! | Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors. People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised. |
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! | Warning: This song contains explicit elements (Violence); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences. All external links may also contain explicit elements. The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice. |
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Song title | |||
"死凶天邪鬼" Romaji: Shikyou Amanojaku English: Shikyou the Amanojaku | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
July 26, 2013 | |||
Singer | |||
Kagamine Rin, Hatsune Miku and GUMI | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Masa (music, lyrics, illustration)
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Views | |||
100,000+ (NN), 1,400,000+ (YT), 140,000+ (SC) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / SoundCloud Broadcast | |||
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Singer | Miku | Rin | GUMI | GUMI and Rin | GUMI and Miku | All |
Note: This song has been known as "Death, Misfortune and the Amanojaku" in Western fandom but "Shikyou the Amanojaku" is a more accurate translation.
Japanese | Romaji | English |
長イ髪ヲ分ケテ 首ヲ跳ネル前ニ | nagai kami o wakete kubi o haneru mae ni | We’ll part your long hair before decapitating you— |
腕 足 耳 指 | ude, ashi, mimi, yubi | Hands, feet, ears, fingers… |
死凶ノ神様達 道理ヲ諭ス前ニ | shikyou no kamisama tachi doori o satosu mae ni | O Shikyou gods, before instructing us of the truth, |
御許シ下サイ。(1,2,3 それ!) | oyurushi kudasai (ichi, ni, san, sore!) | Please forgive us (1, 2, 3, let’s go!) |
人間風情ノ神様ノ真似ハ | ningen fuzei no kamisama no mane wa | Mimicking the gods of lowly humans |
首無シ戴天 尺八袋噂 | kubinashi taiten shakuhachi teison | Is a headless existence, like whispers from a shakuhachi. |
我等ヲ讃エヌ 神ノ駄作達 | warera o tataenu kami no dasakutachi | Our shoddy creations won’t even praise us: |
「我等ノ天下ダ 神ナド要ラナイ。」 | "warera no tenga da kami nado iranai." | “This is our world! We don’t need gods.” |
ハイ、ハイ、ハイ、ああハイ、ハイ、ハイ | hai, hai, hai, aa hai, hai, hai | Hai! Hai! Hai! Ah, hai! Hai! Hai! |
我我我 あそれ | ga, ga, ga asore | Ga, ga, ga, asore! |
神々ノ話 アイツ等ガ居ルゾ | kamigami no hanashi aitsura ga iruzo | The gods spoken about in tales… they exist, you know! |
片足恵比寿ト面無シ毘沙門 | kataashi ebisu to men nashi bishamon | One legged Ebisu and the faceless Bishamonten… |
我等ヲ讃エヌ 神ノ駄作達 | warera o tataenu kami no dasakutachi | Our shoddy creations won’t even praise us: |
「我等の天下だ 神など要らない。」 | "warera no tenga da kami nado iranai." | “This is our world! We don’t need gods.” |
ハイ、ハイ、ハイ、ああハイ、ハイ、ハイ | hai, hai, hai, aa hai, hai, hai | Hai! Hai! Hai! Ah, hai! Hai! Hai! |
我我我 あそれ | ga, ga, ga asore | Ga, ga, ga, asore! |
長イ髪ヲ分ケテ 頭ヲ跳ネル前ニ | nagai kami o wakete atama o haneru mae ni | We’ll part your long hair before decapitating you, |
神ノ駄作達 跳ネル前ニ 跳ネル前ニ | kami no dasakutachi haneru mae ni, haneru mae ni | Our shoddy creations, before we decapitate you… |
