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Wo Shuyu Huoshan Kou
Song title
Traditional Chinese: 我屬於火山口
Pinyin: Wǒ Shǔyú Huǒshān Kǒu
English: I Belong to the Volcano's Crater
Original Upload Date
April 18, 2019
Luo Tianyi
JUSF (music, lyrics)
Sya (illustration)
bilibili Broadcast


Chinese Pinyin English
高座上憧憬之人 gāozuò shàng chōngjǐng zhī rén The longing person atop the pedestal–
尸骨早已难区分 shīgǔ zǎoyǐ nán qūfēn their corpse and bones are long since indistinguishable
手捧着那颗头颅 shǒu pěngzhe nà kē tóulú Both hands cradling that skull–
是否还残留余温 shìfǒu hái cánliú yú wēn does it still retain any trace of warmth
触碰不到您的脚跟 chù pèng bù dào nín de jiǎogēn Unable to touch even your heel
不值得您留神 bù zhídé nín liúshén unworthy of your notice
前进的步伐从此停顿 qiánjìn de bùfá cóngcǐ tíngdùn The forward-moving gait halts at this point

我属于火山口 wǒ shǔyú huǒshān kǒu I belong to the volcano's crater
熔岩之中灵魂早已不同 róngyán zhī zhōng línghún zǎoyǐ bùtóng Within the magma, my soul has long been different
请别误认扰乱我的梦 qǐng bié wù rèn rǎoluàn wǒ de mèng Please do not misunderstand and disrupt my dream
我属于火山口 wǒ shǔyú huǒshān kǒu I belong to the volcano's crater

毁灭了永恒之人 huǐmièle yǒnghéng zhī rén The one who destroyed eternity
用理性妆点残忍 yòng lǐxìng zhuāng diǎn cánrěn uses rationality to disguise cruelty
挑战着所有规则 tiǎozhànzhe suǒyǒu guīzé Challenging every rule
对精神不闻不问 duì jīngshén bù wén bù wèn not attending at all to cognizance
触碰不到您的脚跟 chù pèng bù dào nín de jiǎogēn Unable to touch even your heel
不值得您留神 bù zhídé nín liúshén unworthy of your notice
完美的自我从此诞生 wánměi de zìwǒ cóngcǐ dànshēng The perfect self is birthed at this point

我属于火山口 wǒ shǔyú huǒshān kǒu I belong to the volcano's crater
熔岩之中灵魂早已不同 róngyán zhī zhōng línghún zǎoyǐ bùtóng Within the magma, my soul has long been different
请别误认扰乱我的梦 qǐng bié wù rèn rǎoluàn wǒ de mèng Please do not misunderstand and disrupt my dream
我属于火山口 wǒ shǔyú huǒshān kǒu I belong to the volcano's crater
灰烬之中谁的琴弦撩动 huījìn zhī zhōng shéi de qín xián liáo dòng Amidst the ashes, whose instrument's strings are being strummed
以歌迎接我回归天空 yǐ gē yíngjiē wǒ huíguī tiānkōng using song to welcome my return to the sky

我属于火山口 wǒ shǔyú huǒshān kǒu I belong to the volcano's crater
心脏仍跳动 xīnzàng réng tiàodòng My heart is still beating
某日的阳光将照亮那入口 mǒu rì de yángguāng jiāng zhào liàng nà rùkǒu The sunlight of someday shines upon that entrance
我属于火山口 wǒ shǔyú huǒshān kǒu I belong to the volcano's crater
预测了所有 yùcèle suǒyǒu having predicted everything
俯瞰那片土地已败坏腐朽 fǔkàn nà piàn tǔdì yǐ bàihuài fǔxiǔ looking down upon that corrupted, corroded earth
我属于火山口 wǒ shǔyú huǒshān kǒu I belong to the volcano's crater
听凛冽的风 tīng lǐnliè de fēng Listening to the frigid wind
那俊美的使者将打开牢笼 nà jùnměi de shǐzhě jiāng dǎkāi láolóng that beautiful messenger will soon unlock the cage
我属于火山口 wǒ shǔyú huǒshān kǒu I belong to the volcano's crater
我属于火山口 wǒ shǔyú huǒshān kǒu I belong to the volcano's crater
我属于天空 wǒ shǔyú tiānkōng I belong to the sky

我属于火山口 wǒ shǔyú huǒshān kǒu I belong to the volcano's crater
光明之中热血恣意奔涌 guāngmíng zhī zhōng rèxuè zìyì bēnyǒng In the radiance, hot blood flows forth unbridled
不惧战斗或心的灼痛 bù jù zhàndòu huò xīn de zhuó tòng not fearing battle, nor the burning pain in my heart
我属于火山口 wǒ shǔyú huǒshān kǒu I belong to the volcano's crater
生命之中注定一场重逢 shēngmìng zhī zhōng zhùdìng yī chǎng chóngféng A reunion ordained by fate
最初最终我都与你相拥 zuìchū zuìzhōng wǒ dū yǔ nǐ xiāng yōng At both the very beginning and very end, you and I embrace

English translation by Anonymous

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