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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Moon West River
Song title
Pinyin: Yuè Xī Jiāng
Romaji: Getsuseikou
Official English: Moon West River
English: Moonlit Xijiang River
Original Upload Date
May 8, 2010
Hatsune Miku
SolPie (music, lyrics)
6,100+ (NN), 3,400+ (PP), 340,000+ (A8)
Niconico Broadcast (deleted) / piapro Broadcast / A8 Broadcast (unavailable)
YouTube Broadcast (reprint)

Alternate Versions

Yuexijiang graduation
Graduation extended ver.
Upload date: April 25, 2010
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
A8 (unavailable)
Yuexijiang pv
3DPV ver.
Upload date: July 18, 2010
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): SolPie (music, lyrics), DDF (video)
Moon West River
Japanese ver.
Upload date: August 31, 2010
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): SolPie (music, lyrics)
NN / YT (reprint)
Made for Miku's birthday anniversary

Yuexijiang jaychou
Night Flower ver.
Upload date: February 3, 2011
Featuring: Jay Chou (spoof)
NN / BB / PP
Moon West River
2012 ver.
Upload date: January 12, 2012
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Yuexijiang tenyears
十年泛 ver.
Upload date: August 10, 2015
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): SolPie (music, lyrics), Abit (illustration)

Yue Xi Jiang Chun Lei
Spring Thunder version
Upload date: August 24, 2022
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): SolPie (music, lyrics, arrange), Qianye QYS3 (illustration), RURINEKO IMAGE (PV)
Made to commemorate Miku V4C's fifth anniversary.


Chinese Pinyin English
日暮江水遠 rìmù jiāngshuǐ yuǎn As the sun sets far into the river,
入夜隨風遷 rùyè suí fēng qiān I enter the night with the wind.
秋葉亂水月 qiū yè luàn shuǐ yuè The autumn leaves distort the moon's reflection,
疏影倚窗邊 shū yǐng yǐ chuāng biān I sit beside my window weakly.

夜末香未眠 yè mò xiāng wèi mián Night jasmines are not yet asleep,
尋花情已倦 xún huā qíng yǐ juàn but I've grown weary of searching for flowers.
愁上晚柳月 chóu shàng wǎn liǔ yuè Shone by the moon,
思念兩處閑 sīniàn liǎng chù xián I lament under a willow tree at night, thinking about my lover.

你的美 望穿東去流水 nǐ dì měi wàng chuān dōng qù liúshuǐ Even the great river flowing east is no match for your beauty.
溫柔怎耐長夜 瀾風冰雪 wēnróu zěn nài chángyè lán fēng bīngxuě No tenderness can withstand a long night of a frigid stormy snow.
花見淚 灑落在飄~零間 huājiàn lèi sǎluò zài piāo~líng jiān The flowers' tears fall, scatter, and vanish.
滿山哭紅的葉 任風隨 mǎn shān kū hóng de yè rèn fēng suí The leaves in the mountain, with their eyes wept red, are blown away by the wind.

晚風岸撫~柳~ 笛聲殘 wǎn fēng àn fǔ~ liǔ~ dí shēng cán The night's breeze caresses the willow trees. Only the sound of the flute remains.
看紅葉 秋色染 kàn hóngyè qiūsè rǎn Red leaves, dyed in autumn's color,
飄零滿江 千裏風~霜 piāolíng mǎn jiāng qiān lǐ fēng~shuāng scatter into the great river and flow for thousands of miles.
扶手一行茉莉紗 不覺胭~脂傷 fúshǒu yīhéng mòlì shā bù jué yān~zhī shāng A veil of jasmine flowers are not aware of the pain of a maiden's transient life.
淚~沿傾~~灑 lèi~ yán qīng~~ sǎ My tears begin to pour into the river.

水依然長~流~ 莫相伴 shuǐ yīrán cháng~liú~ mò xiāngbàn The water still flows on without a companion.
夢已晚 秋水漲 mèng yǐ wǎn qiūshuǐ zhǎng The dream is old, and the autumn water's elevated.
雁字回時 愁斷人腸 yàn zì huí shí chóu duàn rén cháng By the time when the geese migrate back, I'm already tormented by my grief.
淚已漫長夜之觴 lèi yǐ mànchángyè zhī shāng My tears have been flowing for too long in this night as I hold up my wine cup.
山水 兩~茫茫 shānshuǐ liǎng~ mángmáng We, just like the mountains and the waters, are both weary of longing.
水~ 把琴聲淌 shuǐ~ bǎ qín shēng tǎng The river carried off the sound of my guqin.

你的美 望穿東去流水 nǐ dì měi wàng chuān dōng qù liúshuǐ Even the great river that flows east is no match for your beauty.
溫柔怎耐長夜 瀾風冰雪 wēnróu zěn nài cháng yè lán fēng bīngxuě No tenderness can withstand a long night of a frigid stormy snow.
花見淚 灑落在飄~零間 huājiàn lèi sǎluò zài piāo~líng jiān The flowers' tears fall, scatter, and vanish.
滿山哭紅的葉 任風隨 mǎn shān kū hóng de yè rèn fēng suí The leaves in the mountain, with their eyes wept red, are blown away by the wind.

