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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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My True Self
Song title
Romaji: Hontou no Jibun
English: My True Self
Original Upload Date
August 14, 2008
Hatsune Miku
NiitoP (music, lyrics)
Growth (illustration)
Niconico Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
何故こんなにも心泣き疲れてるの? naze konna ni mo kokoro nakitsukareteru no? Why is it that my heart’s so sick of crying?
何故こんなにも自分が嫌いなの? naze konna ni mo jibun ga kirai na no? Why is it that I hate myself so much?

通り過ぎる人々の笑顔は toorisugiru hitobito no egao wa Are the smiles of the people passing me by
私の事笑っているの? watashi no koto waratte iru no? Laughing about me?

何故私、呼吸をしてるの? naze watashi kokyuu o shiteru no? Why am I breathing right now?
痛み無く止まればいいのに itami naku tomareba ii no ni If only it could all end painlessly!

誰か助けて 孤独を叫んでいるココロ dareka tasukete kodoku o sakende iru kokoro Someone help me! My heart screams of its loneliness.

強がっていても 早く見つけ出して欲しい tsuyogatte itte mo hayaku mitsukedashite hoshii I want you to hurry up and realize the truth no matter how hard I bluff.

何故こんなにも心寂しがっているのに naze konna ni mo kokoro sabishigatte iru no ni Why is it that I reject people so much
何故こんなにも他人を拒んでいるの? naze konna ni mo tanin o kobande iru no? Even though my heart is so lonely?

明日私がこの世界から消えても ashita watashi ga kono sekai kara kiete mo I could disappear from this world tomorrow,
泣いてくれる人は誰一人いないでしょう naite kureru hito wa dare hitori inai deshou And still, not a single person would bother to cry for me, would they?

共に笑い、共に泣く tomo ni warai, tomo ni naku "I" am screaming, all alone now,
大切な人が欲しいと taisetsu na hito ga hoshii to That I wish I had someone important to me
もう1人の[ワタシ]が嘆き叫んでいるの mou hitori no [watashi] ga nageki sakende iru no Who would laugh with me, cry with me.

トモダチは 電子で出来た tomodachi wa denshi de dekita “Friends” are made from electrons.
淡く光る 箱庭の中 awaku hikaru hakoniwa no naka They shine faintly in this miniature garden.

離れやすく 近づきやすい hanareyasuku chikazukiyasui They’re easy to drift away from and easy to approach.
目障りなら 突き放せばいい mezawari nara tsukihanaseba ii If they’re an eyesore, you can push them away.

だけど気付いてる 満たされていない存在 dakedo kizuiteru mitasarete inai sonzai But I'm becoming aware of my unsatisfied existence.
こんな自分を捨てて 生まれ変りたいんでしょう? konna jibun o sutete umarekawaritai ndeshou? I want to throw away such a self and be reborn, don’t I?

今もこんなに 小さな波紋にさえ ima mo konna ni chiisana hamon ni sae Even being scared of such small ripples, even now,
怯え触れる事すらためらっているままで obie fureru koto sura tameatte iru mama de I’m continuing to hesitate about touching them.

密かに憧れた「本当の自分」になんてなれるはず無い hisoka ni akogareta "hontou no jibun" ni nante nareru hazu nai I shouldn’t be able to become anything like “my true self” which I’d secretly yearned for.
いい加減目を覚まして ii kagen me o samashite I’m done with this. Open your eyes.

あなた([ワタシ])が映る、人の心の鏡に、微笑んだ私がそこには居ますか?  anata ga utsuru, hito no kokoro no kagami ni, hohoenda watashi wa soko ni wa imasu ka? You (or is it “I”?) am reflected in the mirror of someone’s heart. Am I there with a smile on my face?

今のあなたの背中は自分で押して行って ima no anata no senaka wa jibun de oshite itte Give this version of you a shove from behind all by yourself.
消えてゆく[ワタシ]がずっと見てあげるから kiete yuku watashi wa zutto mite ageru kara “I” am disappearing, but I’ll always watch over you, after all.

English translation by MeaningfulUsername


This song was featured on the following albums:

  • Nostalgia Ⅱ ~Compilation of 13 Jewels~
  • 14 -fourteen-

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