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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Sohbana NikkanDanganKakkou
Song title
Romaji: Nikkan Dangan Kakkou
English: Daily Bullet Speed Descent
Original Upload Date
November 24, 2023
Sohbana (music, lyrics, video)
Nakamura Mawata (animation)
18,000+ (NN), 16,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
画 画 画面を見るときは ga ga gamen o miru toki wa Whe-whe-when you look at the screen
頭を空にして離れて見てね atama o kara ni shite hanarete mite ne Empty your head and look away, ‘kay?
下 下 下の下になるときは ge ge ge no ge ni naru toki wa Whe-whe-when you become the lowest of the low
ほどほどの覚悟とベルトをしてね hodohodo no kakugo to beruto o shite ne Be adequately prepared and buckle up, ‘kay?

どうしたんといってあなたらを救うわけにもいかずに doushitan to itte anatara o sukuu wake ni mo ikazu ni Without being able to save you guys who ask what’s the matter
ド禁忌として一緒くたに綴じることも能わずに dokinki to shite isshokuta ni tojiru koto mo atawazu ni Without being able bind them all in one and call it a total taboo
リリースしちゃってんの もう何万遍やってんのさ ririisu shichatten no mou nanmanben yatten no sa I’ve released myself! How many ten, thousands of times have I done this now?
あーまたやっちゃうKitschいとこ見ているあなたに aa mata yacchau Kitsch itoko mite iru anata ni Ah~ I’ll do it once again! For you, who looks like the cousin of something Kitsch

あーあ aaa Aah~
直滑降 直滑降してそれだけ chokkakkou chokkakkou shite sore dake Straight down, straight down I go, and that’s all what happens
「それだけで終わり!w」が望ましい掛詞 "sore dake de owari!w" ga nozomashii kakekotoba “It ends with just that! lol” What a desirable play on words!
直滑降 直滑降するだけ chokkakkou chokkakkou suru dake Straight down, straight down I go, and that’s all I do
語るにオチなし私なりの変わり種 kataru ni ochinashi watashi nari no kawari da ne This is my own secret variant that’s unknown to others

明言を避ける思慮深さもあって meigen o yokeru shiryobuka sa mo atte There’s thoughtfulness in avoiding making a statement
滑りを避けるクレバーさもあって suberi o yokeru kurebaa sa mo atte There’s cleverness in avoiding sliding down
繰り返す気持ちのホントのところは kurikaesu kimochi no honto no tokoro wa No one will ever know the truth about
誰にも伝わらない←ならいいのか dare ni mo tsutawaranai←nara ii no ka this repeating feeling←Then that’s okay, no?
あー aa Ah~
またやっちゃって またやっちゃって mata yacchatte mata yacchatte I did it once more, I did it yet again
まだやっちゃって 尚やっちゃって mada yacchatte nao yacchatte I’m still doing it, I’m doing more of it
その気持ちのホントのところに sono kimochi no honto no tokoro ni The truth about those feelings
いつまでも意味はない itsu made mo imi wa nai won’t have meaning for eternity

「許されて当たり前」は全て自分で許せずに "yurusarete atarimae" wa subete jibun de yurusezu ni “It’s natural to forgive them” but I couldn’t forgive everything there is
それに対してあなたの高慢は今日も責められずに sore ni taishite anata no kouman wa kyou mo semerarezu ni Saying that, I couldn’t blame that pride of yours today too
矢鱈と詳しいの ねぇどこまで知ってんのさ yatara to kuwashii no nee doko made shitten no sa How do you know so much? Hey, how much do you know?
だーれも掛けてない謎を解いていろ daare mo kaketenai nazo o hodoite iro Solve that riddle that no~body impose on you

あーあ aaa Aah~
直滑降 直滑降してそれだけ chokkakkou chokkakkou shite sore dake Straight down, straight down I go, and that’s all what happens
支援者(follower)とは名ばかりまるで保護者(carer)の束 follower to wa nabakari marude carer no taba A follower in name only, they’re just like a bunch of carers
直滑降 直滑降するだけ chokkakkou chokkakkou suru dake Straight down, straight down I go, and that’s all I do
全てに仇成しオリジナルの絵空事 subete ni kyuu nashi orijinaru no esoragoto Resenting everything there is, what an original pipe dream that is

あーあ aaa Aah~
直滑降 直滑降してそれだけ chokkakkou chokkakkou shite sore dake Straight down, straight down I go, and that’s all what happens
どこぞとも知れぬとこに咲く江戸の華 dokozotomo shirenu toko ni saku edo no hana No matter where, in some unknown place, the flower of Edo blooms[1]
直滑降 直滑降って何だっけ chokkakkou chokkakkou tte nanda kke Straight down, straight down… What does that mean again?
ぬるりと飛ばされここにいるの私だけ nururi to tobasare koko ni iru no watashi dake I’m the only one here who slipperily shoots down

English translation by Hiraethie

Translation Notes

  1. 江戸の華 (flower of Edo) refers to fires and quarrels. This is because in the Edo period there were a lot of large fires and kids fought a lot.


This song was featured on the following album:

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