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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Trashy Innocence
Song title
Romaji: Garakuta Inosensu
English: Trashy Innocence
Original Upload Date
February 21, 2014
Last Note. (music, lyrics)
Moyashi, Meriken (guitar)
Irojiro (bass)
Akina (illustration, movie)
760,000+ (NN), 19,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / [ YouTube Broadcast] (autogen)
YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)


Japanese Romaji English
色彩に確証なんて どこにも在りはしないな shikisai ni kakushou nante doko ni mo ari wa shinai na There wouldn't be any proof in the colors
惰性で描いた輪郭に 意味なんて無い、無い dasei de kaita rinkaku ni imi nante nai, nai No meaning to the lines I've drawn from habit, no, no
不明瞭を持ち寄って 最先端を気取って fumeiryou o mochiyotte saisentan o kidotte Bringing indinstinctness, pretending to be the best
飽和しきった嘆息(たんそく)さ 哀れ無知蒙昧(むちもうまい)眩暈(めまい) houwa shikitta tansoku sa aware muchimoumai, memai Saturating the air with sights pathetic, unenlightened, dizzy

“未完成の才能” って 算段だいぶ甘いな? "mikansei no sainou" tte sandan daibu amai na? "An imperfect talent" is it enough to get by?
どうやらそろそろ天辺(てっぺん) 先なんて無い、無い douyara sorosoro teppen saki nante nai, nai It seems the peak is close, there's nothing ahead no, no
余白も埋め終わって 完成形に近いや yohaku mo umeowatte kanseikei ni chikai ya I've finished filling up the blanks nearing a perfect form
期待に沿えなくて まぁ、ざまぁみろよって事で kitai ni soe nakute maa, zamaa miroyotte koto de Unable to fulfill expectations, well, I guess it serves me right, huh?

『自己矛盾』 歯車にさえなれない焦燥 "jiko mujun" haguruma ni sae narenai shousou "Self-contradiction" Impatience: unable to become a gear
『自己嫌悪』 誰とも噛み合うことなく回れ "jiko ken'o" dare to mo kamiau koto naku maware "Self-hatred" that spins in tune with others
『自己欺瞞(ぎまん)』 そう在りたいと(うそぶ)いた昨日 "jiko giman" sou aritai to usobuita kinou "Self-deception" telling myself that is what I wanted
『ガラクタだ』 枯れたロジカル 灰色フェイク "garakuta da" kareta rojikaru haiiro feiku "I'm just trash" Withered logic, an ashen fake

コントラストすなわち明と暗 構えた斜度 zero, one, two で kontorasuto sunawachi mei to an kamaeta shado zero, one, two de Contrast, that is, light and dark A prepared gradient zero, one, two
Get right! Get right! 閉塞(へいそく)にくすんだイノセンス Get right! Get right! heisoku ni kusunda inosensu Get right! Get right! Innocence obscured by a blockage
食って掛かって空回り ちょっと迷って自分殺して kutte kakatte karamawari chotto mayotte jibun koroshite Flaring up, spinning my wheels, Getting slightly lost, killing myself,
Get down! Get down! カッコつけんなよ? Get down! Get down! kakko tsukenna yo? Get down! Get down! Don't try to act cool, 'kay?
日和(ひよ)っちゃいねぇがって葛藤 こうでもしなけりゃって徹底 hiyocchai nee gatte kattou kou demo shinakeryatte tettei Can't just be sitting on the fence, discord But I've got to be consistent and do something
stand up ready to go! 塗り潰せ ほらほら one, two, three stand up ready to go! nuritsubuse hora hora one, two, three Stand up ready to go! Paint it out, come on one, two, three

溜め込んだ理想論を キャンバスに閉じ込めた tamekonda risouron o kyanbasu ni tojikometa The ideals I stored up, imprisoned on the canvas
描き散らした創造に 名前など無い、無い kaki chirashita souzou ni namae nado nai, nai This painting I created has no name, no, no
偽悪を食い潰して 実像は失われた giaku o kui tsubushite jitsuzou wa ushinawareta I eat trough my pretenses I lost my hold on reality
堕落しきってんだ もう好きにやれよって事で daraku shikittenda mou suki ni yareyotte koto de Full of corruption I guess I shoul just to love it, huh?

