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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors.
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Haniwa ModoreModore
Song title
Romaji: Modore Modore Modore Modore Mo.
English: Come Back Come Back COME BACK COME BACK C.
Original Upload Date
October 17, 2023
Tanaka San, Hanakuma Chifuyu and VOICEPEAK Josei 1
Haniwa (music, lyrics)
よすみ (illustration)
23,000+ (NN), 240,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / Spotify Broadcast


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
貴方の全部がなくなったことを私以外の全てが忘れた頃。 anata no zenbu ga nakunatta koto o watashi igai no subete ga wasureta koro. When everybody but me forgot that everything about you were gone,
それでようやく私は、とっても良い考えを思いついた! sore de youyaku watashi wa, tottemo ii kangae o omoitsuita! I, at last, came up with a fascinating idea!
こんなことなら貴方は、きっと喜んで笑ってくれるでしょう! konna koto nara anata wa, kitto yorokonde waratte kureru deshou! This would definitely make you happy and laugh!

さあああああああああああああああああああああああああああああて! saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell then!
今日は私が、皆さんにとおおおおおっても面白いことわざを教えてあげましょう! kyou wa watashi ga, mina-san ni to oooootte mo omoshiroi koto waza o oshiete agemashou! Today, I’m going to share a veeeery interesting proverb with you!
「覆水盆に返らず」 "fukusuibon ni kaerazu"! “There is no use crying over spilt milk”!

え? 知ってるって? e? shitteru tte? What? You know it already?

私はただ、君があんまりにも見ない振りにしているからてっきり!笑 watashi wa tada, kimi ga anmari ni mo minai furi ni shite iru kara tekkiri! wara Oh, but you’re always so stubbornly turning the other way, so I thought, (laugh),
知らないかと思って教えてあげたのに。 shiranai ka to omotte oshiete ageta no ni . You didn’t know and thus offered to share it with you.
そそそ、そんな顔をしないでくださいよ! soso so, sonna kao o shinaide kudasai yo! D-d-d-don’t give me that look, please!
なにしろ私はこの言葉が、 nani shiro watashi wa kono kotoba ga, Because, you see, this saying is
命の中で一番大好きな言葉なんですから! inochi no naka de ichiban daisuki na kotoba nan desu kara! My favorite saying among all lives!

行、かないで! i, kanaide! Don’t, go!
夢を、夢を見ていて? yume o, yume o mite ite? Won’t you, won’t you have a dream?
生き、ら、れないよ。 iki, ra, renai yo. I, can’t, live on.
まだ明く陽が燃えて、 mada aku hi ga moete, The sun is still burning so bright,

離、さないで! hana,sanaide! Don’t, let go!
いつか、眩暈う日と会う。 itsuka, memau hi to au. Someday, you’ll meet a dizzying day.
眠、れ、ないな。 nemu, re, nai na. I, can’t, sleep.
針を折る、 hari o oru, I break a needle,
それだけで。 sore dake de. Just because of that.

貴方の全てのことを、私以外の全部が忘れた頃。 anata no subete no koto o, watashi igai no zenbu ga wasureta koro. When everybody but me forgot everything about you,
それでようやく私は、とっても良い考えを作り上げた。 sore de youyaku watashi wa, tottemo ii kangae o tsukuriageta. I, at last, made up a fascinating idea!
こんなことなら時計も、きっと喜んで帰ってきてくれるでしょう! konna koto nara tokei mo, kitto yorokonde kaette kite kureru deshou! This would definitely make the clock happy and come back here!
私は途端にすごく嬉しくなって、 watashi wa totan ni sugoku ureshiku natte, Suddenly, I become exhilarated,
お部屋をちょっぴりだけ散らかして、 oheya o choppiri dake chirakashite, So I make my room a little bit of a mess;
昨日のためのとっておきのお化粧を済ませたら、 kinou no tame no totteoki no o keshou o sumasetara, Once I put on my perfect makeup for yesterday,
私だけの魔法の馬車に乗り込むのです! watashi dake no mahou no basha ni norikomu no desu! I’ll get into the magic carriage prepared just for me!

さあああああああああああああああああああああああああああああて! saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell then!
今日は私が、皆さんにとおおおおおっても面白いことわざを教えてあげましょう! kyou wa watashi ga, mina-san ni to oooootte mo omoshiroi koto waza o oshiete agemashou! Today, I’m going to share a veeeery interesting proverb with you!
「覆水盆に返ら―― "fukusuibon ni kaera―― “There is no use crying over sp—
え? もう聞いたって? e? mou kiita tte? What? You heard it already?

はぁ~~~~。(軽蔑) haa~~~~. (keibetsu) *Contemptuous sigh*

私はただ、君があんまりにも見ない振りにしているからてっきり!笑 watashi wa tada, kimi ga anmari ni mo minai furi ni shite iru kara tekkiri! wara Oh, but you’re always so stubbornly turning the other way, so I thought, (laugh),
知らないかと思って教えてあげたのに。 shiranai ka to omotte oshiete ageta no ni. You didn’t know and thus offered to share it with you.

それじゃあ行ってらっしゃい! sore jaa itterasshai! All right, then, have a nice night!
真夜中の12時までには帰ってきてくださいよ? mayonaka no juuniji made ni wa kaette kite kudasai yo? Make sure you come back by midnight, okay?
そうでないと、玉手箱みたいになった貴方を、 sou denai to, tamatebako mitai ni natta anata o, Otherwise, you’ll end up as if you opened tamatebako,
きっとあの人は―― kitto ano hito wa ―― Which would make that person—

あれ? are? Oh?
帰りの馬車なんて用意してありましたっけw kaeri no basha nante youi shite arimashita kke w I don’t suppose we’ve prepared a carriage to come back lol

行、かないで! i, kanaide! Don’t, go!
夢を、夢を見ていて? yume o, yume o mite ite? Won’t you, won’t you have a dream?
生き、ら、れないよ。 iki, ra, renai yo. I, can’t, live on.
まだ明く陽が燃えて、 mada aku hi ga moete, The sun is still burning so bright,

離、さないで! hana, sanaide! Don’t, let go!
いつか、眩暈う日と会う。 itsuka, memau hi to au. Someday, you’ll meet a dizzying day.
眠、れ、ないな。 nemu, re, nai na. I, can’t, sleep.
針を折る、 hari o oru, I break a needle,
それだけで。 sore dake de. Just because of that.

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

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