! | Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors. People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised. |
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! | Warning: This song contains questionable elements (cheating, suicidal ideation); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences. All external links may also contain questionable elements. The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice. |
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Song title | |||
"春はバケモノ" Romaji: Haru wa Bakemono English: Spring Is a Demon[1] | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
December 23, 2019 | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
58,000+ (NN), 170,000+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
“Attachment lingers until the pulse stops” Composer’s 7th work. |
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Japanese | Romaji | English |
恋して至った | koishite itatta | I fell in love and ended up here— |
今に尚更 沁みるのはきっと | ima ni naosara shimiru no wa kitto | This emotion stinging me even more at this late hour |
「愛せやしないや、もう誰も」って | "aiseyashinai ya, mou dare mo" tte | Must be because “I can’t love anybody now”; |
秋風が立った何年後でさえも | akikaze ga tatta nannengo de sae mo | Even several years after our love began to cool off, |
乙女のように穢れない君は居ない | otome no you ni kegarenai kimi wa inai | You, as pure as a maiden, will never be there. |
それでも魘われる あの春に | sore demo osowareru ano haru ni | Be that as it may, that springtime still torments me, |
諦めが私に憑く未来世まで | akirame ga watashi ni tsuku miraise made | Even in the afterlife where resignation would be haunting me. |
「もういいかい」をもう一回 | "mou ii kai" o mou ikkai | Just one more “are you ready”; |
それで幸福感は掴めたの | sore de koufukukan wa tsukameta no | That was more than enough for me to feel happiness. |
いずれ終るために始めたいのなら | izure owaru tame ni hajimetai no nara | If you’d like to start this while intending to end it before long, |
いっそ思いを初めないで | isso omoi o somenaide | Then please don’t fall in love in the first place. |
「呼吸をしただけ」とでも言いたげに | "kokyuu o shita dake" to demo ii tage ni | As much as to say “I just took some breath,” |
徒事を示したあなたなんか | adagoto o shimeshita anata nanka | You’ve done something untrue to me, |
どうなったっていいし | dou nattatte ii shi | So I don’t care whatever becomes of you, |
あわよくば果敢なくなって仕舞えばいい | awayokuba hakanaku natte shimaeba ii | And if possible, I’d appreciate it if you just go to your long home. |
嗚呼 | aa | Alas, |
どうしようかもう死のうか | doushiyou ka mou shinou ka | What should I do? Will I just die already? |
「もういいよ、黙って──相合傘は諄い」 | "mou ii yo, damatte── aiaigasa wa kudoi" | “That’s enough, just shut up──it’s so sickening to share an umbrella.” |
従って不退転がない私は | shitagatte futaiten ga nai watashi wa | Therefore, bereft of determination, |
噤んで啼いて過去を嫉む | tsugunde naite kako o sonemu | I hold my tongue, let out a cry, and begrudge the past. |
どうしようかもう死のうか | doushiyou ka mou shinou ka | What should I do? Will I just die already? |
御釈迦になった体は成せないからさ | oshaka ni natta ten wa nasenai kara sa | It’s not as if I could pretend that I’ve departed this life, after all. |
言っても今更 | itte mo imasara | It’s too late to say that— |
恋していたって | koishite itatte | Even if I’ve fallen in love, |
「今」もそのうちに飽くから きっと | "ima" mo sono uchi ni aku kara kitto | I’ll even be bored of “the present” sooner or later, I believe, |
「愛せやしないや、冷めたんだ」って | "aiseyashinai ya, sameta nda" tte | So I conclude: “I can’t love you, for I fell out of love.” |
秋風が立った数年後になれば | akikaze ga tatta suunengo ni nareba | Some years after our love began to cool off, |
形だけの愛しみは | katachi dake no aishimi wa | I’ll be very sick of that |
もう嫌だから | mou iya dakara | Superficial affection of yours; |
如何せん君は幸せ | ikansen kimi wa shiawase | To my regret, you’re so happy. |