『知ってるかい?』 汚れた手は誰も取りはしない "shitteru kai?" yogoreta te wa dare mo tori wa shinai "Did you know?" No one can grasp your dirtied hand
『どうしようもない?』 小さな勝手の積み重ねでさ "doushiyou mo nai?" chiisana katte no tsumi kasane de sa "Nothing can be done?" With your selfishness piling up
『諦めた?』 とっくにね、と(うそぶ)いたってほら "akirameta?" tokkuni ne, to usobu itatte hora "Given up yet?" Even if I whisper to myself, 'long ago'
『ガラクタか』 右向け右には従えない "garakuta ka" migi muke migi ni wa shitagaenai "You're just trash, huh" I can't follow the 'right face!' command...

変わりたくて選んだ道ならさ 先が見えなくたってきっと jawaritakute eranda michi narasa saki ga mienakutatte kitto If you've decided you want to change Even if if you can't see what's ahead, surely,
ねえ、ねえ それは逃げ道とは呼ばない nee, nee sore wa nigemichi to wa yobanai Hey, hey, You can't call that running away!
レッテル貼った大人とか ピーチクパっと(さえず)らせときゃ retteru hatta otona to ka piichikupa tto saezurasetokya Even if someone labeled as an adult can only sing meaningless words
もう、もう、それでいいだろ? mou, mou, sore de ii daro? Isn't that, isn't that enough?
どうやら風向き変わって 少女が押したボタンは douyara kazamuki kawatte shoujo ga oshita botan wa It seems the wind changed direction and the button the girl pressed.
Stand up ready to go! 多分、「走り出せ!」のサイン Stand up ready to go! tabun, "hashiridase!" no sain Stand up ready to go! is probably, the signal to "start running!"

『自己矛盾』 噛み合う相手 探したりもして "jiko mujun" kamiau aite sagashitari mo shite "Self-condratiction" Searching for someone to be in tune with
『自己嫌悪』 無機質になりきれない弱さで "jiko ken'o" mukishitsu ni nari kirenai yowasa de "Self-hatred" Filled with weakness: for I can't rid myself for these feelings
『ガラクタだ』 背景はどんな色でもいいさ "garakuta da" haikei wa donna iro demo ii sa "I'm just trash" It doesn't matter what color the sky is
『が、楽だった?』 あぁ、耳鳴りがおさまらない "ga, raku datta?" Aa, miminari ga osamaranai "Was it easier to believe that?" Ah, I can't stop the ringing in my ears

コントラストすなわち明と暗 構えた斜度 zero, one, two で kontorasuto sunawachi mei to an kamaeta shado zero, one, two de Contrast, that is, light and dark A prepared gradient, zero, one, two
Get right! Get right! 閉塞(へいそく)にくすんだイノセンス Get right! Get right! heisoku ni kusunda inosensu Get right! Get right! Innocence obscured by a blockage
決めて選んだ道ならさ 先が見えなくたってきっと kimete eranda michi narasa saki ga mienakutatte kitto If that's the path you've chosen Even if you can't see what's ahead
ねえ、ねえ それは逃げ道とは呼ばない nee, nee sore wa nigemichi to wa yobanai Hey, hey, You can't call that running away
レッテル貼った大人とか ピーチクパっと(さえず)らせときゃ retteru hatta otona to ka piichikupa tto saezurasetokya Even if someone labeled as an adult can only sing meaningless words
もう、もう、それでいいだろ? mou, mou, sore de ii daro? Isn't that, isn't that enough?
どうやら風向き変わって 少女が押したボタンは douyara kazamuki kawatte shoujo ga oshita BOTAN wa It seems the wind changed direction and the button the girl pressed
世界の彩度を上げて 全てを巻き込むように sekai no saido o agete subete o makikomu you ni Increased the saturation of the world as if engulfing everything
Stand up ready to go! ほらキャンバスを()じ開けた Stand up ready to go! hora kyanbasu o koji aketa Stand up ready to go! See, even the canvas was wrenched open!

English translation by AmeSubs


This song was featured on the following albums:

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