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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Tokyo Summer Session
Song title
Romaji: Toukyou Samaa Sesshon
English: Tokyo Summer Session
Original Upload Date
July 24, 2015
GUMI and flower
HoneyWorks: Gom, Oji (music)
Gom, shito (lyrics)
HoneyWorks (arrangements)
Oji(Kaizoukuou) (guitar)
Hiroki169 (bass)
cake (keyboard)
AtsuyuK! (drums)
Orebanana-P (voice tuning)
keepout, M.B, Gito, Tama, Yamako, Rokoru (illustration)
Mogelatte (illustration, video)
750,000+ (NN), 12,000,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by ElectricRaichu, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his user page.
Singer flower GUMI Both
Japanese Romaji English
「やあこんにちは」 "yaa konnichiwa" “Hey, hi there!”
「こんにちは」 "Konnichiwa" “hi!”
「ねえ調子どう?」 "nee choushi dou?" “So, how’ve you been?”
「普通かな」 "futsuu kana" “As usual, I guess.”

「花火大会が来週あるんだってね」 "hanabi taikai ga raishuu aru nda tte ne" “Did you hear there’s a fireworks show next week?”
「あーゆー人が多いの俺は苦手なんだよな」 "aa yuu hito ga ooi no ore wa nigate na nda yo na" “I’m not good with crowds like that.”
「あーあ それじゃ誰か他をあたってみっか(怒)」 "aaa sore ja dareka hoka o ata tte mikka" “Aw, well then, I’ll have to try someone else! 😠(angry)”
「やっぱ楽しそうだな結構行きたいかも(汗)」 "yappa tanoshisou da na kekkou ikitai kamo" “Still, it sounds like fun. Maybe I’ll go. 😓(sweat drop)”

「のど渇いたな」 "nodo kawaita na" “I’m thirsty.”
「これ飲めば?」 "kore nomeba?" “Want a sip of this?”
「これっていわゆる間接キッス?」 "kore tte iwayuru kansetsu kissu?" “Is this what they call an indirect kiss?”
「…意識した?」 "… ishiki shita?" “… you noticed?”
「…意識した」 "… ishiki shita" “… I noticed.”
のどは渇いたまんま nodo wa kawaita manma But I’m still thirsty.

待ってる左手にほんの少し触れてみる matteru hidari te ni honno sukoshi furete miru I touch your left hand waiting there ever so slightly.
繋ぎたい繋ぎたいだけどポケットに隠れた tsunagitai tsunagitai dakedo poketto ni kakureta I want to touch, I want to touch, but instead I hide my hand in my pocket.
ほんとは気づいてるほんの少しで届く距離 honto wa kidzuiteru honno sukoshi de todoku kyori Actually, I’ve noticed you’re only a tiny distance away.
繋ぎたい繋ぎたい本音背中に隠すの tsunagitai tsunagitai honne senaka ni kakusu no I want to touch, the truth is I want to touch. But I hide my hand behind my back.

「何怒ってんの?気に障ることしましたっけ?」 "nani okotten no? Ki ni sawaru koto shimashita kke?" “What’re you mad about? Did I happen to do something to upset you?”
「ヒント:なんか今日は違う気がしませんか?」 "hinto: nanka kyou wa chigau ki ga shimasen ka?" “Hint: Haven’t you noticed something different about me today?”
「わかった!気にしないでいいよ太ったこと」 "wakatta! Ki ni shinaide ii yo futotta koto" “I know! You put on weight. Don’t worry about it.”
「殴るよ?15cm切った髪に気づけ」 "naguru yo? juugo senchi kitta kami ni kidzuke" “Do you want me to punch you? Notice how I cut my hair 15 cm shorter!”

「お腹空いたな」 "onaka suita na" “I’m hungry.”
「これ食べて」 "kore tabete" “Eat this.”
「これっていわゆる手作りクッキー?」 "kore tte iwayuru tezukuri kukkii?" “Hey are these the legendary homemade cookies?”
「…夏なのに?」 "…natsu nano ni?" “Even though it’s summer?”
「夏なのに♡」 "natsu nano ni" “Even though it’s summer. ♡”
のどが渇きますね nodo ga kawakimasu ne I’m thirsty.

ほんとは気づいてるほんの少しで届く距離 honto wa kidzuiteru honno sukoshi de todoku kyori Actually, I’ve noticed you’re only a tiny distance away.
繋ぎたい繋ぎたい掴む袖口引いてみる tsunagitai tsunagitai tsukamu sodeguchi hiite miru I want to touch, I want to touch. I grab your sleeve and give it a tug.

綺麗だね kirei da ne Isn’t she beautiful.
綺麗だね kirei da ne Aren’t they beautiful.
綺麗だよ kirei da yo She really is beautiful.
綺麗だよ kirei da yo They really are beautiful.

遠くから見てただけの花火が今目の前に tooku kara miteta dake no hanabi ga ima me no mae ni The fireworks I’ve watched from afar are now in front of my very eyes.
時を止め帰りたくないよね今日は toki o tome kaeritaku nai yo ne kyou wa Today, I wish I could stop time and never go home.

「…好きかもね」 "...suki kamo ne" “… I think I like you.”
「…好きかもね」 "...suki kamo ne" “… I think I like you.”

待ってる左手にほんの少し触れてみる matteru hidari te ni honno sukoshi furete miru I touch your left hand waiting there ever so slightly.
繋ぎたい繋ぎたい君を黙って奪うよ tsunagitai tsunagitai kimi o damatte ubau yo I want to touch, I want to touch. I’ll silently steal your heart.
ほんとは気づいてるほんの少しで届く距離 honto wa kidzuiteru honno sukoshi de todoku kyori Actually, I’ve noticed you’re only a tiny distance away.
繋ぎたい繋ぎたいぎゅっと握り返すよ tsunagitai tsunagitai gyutto nigiri kaesu yo I want to touch, I want to touch, so I firmly grasp your hand too.

English translation by ElectricRaichu

Notable Derivatives[]

Tokyo Summer Session
Amatsuki & 96Neko parody cover
Featuring: Amatsuki and 96Neko
Tokyo Summer Session
Mirai and Kobasolo cover
Featuring: Mirai
Producer(s): Kobasolo (musician)


This song was featured on the following albums:

External Links[]