「何で、私だけ見捨てて──」 | "nande, watashi dake misutete──" | “Just why, did you forsake only me──” |
金輪際 看做さない | konrinzai minasanai | Never shall I regard you |
君を倦怠感の果てだとは | kimi o kentaikan no hate da to wa | As the extremity of fatigue again. |
「煩い」や「嫌い」とでも思い込んでさえ | "urusai" ya "kirai" to demo omoikonde sae | Telling myself that “he’s noisy” or “he’s detestable” |
咲いた想いは消えないや | saita omoi wa kienai ya | Is powerless to deaden my feelings in bloom. |
「呼吸をしただけ」とでも言いたげに | "kokyuu o shita dake" to demo ii tage ni | As much as to say “I just took some breath,” |
あからめを示した なんて嘘さ | akarame o shimeshita nante uso sa | You went unfaithful—well, that’s not true. |
如何してなんだろうか | doushite nan darou ka | I wonder why it is that |
苟も果敢なくなってく気はしない | iyashikumo hakanaku natteku ki wa shinai | I don’t feel like going to my long home at all. |
別の春に移ろった君は愛を掠めたの | betsu no haru ni utsuro tta kimi wa ai o kasumeta no | Having moved on to another spring, you snatched off my love, |
洗い浚い 欠片も無いと知った | araizarai kakera mo nai to shitta | And that completely; I learned that there wasn’t an ounce of it now. |
「私の未練も奪い去ってくれよ」 | "watashi no miren mo ubaisatte kure yo" | “Why don’t you take away my attachment, too?” |
それだけで未だ匙を投げないで | sore dake de ima da saji o nagenaide | Please just don’t throw in the towel upon hearing that alone. |
「──巫山戯んなよ」 | "──fuzaken na yo" | “──Don’t mess with me.” |
嗚呼 | aa | Alas, |
どうしようかもう死のうか | doushiyou ka mou shinou ka | What should I do? Will I just die already? |
「もういいよ、黙って──相対は嫌だからさ」 | "mou ii yo, damatte ──aitai wa iya dakara sa" | “That’s enough, just shut up──I don’t want anything vis-a-vis.” |
微睡んで不退転がない私は | madoronde futaiten ga nai watashi wa | In a drowse and bereft of determination, |
「厭」を装った 何の為に | "iya" o yosoutta nani no tame ni | I pretended that I “hated” you—for what purpose? |
どうしようかもう死のうか | doushiyou ka mou shinou ka | What should I do? Will I just die already? |
御釈迦になった体は成せないけれど | oshaka ni natta ten wa nasenai keredo | It’s not as if I could pretend that I’ve departed this life, after all. |
それでもずっと | soredemo zutto | Even so, I’ll always be— |
恋して至った | koishite ita tta | I fell in love and ended up here— |
今に尚更 沁みるのはきっと | ima ni naosara shimiru no wa kitto | This emotion stinging me even more at this late hour |
「愛せやしないや、もう誰も」って | "aiseyashinai ya, mou dare mo" tte | Must be because “I can’t love anybody now”; |
秋風が立った何年後でさえも | akikaze ga tatta nannengo de sae mo | Even several years after our love began to cool off, |
乙女のように穢れない君は居ない | otome no you ni kegarenai kimi wa inai | You, as pure as a maiden, will never be there. |
それでも魘われる あの春に | soredemo osowareru ano haru ni | Be that as it may, that springtime still torments me; |
諦めが囁くのはいつ | akirame ga sasayaku no wa itsu | When will resignation whisper in my ear? |
恋して仕舞った | koishite shimatta | I wound up falling in love— |
なんと呪われた因果だろう | nanto norowareta inga darou | What an utterly cursed fate this is! |
逆様になって戦慄いたって | sakasama ni natte wananaita tte | Even if I turned upside-down and trembled in fear, |
変わらない想いは今際でさえも | kawaranai omoi wa ima wa de sae mo | My feelings would remain unchanged even on the verge of perishing, |
花曇りが此処に終る | hanagumori ga koko ni owaru | And the hazy spring weather will be ending here. |
「もう一度接吻をしたら──」 | "mou ichido seppun o shitara──" | “If we exchange a kiss once more──” |
English translation by Tackmyn Y.
Translation Notes
- ↑ The song title, 春はバケモノ (haru wa bakemono), is a wordplay on 春はあけぼの (haru wa akebono; in spring it is the dawn that is most beautiful), a famous quote from Makura no Soushi / The Pillow Book.
This song was featured on the following albums:
External Links
- Dropbox - Off vocal and lyrics
- VocaDB
- Hatsune Miku Wiki
- Tackmyn’s House - Translation source