! | Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors. People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised. |
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! | Warning: This song contains questionable elements (sexual themes, violence); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences. All external links may also contain questionable elements. The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice. |
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Song title | |||
"明るいお部屋で君ガルル" Romaji: Akarui Oheya de Kimi Garuru Official English: Choking Lovers English: In a Bright Room, You Growl | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
October 8, 2022 | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
14,000+ (NN), 120,000+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
“You know who can assault someone? It’s only the people who’re okay to get assaulted…🥺” |
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Japanese | Romaji | English |
メイク失敗もうダメや | meiku shippai mou dame ya | I messed up my makeup. It’s all over. |
君に会えないナイトメア | kimi ni aenai naitomea | With this, I can’t see you. What a nightmare. |
染みが取れないあーもヤダ | shimi ga torenai aa mo yada | My freckles won’t come out. Oh, come on. |
未だ告れんザコやが? | imada kokuren zako yaga? | I can’t confess my love yet. I’m a wimp, right? |
だんだんアタシは眠くなる | dandan atashi wa nemuku naru | I grow increasingly drowsy. |
無防備なアタシどうなるん? | muboubi na atashi dou narun? | What will become of me, who’s defenseless? |
可愛い抵抗演技なう | kawaii teikou engi nau | I act resisting so cutely. |
おニューの下着が | onyuu no shitagi ga | My brand-new underwear; |
チラリズム | chirarizumu | I give you a glimpse of it. |
消灯オオカミそりゃ「ガルル」 | shoutou ookami sorya "garuru" | Lights off! Here’s a wolf that growls. |
君は明るくしたがるる | kimi wa akaruku shitagaruru | But you badly want the lights on. |
満場一致で舌入る | manjouicchi de shita hairu | Unanimously, you let your tongue in. |
(実は)計画通りです、てへ | (jitsu wa) keikakudoori desu, tehe | (But actually,) it’s all according to plan. *tee hee* |
幾千の夜遂げたから | ikusen no yoru togeta kara | We’ve spent a thousand nights together. |
備えアタシが買っとくにゃ | sonae atashi ga kattoku nya | I’ll keep them in stock, so don’t worry. |
駅に行くから待っとれや | eki ni iku kara mattore ya | I’m going to the station. Wait there, okay? |
終着点はマットレス | shuuchakuten wa mattoresu | We end up on a mattress. |
だんだん愛撫が雑になる | dandan aibu ga zatsu ni naru | Your petting becomes rougher and rougher. |
にゃんにゃんそれでも熱くなる | nyannyan soredemo atsuku naru | Meow, meow—even so, I feel hotter and hotter. |
可愛い抵抗しなくなる | kawaii teikou shinaku naru | And I stop resisting so cutely. |
終われば足りないニヒリズム | owareba tarinai nihirizumu | When it ends, I want more. Nihilism. |
明るいお部屋で君「ガルル」 | akarui oheya de kimi "garuru" | In a bright room, you growl. |
人間失格昨日のタオル | ningen shikkaku kinou no taoru | No longer human. A yesterday towel. |
だんだん呼ばれなくなるる | dandan yobarenaku naruru | You don’t invite me as often as you did. |
愛鍵合わない、はい終わり。(まる) | ai kagiawanai, hai owari. (maru) | The love spare key doesn’t fit. I’m done for. (Period.) |
~タオル乾燥中~ | ~taoru kansou-chuu~ | ~ Now drying the towel ~ |
~乾燥終わり^^~ | ~kansou owari^^~ | ~ Drying’s over! ^^ ~ |
ポッケの、キスプリゴミになる | pokke no, kisupurigomi ni naru | Our kiss picture in my pocket is now garbage. |
ほっぺにキスしたクロニクル | hoppe ni kisu shita kuronikuru | I chronicle your kisses on my cheek. |
そっけないオマエ黒歴史 | sokkenai omae kokurekishi | You’re so cold to me now. This is your dark past. |
オオ神よ、罰を与えたまへ | oo kami yo, batsu o ataetama e | O God, give him punishment… |
消灯ベランダ部屋入る♡ | shoutou beranda heya hairu♡ | Lights off! From the balcony, I enter your room. |
無防備交尾アラ甘美 | muboubi koubi ara kanbi | You’re mating so defenselessly—how very sweet! |
邪魔者自らとうりゃんせ | jamamono mizukara touryanse | The intruder dares to block me off. |
これでゆっくり君狩るる | kore de yukkuri kimi karuru | And now, I can finally take my time hunting you— |
ふふw | fufu w | Heh heh (lol) |
後悔もない滴るる | koukai mo nai shitataruru | I have no regret. Something trickles, |
だんだんどす黒く流るる | dandan dosuguroku nagareruru | And it gradually flows down, so dark red. |
寝顔が今日も可愛いね | negao ga kyou mo kawaii ne | Your sleeping face is as cute as ever… |
切ない手繋いで一緒に逝こ | setsunai te tsunaide issho ni iko | Let’s hold our painful hands and pass on together! |
はい終わり。(まる) | hai owari. (maru) | Here, that’s a wrap. (Period.) |
English translation by Tackmyn Y.
External Links
- VocaDB
- Hatsune Miku Wiki
- Tackmyn’s House - Translation source