Song title | |||
"推し★ごと" Romaji: Oshi★goto[1] | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
September 27, 2021 | |||
Singer | |||
KAFU | |||
Producer(s) | |||
HoneyWorks (music, lyrics)
Capi (lyrics) Nakanishi (guitar) Kobayashi Naoki (bass) Keiki Uto (piano) Yuki Leon (drums) Yamako (illustration) Kanata (video) | |||
Views | |||
3,200,000+ | |||
Links | |||
YouTube Broadcast | |||
"Money is precious." |
Alternate Version[]
Capi's version |
Upload date: September 25, 2021 |
Featuring: Capi |
Producer(s): HoneyWorks |
YT / TuneCore |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
お金は大切です! | okane wa taisetsu desu! | Money is precious! |
きれいごとじゃ生きられない | kireigoto ja ikirarenai | Life isn’t always as lovely as you think |
推し事 頑張って貢ぐよ | oshigoto ganbatte mitsugu yo | I’ll do my best to support my oshi |
需要と供給よ 文句ある? | juyou to kyoukyuu yo monku aru? | It’s all about supply and demand. Do you have a problem with that? |
身だしなみチェックして | midashinami chekku shite | Checking my appearance |
鏡の前スマイルして | kagami no mae sumairu shite | And smiling in front of the mirror |
今日も“かわいい”もらいます | kyou mo "kawaii" moraimasu | I’ll be taking those “you’re cute” praises today too |
プライベート秘密です | puraibeeto himitsu desu | My private life is a secret |
お触りなんて言語道断 | osawari nante gongododan | Touching is inexcusable |
お会計こちらになります | okaikei kochira ni narimasu | I’ll be placing your bill right here |
チェキはどうですか?(大好き) | cheki wa dou desu ka? (daisuki) | Would you like to take a picture with me? (I love you) |
おかわりしちゃう?(大好き) | okawari shichau? (daisuki) | How about a second serving? (I love you) |
また会いに来てくれる? | mata ai ni kite kureru? | Will you come and see me again? |
「いってらっしゃい!ご主人様」 | "itterasshai! goshujinsama" | “Take care, Master!” |
お金は大切です! | okane wa taisetsu desu! | Money is precious! |
きれいごとじゃ生きられない | kireigoto ja ikirarenai | Life isn’t always as lovely as you think |
推し事 頑張って貢ぐよ | oshigoto ganbatte mitsugu yo | I’ll do my best to support my oshi |
需要と供給よ 文句ある? | juyou to kyoukyuu yo monku aru? | It’s all about supply and demand. Do you have a problem with that? |
推しの色忍ばせて | oshi no iro shinobasete | Concealing my oshi’s color |
ウザ客だって神対応 | uza kyaku datte kamitaiou | Even the annoying customers are godsend |
今日もバック上出来です | kyou mo bakku joudeki desu | Today’s form of support is a great success as usual |
無断撮影ありえない | mudan satsuei arienai | Unauthorized photography is a no-no |
ブラックリスト出禁決定 | burakku risuto dekin kettei | You’ll be banned and blacklisted |
お会計こちらになります | okaikei kochira ni narimasu | I’ll be placing your bill right here |
延長しましょ?(大好き) | enchou shimasho? (daisuki) | Shall we extend your time here? (I love you) |
浮気はダメよ!(大好き) | uwaki wa dame yo! (daisuki) | Cheating on me with other girls is not allowed! (I love you) |
イベントは稼ぎ時 | ibento wa kasegidoki | Events are the best time to make profits |
「おかえりなさい!ご主人様」 | "okaerinasai! goshujinsama" | “Welcome back, Master!” |
お金は純粋です! | okane wa junsui desu! | Money is pure! |
綺麗も汚いもない | kirei mo kitanai mo nai | It’s neither clean nor dirty |
お仕事 胸張って稼ぐの | oshigoto mune hatte kasegu no | Proudly earning money through my job |
需要と供給よ 文句ある? | juyou to kyoukyuu yo monku aru? | It’s all about supply and demand. Do you have a problem with that? |
だって好きにはお金がいる | datte suki ni wa okane ga iru | Because it takes money to love you |
チャリンチャリン♪ | charin charin♪ | Ka-ching ♪ Ka-ching ♪ |
会いに行くにはお金がいる | ai ni iku ni wa okane ga iru | Because money is needed to meet you |
ダメなの? | dame nano? | Is there something wrong with that? |
私が稼いだの | watashi ga kaseida no | I don’t need to be lectured by anyone |
説教される筋合いない | sekkyou sareru sujiainai | Because I’m the one who earned it |
だから理解ももういらない | dakara rikai mo mou iranai | That’s why, I don’t need anyone else to understand me |
私の人生よ 文句ある? | watashi no jinsei yo monku aru? | Because my life is my own. Do you have a problem with that? |
お金は大切です! | okane wa taisetsu desu! | Money is precious! |
きれいごとじゃ生きられない | kireigoto ja ikirarenai | Life isn’t always as lovely as you think |
推し事 頑張って貢ぐよ | oshigoto ganbatte mitsugu yo | I’ll do my best to support my oshi |
需要と供給よ 文句ある? | juyou to kyoukyuu yo monku aru? | It’s all about supply and demand. Do you have a problem with that? |
English translation by Haru
Translation Notes[]
- ↑ The title of the song, 推し★ごと, is a pun of お仕事 (Oshigoto=Job/Work), and also from the same term 推し事, which means activities that someone do to support their oshi(s). The term itself has a broad meaning and can refer to all kinds of activities/actions taken in order to give support to one’s oshi(s).
External Links[]
- Confession Executive Committee Wiki
- UtaiteDB - Kapi version
- VocaDB
- Tumblr - Translation source