晚風岸撫~柳~ 笛聲殘 wǎn fēng àn fǔ~ liǔ~ dí shēng cán The night's breeze caresses the willow trees. Only the sound of the flute remains.
看紅葉 秋色染 kàn hóngyè qiūsè rǎn Red leaves, dyed in autumn's color,
飄零滿江 千裏風~霜 piāolíng mǎn jiāng qiān lǐ fēng~shuāng scatter into the great river and flow for thousands of miles.
扶手一行茉莉紗 不覺胭~脂傷 fúshǒu yīhéng mòlì shā bù jué yān~zhī shāng A veil of jasmine flowers are not aware of the pain of a maiden's transient life.
淚~沿傾~~灑 lèi~ yán qīng~~ sǎ My tears begin to pour into the river.

淚已漫長夜之觴 lèi yǐ màncháng yè zhī shāng My tears have been flowing for too long in this night as I hold up my wine cup.
山水 兩~茫茫 shānshuǐ liǎng~ mángmáng We, just like the mountains and the waters, are both weary of longing.
水~ 把琴聲淌 shuǐ~ bǎ qín shēng tǎng The river carried off the sound of my guqin.

晚風岸撫~柳~ 笛聲殘 wǎn fēng àn fǔ~ liǔ~ dí shēng cán The night's breeze caresses the willow trees. Only the sound of the flute remains.
看紅葉 秋色染 kàn hóngyè qiūsè rǎn Red leaves, dyed in autumn's color,
飄零滿江 千裏風~霜 piāolíng mǎn jiāng qiān lǐ fēng~shuāng scatter into the great river and flow for thousands of miles.
扶手一行茉莉紗 不覺胭~脂傷 fúshǒu yīhéng mòlì shā bù jué yān~zhī shāng A veil of jasmine flowers are not aware of the pain of a maiden's transient life.
淚~沿傾~~灑 lèi~ yán qīng~~ sǎ My tears begin to pour into the river.
English translation by animeyay

Japanese Romaji English
日暮れ higure The wind is distant
遠く風 tooku kaze at twilight.
月影が tsukikage ga The shadow of the moon
窓に映す mado ni utsusu Reflects upon my window.

香り今 kaori ima Now, your scent
もう残らぬ mou nokoranu No longer remains.
思い出は omoide wa These memories of you
胸に刺さる mune ni sasaru Move my heart.

君は、もう側にいぬ kimi wa, mou soba ni inu You are by my side no longer,
空気に触れたこの指痛い kuuki ni fureta kono yubi (itai) And my fingers hurt where they touch the empty space.
涙花に舞い落ち namida hana ni maiochi My tears are fluttering down onto the flowers,
紅葉は風と共に momiji wa kaze to tomo ni While autumn colors are being blown in on the wind.

さらばもう一度 saraba mou ichido “Farewell. May we meet once more.”
笛を吹いて fue o fuite I shall deliver
届ける この思い todokeru kono omoi These emotions to you through my flute.
君のいた秋の川岸 kimi no ita aki no kawagishi I remember the riverbank in autumn, when you were there,
月だけ照らして tsuki dake terashite Illuminated only by the moon.

最後の優しい saigo no yasashii Your final
囁きが sasayaki ga Gentle whisper
耳の傍に落ちる mimi no soba ni ochiru Falls near my ear.
さようならと sayounara to The wild geese
雁が鳴く gari ga naku Cry out, “Goodbye!”
流れの向こうへ nagare no (mu)kou e As they head beyond where the river flows.

君は、もう側にいぬ kimi wa, mou soba ni inu You are by my side no longer,
空気に触れたこの指痛い kuuki ni fureta kono yubi (itai) And my fingers hurt where they touch the empty space.
涙花に舞い落ち namida hana ni maiochi My tears are fluttering down onto the flowers,
紅葉は風と共に momiji wa kaze to tomo ni While autumn colors are being blown in on the wind.

さらばもう一度 saraba mou ichido “Farewell. May we meet once more.”
笛を吹いて fue o fuite I shall deliver
届ける この思い todokeru kono omoi These emotions to you through my flute.
君のいた秋の川岸 kimi no ita aki no kawagishi I remember the riverbank in autumn, when you were there,
月だけ照らして tsuki dake terashite Illuminated only by the moon.

さようならと sayounara to The wild geese
雁が鳴く gari ga naku Cry out, “Goodbye!”
流れの向こうへ nagare no (mu)kou e As they head beyond where the river flows.

