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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Sakurabiyori to Time Machine
Song title
Romaji: Sakurabiyori to Taimu Mashin
English: Sakura Weather and Time Machine
Official English: Sakura Biyori and Time Machine
Original Upload Date
April 27, 2024
Hatsune Miku and Ado
Mafumafu (music, arrangement, lyrics)
Mitchie M (Miku tuning)
Uto Keiki (piano)
Gibson (strings)
vis (mix)
agyou (illustration)
Saki Naito (video)
67,000+ (NN) 2,100,000+ (YT), 150,000+ (BB)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / bilibili Broadcast


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Japanese Romaji Official English
今年も春が来ると 懐かしい声がするような kotoshi mo haru ga kuru to natsukashii koe ga suru you na As spring time comes around again this year, it's like hearing a nostalgic voice
忘れられないどれも 思い出の空に飾っている wasurerarenai dore mo omoide no sora ni kazatte iru All unforgettable, adorned on the sky of memories
桜舞う sakura mau Sakura petals dance

桜日和の空 ふたり 歩く道にはひとしきり sakurabiyori no sora futari aruku michi ni wa hitoshikiri Under the sky of sakura blooming weather, where the two walks, leaves a blank space
あと数センチの息遣い 果てしなく思えてしまう ato suusenchi no ikizukai hateshinaku omoete shimau Just a few centimeters away, how is it that it feels so far
不意に触った蕾が落ちていく 壊してしまうと気づいてから fui ni sawatta tsubomi ga ochite iku kowashite shimau to kizuite kara Flower buds fall off when I touch them unintentionally. As I realized it could break so easily
小さな一歩ほど怖く思っていた 君は笑っていたのに chiisana ippo hodo kowaku omotte ita kimi wa waratte ita no ni I got scared of taking the littlest steps, even though you were smiling

「さよなら」よりも相応しい言葉は "sayonara" yori mo fusawashii kotoba wa Word more fit to say than "good bye"
胸の奥につっかえて 初めて気づいたんだ mune no oku ni tsukkaete hajimete kizuita nda Got stuck in my chest, and I realized for the first time
恋していたんだなあ koishite ita nda naa I was in love

ああ 桜が色づいたら もう言葉を交わしたら aa sakura ga irozuitara mou kotoba o kawashitara Ah As the sakura blooms in color, as words are exchanged
ボクらの見ていた景色はいつかの bokura no mite ita keshiki wa itsuka no The view we were seeing must become
思い出に変わることが決まっていたんだってさ omoide ni kawaru koto ga kimatte ita nda tte sa the memories of someday, they say
タイムマシンに乗って ねえ あの日に戻してよ taimu mashin ni notte nee ano hi ni modoshite yo Get on a time machine, hey, take me back to that day
叶わないことばっか願う kanawanai koto bakka negau Only wishing for things that won't come true
本当はどうせ ずっと君のこと… hontou wa douse zutto kimi no koto… Really, it's always been you…
なんて言えやしないのに nante ieyashinai no ni I couldn't bring myself to say anyway

桜日和の空 ひとり この未来は見えていたのに sakurabiyori no sora hitori kono mirai wa miete ita no ni Under the sky of the sakura blooming weather, alone, I could see this future
君の声が聞こえた気がして どこかに探してしまう kimi no koe ga kikoeta ki ga shite dokoka ni sagashite shimau I thought I heard your voice, I find myself searching for it somewhere
思い出とかの言葉で蓋した ボクの後悔と散らかる部屋 omoide toka no kotoba de futa shita boku no koukai to chirakaru heya Closed up with words like memories, my regrets and the messy room
いつまで立ち止まり 言い訳してるんだろう itsu made tachidomari iiwake shiteru ndarou How long will I keep standing still, and making excuses?
変わらないままなんだろう kawaranai mama nan darou Will I ever be able to change
変われないままなんだよ kawarenai mama nanda yo Unable to change

君は誰かと笑えていますか ふたり歩いた思い出の空は kimi wa dareka to waraete imasu ka futari aruita omoide no sora wa Are you laughing with someone else? The sky of memories where the two walked
桜の世界 sakura no sekai A world of sakura

もう戻れないとわかっている mou modorenai to wakatte iru I already know I can't go back
届かないとわかっている todokanai to wakatte iru I already know I can't reach
だから言えるよ 好きだったよ dakara ieru yo suki datta yo That's why I can finally say, I loved you

ああ 桜が色めいている ああ 今更気づいたよ aa sakura ga iromeite iru aa imasara kizuita yo Ah Sakura blooms in full color Ah I've realized now
出会えばいつかは別れがくると deaeba itsuka wa wakare ga kuru to That if you meet, someday there will be a parting
近づいて 離れていく花びらのように chikazuite hanarete iku hanabira no you ni Coming close and drifting away like the falling petals
タイムマシンに乗って ねえ あの日に戻してよ taimu mashin ni notte nee ano hi ni modoshite yo Get on a time machine, hey, take me back to that day
叶わないことばっか願う kanawanai koto bakka negau Only wishing for things that won't come true
本当はどうせ ずっと君のこと… hontou wa douse zutto kimi no koto… Really, it's always been you…
なんて言えやしないのに nante ieyashinai no ni I couldn't bring myself to say anyway

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