死凶ノ神様達 道理ヲ諭ス前ニ | shikyou no kamisama tachi doori o sagasu mae ni | O Shikyou gods, before instructing us of the truth, |
御許シ下サイ 殺ス前ニ殺ス前ニ | oyurushi kudasai korosu mae ni, korosu mae ni | Please forgive us before you kill us. |
短イ命授ケ 頭ヲ跳ネタ後ニ | mijikai inochi sasuke atama o haneta ato ni | We shall award you short lives after decapitating you. |
神ノ駄作達 跳ネタ後ハ跳ネタ後ハ | kami no dasakutachi haneta ato wa, haneta ato wa | Our shoddy creations, after we decapitate you |
祭リ気味ニ歩キ 痛ミヲ悟ル前ニ | matsuri gimi ni aruki itami o satoru mae ni | March in a festive mood before you realise your pain! |
御許シ下サイ 跳ネル前ニ跳ネル前ニ | oyurushi kudasai haneru mae ni, haneru mae ni | Please forgive us before cutting off our heads. |
首無シ御寥ト死凶天邪鬼 首桶返セ | kubinashi oryou to shikyou amanojaku kubi oke kaese (hai, hai, hai, hai) | Headless spirits and Shikyou Amanojaku – give back the head basket! |
首無シ 首無シ 我我我 | kubinashi kubinashi ga, ga, ga | Headless, headless, ga, ga, ga! |
死ンデ償ウゾ 神ノ駄作達 | shinde tsugunau zo kami no dasakutachi (kieyuku mushi wa hai, hai, hai, hai) | Die and atone for your sins, shoddy creations of ours! The bugs fade away… |
首無シ 首無シ 我我我 | kubinashi kubinashi ga, ga, ga | Headless, headless, ga, ga, ga! |
神々ノ門デ 送リ火ヲ落シ | kamigami no monde okuribi o oroshi | At the gate of the gods, drop the ceremonial flame. |
暁ノ大蛇 化猫祭文 | "akatsuki no orochi, bakeneko saimon" | Orochi of the dawn. The bakeneko addresses the gods. |
我等ヲ讃エヌ 神ノ駄作達 | warera o tataenu kami no dasakutachi | Our shoddy creations won’t even praise us: |
「我等の天下だ 神など要らない。」 | "warera no tenga da kami nado iranai." | “This is our world! We don’t need gods.” |
ハイ、ハイ、ハイ、ああハイ、ハイ、ハイ | hai, hai, hai, aa hai, hai, hai | Hai! Hai! Hai! Ah, hai! Hai! Hai! |
我我我 あそれ | ga, ga, ga asore | Ga, ga, ga, asore! |
長イ髪ヲ分ケテ 頭ヲ跳ネル前ニ | nagai kami o wakete atama o haneru mae ni | We’ll part your long hair before decapitating you, |
神ノ駄作達 跳ネル前ニ 跳ネル前ニ | kami no dasakutachi haneru mae ni, haneru mae ni | Our shoddy creations, before we decapitate you… |
死凶ノ神様達 道理ヲ諭ス前ニ | shikyou no kamisama tachi doori o satosu mae ni | O Shikyou gods, before instructing us of the truth, |
御許シ下サイ 跳ネル前ニ跳ネル前ニ | oyurushi kudasai haneru mae ni, haneru mae ni | Please forgive us before you kill us. |
長イ髪ヲ分ケテ 頭ヲ跳ネル前ニ | nagai kami o wakete atama o haneru mae ni | We’ll part your long hair before decapitating you, |
神ノ駄作達 跳ネル前ニ 跳ネル前ニ | kami no dasakutachi haneru mae ni, haneru mae ni | Our shoddy creations, before we decapitate you… |
死凶ノ神様達 道理ヲ諭ス前ニ | shikyou no kamisama tachi doori o satosu mae ni | O Shikyou gods, before instructing us of the truth, |
御許シ下サイ 跳ネル前ニ跳ネル前ニ | oyurushi kudasai haneru mae ni, haneru mae ni | Please forgive us before you kill us. |
English translation by Releska
A remix of this song was featured on the following album:
A remaster of this song was featured on the following album:
External Links
- Blomaga - Lyrics
- Hatsune Miku Wiki
- VocaDB
- Releska - Translation source
- Vocaloid Wiki