai koto The things we can't tell anyone
本当は伝えたかったこと hontou wa tsutaetakatta koto And the things we really wanted to convey—
もう数える度幾つも溢れ出す mou kazoeru tabi ikutsu mo afuredasu Whenever I count them now, there's plenty to overflow.

いつかは大人になるからさって itsuka wa otona ni naru kara sa tte I'm getting miserable because you say
あなたが言うから切なくなって anata ga iu kara setsunaku natte That someday we'll become adults,
あんまり上手に笑えなくて anmari jouzu ni waraenakute And I can't smile all that well,
その瞳を見てると笑えなくて sono me o miteru to waraenakute Not when I look into your eyes.
いつかは忘れていくものだって itsuka wa wasurete iku mono da tte "You say that we'll forget about
あなたは言うけど本当かなって anata wa iu kedo hontou kana tte These things someday, but is that true?"
もう二度と、もう二度と mou nidoto, mou nidoto I'm engraving these days
戻らない日々を modoranai hibi o That will never, ever return
強く、強く胸に刻みつける tsuyoku, tsuyoku mune ni kizamitsukeru Into my chest with so much force, so much force.

風が吹くその度思うの kaze ga fuku sono tabi omou no I think of those times the wind blows.
木漏れ日の中一人想うの komorebi no naka hitori omou no I think alone, the sunlight through the leaves patterning me.
さよならを口にすれば sayonara o kuchi ni sureba If I put "goodbye" into words,
全てが此処で消えていくから subete ga koko de kiete iku kara Everything would vanish here,
いつもの様に「またね」で返すよ itsumo no you ni "mata ne" de kaesu yo So I'll shoot a "see you later" like always.
だからまた出逢えたその時はほら dakara mata deaeta sono toki wa hora That's why the times we'll be able to meet again, look...
あの日と同じ様に ano hi to onaji you ni Let's just gently laugh,
ただ優しく笑い合おう tada yasashiku waraiaou The same as back then.
振り返らないで furikaeranaide Don't look back at me.
大丈夫 daijoubu I'm all right.
泣いてない naitenai I'm not crying.

English translation by MeaningfulUsername

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