Song title | |||
"東京サマーセッション" Romaji: Toukyou Samaa Sesshon English: Tokyo Summer Session | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
July 24, 2015 | |||
Singer | |||
GUMI and flower | |||
Producer(s) | |||
HoneyWorks: Gom, Oji (music)
Gom, shito (lyrics) HoneyWorks (arrangements) Oji(Kaizoukuou) (guitar) Hiroki169 (bass) cake (keyboard) AtsuyuK! (drums) Orebanana-P (voice tuning) keepout, M.B, Gito, Tama, Yamako, Rokoru (illustration) Mogelatte (illustration, video) | |||
Views | |||
750,000+ (NN), 12,000,000+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
Originally sung by Sana and CHiCO |
! | ! |
Singer | flower | GUMI | Both |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
「やあこんにちは」 | "yaa konnichiwa" | “Hey, hi there!” |
「こんにちは」 | "Konnichiwa" | “hi!” |
「ねえ調子どう?」 | "nee choushi dou?" | “So, how’ve you been?” |
「普通かな」 | "futsuu kana" | “As usual, I guess.” |
「花火大会が来週あるんだってね」 | "hanabi taikai ga raishuu aru nda tte ne" | “Did you hear there’s a fireworks show next week?” |
「あーゆー人が多いの俺は苦手なんだよな」 | "aa yuu hito ga ooi no ore wa nigate na nda yo na" | “I’m not good with crowds like that.” |
「あーあ それじゃ誰か他をあたってみっか(怒)」 | "aaa sore ja dareka hoka o ata tte mikka" | “Aw, well then, I’ll have to try someone else! 😠(angry)” |
「やっぱ楽しそうだな結構行きたいかも(汗)」 | "yappa tanoshisou da na kekkou ikitai kamo" | “Still, it sounds like fun. Maybe I’ll go. 😓(sweat drop)” |
「のど渇いたな」 | "nodo kawaita na" | “I’m thirsty.” |
「これ飲めば?」 | "kore nomeba?" | “Want a sip of this?” |
「これっていわゆる間接キッス?」 | "kore tte iwayuru kansetsu kissu?" | “Is this what they call an indirect kiss?” |
「…意識した?」 | "… ishiki shita?" | “… you noticed?” |
「…意識した」 | "… ishiki shita" | “… I noticed.” |
のどは渇いたまんま | nodo wa kawaita manma | But I’m still thirsty. |
待ってる左手にほんの少し触れてみる | matteru hidari te ni honno sukoshi furete miru | I touch your left hand waiting there ever so slightly. |
繋ぎたい繋ぎたいだけどポケットに隠れた | tsunagitai tsunagitai dakedo poketto ni kakureta | I want to touch, I want to touch, but instead I hide my hand in my pocket. |
ほんとは気づいてるほんの少しで届く距離 | honto wa kidzuiteru honno sukoshi de todoku kyori | Actually, I’ve noticed you’re only a tiny distance away. |
繋ぎたい繋ぎたい本音背中に隠すの | tsunagitai tsunagitai honne senaka ni kakusu no | I want to touch, the truth is I want to touch. But I hide my hand behind my back. |
「何怒ってんの?気に障ることしましたっけ?」 | "nani okotten no? Ki ni sawaru koto shimashita kke?" | “What’re you mad about? Did I happen to do something to upset you?” |
「ヒント:なんか今日は違う気がしませんか?」 | "hinto: nanka kyou wa chigau ki ga shimasen ka?" | “Hint: Haven’t you noticed something different about me today?” |
「わかった!気にしないでいいよ太ったこと」 | "wakatta! Ki ni shinaide ii yo futotta koto" | “I know! You put on weight. Don’t worry about it.” |
「殴るよ?15cm切った髪に気づけ」 | "naguru yo? juugo senchi kitta kami ni kidzuke" | “Do you want me to punch you? Notice how I cut my hair 15 cm shorter!” |
「お腹空いたな」 | "onaka suita na" | “I’m hungry.” |
「これ食べて」 | "kore tabete" | “Eat this.” |
「これっていわゆる手作りクッキー?」 | "kore tte iwayuru tezukuri kukkii?" | “Hey are these the legendary homemade cookies?” |
「…夏なのに?」 | "…natsu nano ni?" | “Even though it’s summer?” |
「夏なのに♡」 | "natsu nano ni" | “Even though it’s summer. ♡” |
のどが渇きますね | nodo ga kawakimasu ne | I’m thirsty. |
ほんとは気づいてるほんの少しで届く距離 | honto wa kidzuiteru honno sukoshi de todoku kyori | Actually, I’ve noticed you’re only a tiny distance away. |
繋ぎたい繋ぎたい掴む袖口引いてみる | tsunagitai tsunagitai tsukamu sodeguchi hiite miru | I want to touch, I want to touch. I grab your sleeve and give it a tug. |
綺麗だね | kirei da ne | Isn’t she beautiful. |
綺麗だね | kirei da ne | Aren’t they beautiful. |
綺麗だよ | kirei da yo | She really is beautiful. |
綺麗だよ | kirei da yo | They really are beautiful. |
遠くから見てただけの花火が今目の前に | tooku kara miteta dake no hanabi ga ima me no mae ni | The fireworks I’ve watched from afar are now in front of my very eyes. |
時を止め帰りたくないよね今日は | toki o tome kaeritaku nai yo ne kyou wa | Today, I wish I could stop time and never go home. |
「…好きかもね」 | "...suki kamo ne" | “… I think I like you.” |
「…好きかもね」 | "...suki kamo ne" | “… I think I like you.” |
待ってる左手にほんの少し触れてみる | matteru hidari te ni honno sukoshi furete miru | I touch your left hand waiting there ever so slightly. |
繋ぎたい繋ぎたい君を黙って奪うよ | tsunagitai tsunagitai kimi o damatte ubau yo | I want to touch, I want to touch. I’ll silently steal your heart. |
ほんとは気づいてるほんの少しで届く距離 | honto wa kidzuiteru honno sukoshi de todoku kyori | Actually, I’ve noticed you’re only a tiny distance away. |
繋ぎたい繋ぎたいぎゅっと握り返すよ | tsunagitai tsunagitai gyutto nigiri kaesu yo | I want to touch, I want to touch, so I firmly grasp your hand too. |
English translation by ElectricRaichu
Notable Derivatives[]
Amatsuki & 96Neko parody cover |
Featuring: Amatsuki and 96Neko |
Mirai and Kobasolo cover |
Featuring: Mirai |
Producer(s): Kobasolo (musician) |
YT |
This song was featured on the following albums:
- ボカコレ3 (VocaColle3) (album)
- 一期一会 (Ichigoichie)
External Links[]
- Niconico - Sana & CHiCO version
- Confession Executive Committee Wiki
- Hatsune Miku Wiki
- Len's Lyrics - Translation Source
- UtaiteDB
- VocaDB