さらばもう一度 saraba mou ichido “Farewell. May we meet once more.”
笛を吹いて fue o fuite I shall deliver
届ける この思い todokeru kono omoi These emotions to you through my flute.
君のいた秋の川岸 kimi no ita aki no kawagishi I remember the riverbank in autumn, when you were there,
月だけ照らして tsuki dake terashite Illuminated only by the moon.
English translation by MeaningfulUsername

Chinese Pinyin English
日暮江水遠 rìmù jiāngshuǐ yuǎn As the sun sets far into the river,
入夜隨風遷 rùyè suí fēng qiān I enter the night with the wind.
秋葉亂水月 qiū yè luàn shuǐ yuè The autumn leaves distort the moon's reflection,
疏影倚窗邊 shū yǐng yǐ chuāng biān I sit beside my window weakly.

夜末香未眠 yè mò xiāng wèi mián Night jasmines are not yet asleep,
尋花情已倦 xún huā qíng yǐ juàn but I've grown weary of searching for flowers.
愁上晚柳月 chóu shàng wǎn liǔ yuè Shone by the moon,
思念兩處閑 sīniàn liǎng chù xián I lament under a willow tree at night, thinking about my lover.

你的美 望穿東去流水 nǐ dì měi wàng chuān dōng qù liúshuǐ Even the great river flowing east is no match for your beauty.
溫柔怎耐長夜 瀾風冰雪 wēnróu zěn nài chángyè lán fēng bīngxuě No tenderness can withstand a long night of a frigid stormy snow.
花見淚 灑落在飄~零間 huājiàn lèi sǎluò zài piāo~líng jiān The flowers' tears fall, scatter, and vanish.
滿山哭紅的葉 任風隨 mǎn shān kū hóng de yè rèn fēng suí The leaves in the mountain, with their eyes wept red, are blown away by the wind.

晚風岸撫~柳~ 笛聲殘 wǎn fēng àn fǔ~ liǔ~ dí shēng cán The night's breeze caresses the willow trees. Only the sound of the flute remains.
看紅葉 秋色染 kàn hóngyè qiūsè rǎn Red leaves, dyed in autumn's color,
飄零滿江 千裏風~霜 piāolíng mǎn jiāng qiān lǐ fēng~shuāng scatter into the great river and flow for thousands of miles.
扶手一行茉莉紗 不覺胭~脂傷 fúshǒu yīhéng mòlì shā bù jué yān~zhī shāng A veil of jasmine flowers are not aware of the pain of a maiden's transient life.
淚~沿傾~~灑 lèi~ yán qīng~~ sǎ My tears begin to pour into the river.

水依然長~流~ 莫相伴 shuǐ yīrán cháng~liú~ mò xiāngbàn The water still flows on without a companion.
夢已晚 秋水漲 mèng yǐ wǎn qiūshuǐ zhǎng The dream is old, and the autumn water's elevated.
雁字回時 愁斷人腸 yàn zì huí shí chóu duàn rén cháng By the time when the geese migrate back, I'm already tormented by my grief.
淚已漫長夜之觴 lèi yǐ mànchángyè zhī shāng My tears have been flowing for too long in this night as I hold up my wine cup.
山水 兩~茫茫 shānshuǐ liǎng~ mángmáng We, just like the mountains and the waters, are both weary of longing.
水~ 把琴聲淌 shuǐ~ bǎ qín shēng tǎng The river carried off the sound of my guqin.

晚風月西岸 紅葉秋色染 wǎn fēngyuè xī'àn hóngyè qiūsè rǎn The night's breeze caresses the western shore. Red leaves, dyed in autumn's color,
飄零滿江泛 晚花殘遠方 piāolíng mǎn jiāng fàn wǎnhuā cán yuǎnfāng scatter into the great river. The night flowers remain far away.

你的美 望穿東去流水 nǐ dì měi wàng chuān dōng qù liúshuǐ Even the great river flowing east is no match for your beauty.
溫柔怎耐長夜 瀾風冰雪 wēnróu zěn nài chángyè lán fēng bīngxuě No tenderness can withstand a long night of a frigid stormy snow.
花見淚 灑落在飄~零間 huājiàn lèi sǎluò zài piāo~líng jiān The flowers' tears fall, scatter, and vanish.
滿山哭紅的葉 任風隨 mǎn shān kū hóng de yè rèn fēng suí The leaves in the mountain, with their eyes wept red, are blown away by the wind.

晚風岸撫~柳~ 笛聲殘 wǎn fēng àn fǔ~ liǔ~ dí shēng cán The night's breeze caresses the willow trees. Only the sound of the flute remains.
看紅葉 秋色染 kàn hóngyè qiūsè rǎn Red leaves, dyed in autumn's color,
飄零滿江 千裏風~霜 piāolíng mǎn jiāng qiān lǐ fēng~shuāng scatter into the great river and flow for thousands of miles.
扶手一行茉莉紗 不覺胭~脂傷 fúshǒu yīhéng mòlì shā bù jué yān~zhī shāng A veil of jasmine flowers are not aware of the pain of a maiden's transient life.
淚~沿江傾~~灑 lèi ~yán jiāng qīng~~sǎ My tears begin to pour into the river.
English translation by animeyay, with edits by Emiliers

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