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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors.
People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised.
Song title
Romaji: YurikagoxInfection
English: CradlexInfection
Original Upload Date
May 4, 2016
Yairi (music, lyrics)
Okiku (video)
Akiakane (illustration)
125,000+ (NN), 49,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
ねえ暗い暗い nee kurai kurai You know, I can’t stand
所は嫌い toko wa kirai Dark, dark places,
痕が ato ga ‘Cause my scars
つくから tsuku kara Are branded on me there.
ねえ痛い痛い nee itai itai You know, the lullaby
耳の奥鳴る mimi no oku naru Ringing in the depths
子守唄 komoriuta Of my ears hurts, hurts.

体裁を気になりだして teisai o ki ni naridashite I worry about putting on a show,
人目ただ嫌って hitome tada kiratte I simply resent attention,
症状緩和を目指してって shoujou kanwa o mezashitette I try to alleviate the symptoms,
悪化してゆく akka shite yuku And I get worse.
情報戦を制したんだって jouhousen o seishita nda tte I’m becoming emotionally unstable,
情緒不安定になって joucho fuantei ni natte Saying I’ll control this information war,
妄想の中 mousou no naka And I’m playing cat’s cradle
猫と綾取り neko to ayatori With a cat in my delusions.

ずっと穏やかなようで zutto odayaka na you de Surely I was always dreaming
きっと夢見てたよね kitto yumemiteta yo ne When everything seemed so peaceful, right?
時は不安定なまま toki wa fuantei na mama Time is as unstable as ever,
揺れる揺り籠のように yureru yurikago no you ni As though it were a rocking cradle.

そう怖い怖い sou kowai kowai Yes, if you’re a scary,
幽霊なら yuurei nara Scary ghost,
今は友達 ima wa tomodachi You’re my friend now.
もう嫌い嫌い mou kirai kirai Now there’s
嫌いなものは kirai na mono wa Nothing that
何もない nani mo nai I hate, hate.

存在を気になりだして sonzai o ki ni naridashite I worry about my existence,
夜も眠れなくて yoru mo nemurenakute I become an insomniac,
症状緩和を目指してって shoujou kanwa o mezashite tte I try to alleviate the symptoms,
好きになっていく suki ni natte iku And I come to love them.
嫌な事蹴っ飛ばして行って iya na koto kettobashite itte I want to send the things I don’t like flying with a kick,
想像通りの自分に souzoudoori no jibun ni To remold myself according to my imagination,
いつまでも猫と itsu made mo neko to And to play cat’s cradle
綾取りしたいな ayatori shitai na With this cat forever.

ずっと怖かったよね? zutto kowakatta yo ne? Were you always so scared?
もっと夢見たいよね motto yumemitai yo ne You want to dream more?
嘘を揺り籠で騙せ uso o yurikago de damase Swindle those lies in the cradle
君を手に入れるまで kimi o te ni ireru made Until I’ve got my hands on you.

ずっと穏やかなようで zutto odayaka na you de Surely I was always dreaming
きっと夢見てたよね kitto yumemiteta yo ne When everything seemed so peaceful, right?
時は不安定なまま toki wa fuantei na mama Time is as unstable as ever,
揺れる揺り籠のように yureru yurikago no you ni As though it were a rocking cradle.
君を手に入れるまで kimi o te ni ireru made Until I’ve got my hands on you...

ずっと穏やかなようで zutto odayaka na you de Surely I was always dreaming
きっと夢見てたよね kitto yumemiteta yo ne When everything seemed so peaceful, right?
時は不安定なまま toki wa fuantei na mama Time is as unstable as ever,
揺れる揺り籠のように yureru yurikago no you ni As though it were a rocking cradle.

ずっと怖かったよね? zutto kowakatta yo ne? Were you always so scared?
もっと夢見たいよね motto yumemitai yo ne You want to dream more?
嘘を揺り籠で騙せ uso o yurikago de damase Swindle those lies in the cradle
君を手に入れるまで kimi o te ni ireru made Until I’ve got my hands on you.

ずっと穏やかなようで zutto odayaka na you de Surely I was always dreaming
きっと夢見てたよね kitto yumemiteta yo ne When everything seemed so peaceful, right?
時は不安定なまま toki wa fuantei na mama Time is as unstable as ever,
揺れる揺り籠のように yureru yurikago no you ni As though it were a rocking cradle.
君を手に入れるまで kimi o te ni ireru made Until I’ve got my hands on you...

English translation by MeaningfulUsername


This song was featured in the following albums:

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