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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
The Lady of the end
Song title
Romaji: Aru Uta Utai Ningyou no Kiroku "Shuuen no Utahime"
English: Records of Dolls Singing Certain Songs "The Diva of the End"
Original Upload Date
December 7, 2008
Sokkyouden-P (music, lyrics)
82,000+ (NN), 12,000+ (PP)
Niconico Broadcast / piapro Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (reprint)


The following translation was made by Pricecheck Translations, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on her tumblr.
Japanese/Conlang Romaji English
その昔 魔物に脅え 暮らしていた時代 sono mukashi mamono ni obiekurashite ita jidai Those days were an era where people lived in fear of a monster
隻眼の魔女の元 美しい娘がいた sekigan no majo no moto utsukushii musume ga ita There was a lovely girl by the side of a one-eyed witch

彼女はかつて至上の歌姫と呼ばれたが kanojo wa katsute shijou no utahime to yobaretaga She was once called a supreme diva, but
今はもう謡わない その歌は死招くから… ima wa mou utawanai sono uta wa shimaneku kara... She didn’t sing anymore, as her song invited death…
呪われた 娘でも傍に置く魔女のこと norowareta musume demo soba ni oku majo no koto When it came to the witch who stayed by the cursed girl’s side
娘はただ心から慕い自然と微笑んだ musume wa tada kokoro kara shitai shizen to hohoenda The girl cherished her from the bottom of her heart, naturally smiling around her

Ele-l aryu-fe nya?(何故私は生きているの?) Ele-l aryu-fe nya? Why am I alive?

噂聞きつけ人々は 魔物殺す詩 謡えと言う uwasa kikitsuke hitobito wa mamono korosu uta utae to iu People who hear rumors of her tell her to sing a song that will kill the monster
魔女は認めず言い放つ majo wa mitomezu ii hanatsu Unapproving, the witch declared,
「手を汚すのは私だけでいい」と… "te o yogosu no wa watashi dake de ii" to... “I am the only one who need sully her hands"…

Sew ryunair wi-s tina wey.(私は貴方の為に 永久に謡う) Sew ryunair wi-s tina wey. I will sing for you forever
Sew ryuirr lait aty.(私は大粒の涙を零す) Sew ryuirr lait aty. I will shed large tears for you

止める声も聞かぬ魔女 tomeru koe mo kikanu majo The witch didn’t heed the voice telling her to stop
一人ただ 立ち向かう hitori tada tachi mukau She would fight all on her own
もはや家族の娘を 守りたいと思うだけで mohaya kazoku no musume o mamoritai to omoudake de Now only wanting to protect the girl who was her family

Len zea fazenty a.(たとえこの世が滅ぼうとも) Len zea fazenty a. Even if the world is destroyed
gulay zes.(知りはしない) gulay zes. I wouldn’t know
Len tina aryu-fe zes a.(たとえ貴方がいなくとも) Len tina aryu-fe zes a. Even if you disappear
Fa-to iltir los(声届くまで) Fa-to iltir los Until my voice reaches you

娘は 我慢ならず 呪いの詩を 謡う musume wa gaman narazu noroi no uta wo utau Unable to stand it, the girl sang a cursed song
大切な人失わないため 謡う taisetsu na hito ushina wa nai tame utau She sang so as to not lose the one she treasured so
「古城で眠っていた私を置いてくれた "kojou de namutte ita watashi wo oite kureta "Because you are so very important to me
貴方がとても大切だと思うから」 anata ga totemo taisetsu dato omou kara" You who left me here sleeping in this old fortress”

Tina ele-wi ze-tis nya?(貴方は 何処に 行ってしまったの?) Tina ele-wi ze-tis nya? Where have you gone?
Sew tina syafirr.(私は 貴方を 探している) Sew tina syafirr. I’m searching for you
Tina ryuis did rody...(貴方が 流した 血の 跡は…) Tina ryuis did rody... These traces of blood you’ve spilled…
Tina ze-t ele-fi a-l nya?(貴方の 行き場所を 示している?) Tina ze-t ele-fi a-l nya? Do these show where you’ve gone?

魔女は驚き娘見る majo wa odoroki musume miru The witch looked at the girl in surprise
刹那 地に散る 深紅の途 setsuna chi ni chiru shinku no michi On a crimson road scattered on an ephemeral land
それを認識した魔女 sore o ninshiki shita majo Having recognized it, the witch
力振り絞り 魔物と身投げる chikara furishi bori mamono to minageru Mustered all her strength and threw herself on the monster

針の谷に落ちる影 hari no ya ni ochiru kage The shadows falling into the needle valley
呪い掛けたのは誰の詩? noroi kaketa no wa dare no uta? Whose song is it that was cursed?
叫ぶように空へと sakebu you ni sora e to I’ll sing like I’m screaming into the sky
貴方のいない世界呪い 謡う anata no inai sekai noroi utau A curse for the world without you in it

Sew syeze. Sew wor-t. Sew irut. Sew aria...(私は悲しい 私は苦しい 私は悔やむ 私は嘆く) Sew syeze. Sew wor-t. Sew irut. Sew aria... I am sad, I am suffering, I mourn, I lament
Le-t li-a aryu-fe zes ti-a.(全て終わってしまえばいい) Le-t li-a aryu-fe zes ti-a. Everything should come to an end
Sew "Le-t aryu-fe zes zea ryunawol".(私は"終焉の歌姫") Sew "Le-t aryu-fe zes zea ryunawol". I am the “diva of the end”
ea ariairr ryunawol.(世界を嘆く歌姫) ea ariairr ryunawol. A diva who laments the world

English translation by Pricecheck Translations

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