Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Chaoxi Paranoia
Song title
Traditional Chinese: 抄襲Paranoia
Pinyin: Chāoxí Paranoia
English: Plagiarism Paranoia
Original Upload Date
August 3, 2017
Xin Hua
Chunbai (music, lyrics)
Ori v (tuning)
Xidousha (video)
Ryusa (mix, bass)
Zhu Ren (illustration)
390,000+ (NN), 9,800+ (YT)
bilibili Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Chinese Pinyin English
听到相似就抄袭 tīngdào xiāngsì jiù chāoxí Sounding similar must mean plagiarism
音符借东洋旋律 yīnfú jiè dōngyáng xuánlǜ Notes borrowing East Asian melodies
熟悉的和声进行 shúxī de héshēng jìnxíng Familiar harmonies being carried out
刺激你的那根正义神经 cìjī nǐ de nà gēn zhèngyì shénjīng stimulates that righteous nerve of yours

崇洋媚外 挑剔国籍 chóngyángmèiwài tiāotì guójí Worshipping foreign things and being critical of nationality
先入为主 从不怀疑 xiānrùwéizhǔ cóng bù huáiyí Sticking with the first impression and never having doubts
颅内鉴定 实锤自拟 lú nèi jiàndìng shí chuí zì nǐ Staying firm within your skull and devising your own solid proof
抱歉我没听过你的歌曲 bàoqiàn wǒ méi tīngguò nǐ de gēqǔ Sorry, I haven't heard your song
茫茫词海 总有一句 mángmáng cí hǎi zǒng yǒu yījù Vast seas of words, always having something to say
美术创作 风格接近 měishù chuàngzuò fēnggé jiējìn Artistic creation, approaching style
原创音律 难免撞音 yuánchuàng yīnlǜ nánmiǎn zhuàng yīn Creative tuning makes it hard to avoid clashing tones
可惜你们不懂这些道理 kěxí nǐmen bù dǒng zhèxiē dàolǐ It's too bad that none of you understand these principles

微博转发众人来评比 wēibó zhuǎnfā zhòngrén lái píngbǐ Sharing through blogs lets everyone make comparisons
拼命地寻找证据 pīnmìng de xúnzhǎo zhèngjù Desperately seeking proof
扒谱叠图是那么随意 bā pǔ dié tú shì nàme suíyì Digging up records and piling up schemes is such as you wish

听到相似就抄袭 tīngdào xiāngsì jiù chāoxí Sounding similar must mean plagiarism
音符借东洋旋律 yīnfú jiè dōngyáng xuánlǜ Notes borrowing East Asian melodies
熟悉的和声进行 shúxī de héshēng jìnxíng Familiar harmonies being carried out
刺激你的那根正义神经 cìjī nǐ de nà gēn zhèngyì shénjīng stimulates that righteous nerve of yours
流言蜚语换来虚有罪名 liúyánfēiyǔ huàn lái xū yǒu zuìmíng Rumors and slander trade off false charges,
而是非永远在心里 ér shì fēi yǒngyuǎn zài xīnlǐ yet they do not stay within the mind forever

茫茫词海 总有一句 mángmáng cí hǎi zǒng yǒu yījù Vast seas of words, always having something to say
美术创作 风格接近 měishù chuàngzuò fēnggé jiējìn Artistic creation, approaching style
原创音律 难免撞音 yuánchuàng yīnlǜ nánmiǎn zhuàng yīn Creative tuning makes it hard to avoid clashing tones
可惜你们不懂这些道理 kěxí nǐmen bù dǒng zhèxiē dàolǐ It's too bad that none of you understand these principles

微博转发众人来评比 wēibó zhuǎnfā zhòngrén lái píngbǐ Sharing through blogs lets everyone make comparisons
拼命地寻找证据 pīnmìng de xúnzhǎo zhèngjù Desperately seeking proof
扒谱叠图是那么随意 bā pǔ dié tú shì nàme suíyì Digging up records and piling up schemes is such as you wish

听到相似就抄袭 tīngdào xiāngsì jiù chāoxí Sounding similar must be plagiarism
音符借东洋旋律 yīnfú jiè dōngyáng xuánlǜ Notes borrowing East Asian melodies
熟悉的和声进行 shúxī de héshēng jìnxíng Familiar harmonies being carried out
刺激你的那根正义神经 cìjī nǐ de nà gēn zhèngyì shénjīng stimulates that righteous nerve of yours
流言蜚语换来虚有罪名 liúyánfēiyǔ huàn lái xū yǒu zuìmíng Rumors and slander trade off false charges,
而是非永远在心里 ér shì fēi yǒngyuǎn zài xīnlǐ yet they do not stay within the heart forever

公道从来不缺席 gōngdào cónglái bu quēxí Justice has never been absent
先提高知识水平 xiān tígāo zhīshì shuǐpíng First, raise the level of knowledge
更好的创作环境 gènghǎo de chuàngzuò huánjìng Create a better environment
需要我们大家共同推举 xūyào wǒmen dàjiā gòngtóng tuījǔ We all need to make a mutual choice

相似就抄袭 xiāngsì jiù chāoxí Similarity must mean plagiarism
音符借东洋旋律 yīnfú jiè dōngyáng xuánlǜ Notes borrowing East Asian melodies
熟悉的和声进行 shúxī de héshēng jìnxíng Familiar harmonies being carried out
刺激你的那根正义神经 cìjī nǐ de nà gēn zhèngyì shénjīng stimulates that righteous nerve of yours
流言蜚语换来虚有罪名 liúyánfēiyǔ huàn lái xū yǒu zuìmíng Rumors and slander trade off false charges,
而是非自己有判定 ér shì fēi zìjǐ yǒu pàndìng but you don't judge them yourself

English translation by LollyLover6312


This song was featured on the following albums:

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