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Song title | |||
"沈黙のサナギ" Romaji: Chinmoku no Sanagi English: The Silent Pupae | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
April 28, 2020 | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku | |||
Producer(s) | |||
犀は火曜日、山羊は海 (music, lyrics)
Masaki Yuu (illustration) | |||
Views | |||
9,900+ (NN), 1,400+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
The producer has uploaded a self-cover on YouTube. |
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Japanese | Romaji | English |
フラスコのジオラマで暮らそう | furasuko no jiorama de kurasou | Let’s live in a diorama of a flask! |
手狭だけど | tezema dakedo | It’s a little small, though. |
ミニマルに 物は少なめにしよう | minimaru ni mono wa sukuname ni shiyou | Minimal—yes, let’s keep things minimal. |
きっと君も僕も飛べないよ | kitto kimi mo boku mo tobenai yo | I don’t think either you or I can fly. |
翼はないよ | tsubasa wa nai yo | We have no wings. |
穏やかな自由落下 | odayaka na jiyuu rakka | The free fall is tranquil. |
感情を孕んで渦になる | kanjou o harande uzu ni naru | Pregnant with emotions, we turn into a vortex. |
環状に繋がれ疼きだす | kanjou ni tsunagare uzukidasu | Tied up in a circle, we start to throb. |
こんな春の夜の鬱屈を | konna haru no yoru no ukkutsu o | Looking down upon such a gloom |
見下ろしてる Silent Moon Light | mioroshiteru Silent Moon Light | Of a spring night is the silent moonlight. |
歌う春風 | utau harukaze | A spring breeze sings, |
「明日は曇りのち雨」と言った | "asu wa kumori nochi ame" to itta | Remarking “it’ll be cloudy then rainy tomorrow.” |
告げるネモフィラ | tsugeru nemofira | A Nemophila asks me: |
「そこにいて何か成せるんですかぁ?」 | "soko ni ite nanika naseru ndesu kaa?" | “Can you accomplish something in that place?” |
歌わないで! | utawanaide! | Don’t sing! |
美しく柔らかい言葉を | utsukushiku yawarakai kotoba o | Please don’t choose the beautiful, |
選ばないで | erabanaide | Tender words. |
今 メタモルフォーゼ | ima metamorufooze | Now, we metamorphose. |
風に乗っていける気がしてる | kaze ni notte ikeru ki ga shiteru | I feel like we can go ride upon the winds. |
泥沼に呑まれる気もしてる | doronuma ni nomareru ki mo shiteru | I also feel like we’ll be engulfed in a swamp. |
こんな春の夜の鬱屈を | konna haru no yoru no ukkutsu o | Looking down upon such a gloom |
見下ろしてる Silent Moon Light | mioroshiteru Silent Moon Light | Of a spring night is the silent moonlight. |
報す春風 | shirasu harukaze | A spring breeze informs, |
「明日は曇りのち雨」 と言った | "asu wa kumori nochi ame" to itta | Remarking “it’ll be cloudy then rainy tomorrow.” |
嗤うネモフィラ | warau nemofira | A nemophila sneers: |
「そこにいて何か成せるんですかぁ?」 | "soko ni ite nanka naseru ndesu kaa?" | “Can you accomplish something in that place?” |
口遊まないで! | kuchizusamanaide! | Don’t hum! |
美しく柔らかい言葉を | utsukushiku yawarakai kotoba o | Please don’t choose the beautiful, |
選ばないで 今 翅を開くよ | erabanaide ima hane o hiraku yo | Tender words. Now, we’re spreading our wings. |
English translation by Tackmyn Y.