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Nichiyoubi no Himitsu
Song title
Romaji: Nichiyoubi no Himitsu
English: Sunday's Secret
Original Upload Date
February 4, 2017
Hatsune Miku and GUMI
HoneyWorks (music, lyrics)
Junky (arrangement)
Orebanana-P (tuning)
Yamako (illustration)
ziro (video)
YouTube Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)


Japanese Romaji English
夢では自然体 yume de wa shizentai In the dream, I can be natural
挨拶だってお手の物 aisatsu datte otenomono Even the greetings become my specialty
現実ではぎこちない genjitsu de wa gikochinai But in reality, I'm so awkward
二人の恋の物語 futari no koi no monogatari This is our love story

「お隣いいですか?」 'otonari ii desu ka?' 'May I sit beside you?'
勇気出した朝の電車 yuuki dashita asa no densha I take out my courage inside the morning train
「どうぞ!」なんて答えて 'douzo!' nante kotaete 'Go ahead!', I answered
そこから沈黙意気地なし soko kara chinmoku ikujinashi From there, I'm being silent like a coward

何か喋らなくちゃ nanika shaberanakucha What must I say?
早くしないと目的地 hayaku shinai to mokutekichi If I'm not quick enough, we'll arrive at the destination
男にならなくちゃ otoko ni naranakucha I must be a man
「…携帯聞いてもいいですか?」 '...keitai kiite mo ii desu ka?' '...Could you tell me your phone number?'

急な言葉笑っちゃったけど kyuu na kotoba waratchatta kedo Because of that sudden words, I laughed, but
「…同じ事思ってた」 '...onaji koto omotteta' '...I just thought of the same thing'
嬉しくなって ureshiku natte I'm so happy
今日も「ありがとう」 kyou mo 'arigatou' Today too, 'Thank you'

もっと知りたいし友達だし motto shiritai shi tomodachi da shi I want to know more about you, we're friends
電話していいですか? denwa shite ii desu ka? May I call him?
悩んでいたらタイミング逃していた ah… nayande itara taimingu nogashite ita ah... If I worry too much, I'd miss my timing, ah...
好きなお菓子も好きな色も suki na okashi mo suki na iro mo Sweets that he likes, as well as colour that he likes,
聞かせてよ…タイプも kikasete yo... taipu mo please tell me... even the type, too
近付きたいよ理想の人 chikazukitai yo risou no hito I want to get closer to her, my ideal girl
不釣り合いな恋です futsuriai na koi desu This is our mismatched love
「どうなるの?」 'dou naru no?' 'What should I do?'

日曜会えますか? nichiyou aemasu ka? Can we meet this Sunday?
金曜日の朝送信 kin'youbi no asa soushin The message that I sent on Friday morning
目の前にいるのに… me no mae ni iru noni... Even though you're in front of me...
二人の秘密可笑しいね futari no himitsu okashii ne Our secret is amusing, isn't it?

文字では自然体 moji de wa shizentai I can be natural with letters
スタンプだってお手の物 sutanpu datte otenomono Even stamping become my specialty
日曜日当日 nichiyoubi toujitsu On Sunday, the very day,
敬語は抜けずに空回り keigo wa nukezu ni karamawari without dropping my 'honorific language', it's a fruitless effort

なんでだろう?ちぐはぐだけどね nande darou? chiguhagu da kedo ne I wonder why? We're mismatched,
楽しくて笑ってた tanoshikute waratteta but we had fun and laughed
二人の肩がそっと近付く futari no kata ga sotto chikazuku Our shoulders are gently getting closer

もっと会いたいし友達だし? motto aitai shi tomodachi da shi? I want to meet more often, aren't we friends?
手なんか繋いだり…? te nanka tsunaidari...? Can we hold hands or something...?
想像くらいしてみてもいいですよね? ah… souzou kurai shite mite mo ii desu yo ne? ah... I can try to do it, like in my imagination, isn't that right? ah...
苦手な事もダメなとこも nigate na koto mo dame na toko mo Things you're poor at, as well as your useless points,
教えてよ秘密も oshiete yo himitsu mo tell me everything, your secrets too
どんな君でも理想の人 donna kimi demo risou no hito No matter what kind of boy you are, you're my ideal boy
不釣り合いな恋です futsuriai na koi desu This is our mismatched love
「どうなるの?」 'dou naru no?' 'What should I do?'

二人きりで会う度に futarikiri de au tabi ni Every time when just the two of us meet,
自然に笑えて shizen ni waraete I can laugh naturally
楽しい秘密増えていく tanoshii himitsu fuete iku Our fun secrets increase

特別な人なりたいかも tokubetsu na hito naritai kamo Maybe he wants to be my special boy
「独り占めいいですか?」 'hitorijime ii desu ka?' 'May I have you all for myself?'
君の染まったほっぺたを kimi no somatta hoppeta o I pinched your red-dyed cheeks
つねった照れ隠し tsunetta terekakushi to hide my embarrassment

彼氏彼女なれちゃったけど kareshi kanojo narechatta kedo Even though we're a couple now,
誰にも言えないの dare ni mo ienai no we don't tell it to anyone
二人の秘密 futari no himitsu Our secret,
守らせてね mamorasete ne let me keep it, okay?

ずっと傍にいて恋人だし zutto soba ni ite koibito da shi I'm always near you, we're lovers
ワガママもいいですか? wagamama mo ii desu ka? May I be selfish?
バレないように微笑んで自然におはよう barenai you ni hohoende shizen ni ohayou We smile and greet naturally, so our secrets won't be exposed
辛い時には笑い話 tsurai toki ni wa waraibanashi When things get tough, please promise to
聞かせてよ約束 kikasete yo yakusoku tell me some funny stories
任せてくれよ理想の人 makasete kure yo risou no hito Leave it to me, your ideal boy
恋人始めます koibito hajimemasu I'll start being your sweetheart
「よろしくね!」 'yoroshiku ne!' 'Please treat me well!'

English translation by Ikhwan-san EQ-01

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