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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
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Aizou Melancholia
Song title
Romaji: Aizou Merankoria
English: Love-Hate Melancholia
Original Upload Date
March 20, 2012
Camui Gackpo
Omiya-P (music, lyrics)
10,000+ (NN), 600+ (PP)
Niconico Broadcast / piapro Broadcast


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
消えない黒い染み痕の kienai kuroi shimiato no Tormented by the shiver
戦慄に苛まれ senritsu ni sainamare Of the unremovable black stain,
救いを求め sukui o motome I look for salvation
彷徨って samayotte And wander.

しとしと薄れてく意識に shitoshito usureteku ishiki ni There’s nothing certain in
確かなものは無く tashika na mono wa naku This consciousness fading gently.
君の温もり kimi no nukumori Even if I try to reach out
手を伸ばしてみても・・・ te o nobashite mite mo... To your warmth…

蘇る口癖 yomigaeru kuchiguse Your pet phrase revives.
ワダカマリの約束 wadakamari no yakusoku A promise with discontent.
乾いた嘘に kawaita uso ni I can’t stand these
もう耐えれない mou taerenai Dried-up lies any longer.

自惚れた優しさ頼りに unuboreta yasashisa tayori ni Relying on your pretentious kindness
矛盾だらけの言葉を並べ mujun darake no kotoba o narabe And uttering a lot of contradictory words,
濡れた手紙を nureta tegami o You read the wet letter
また読み返してみて mata yomikaeshite mite All over again.

もしも、嘘をつくことがキミの優しさなら・・・ moshimo, uso o tsuku koto ga kimi no yasashisa nara... If you say that you’re showing kindness by lying…
傷つけたくないから もうこれ以上 kizutsuketakunai kara mou kore ijou Then I don’t want to hurt you anymore.

君の瞳に映る 僕はどんなですか kimi no hitomi ni utsuru boku wa donna desu ka How is me that’s reflected in your eyes?
君と奏でてきたbeautiful memolies kimi to kanadete kita beautiful memolies We’ve been playing those beautiful memories.
君の笑顔 君の涙 kimi no egao kimi no namida Your smile, your tears—
忘れられないから wasurerarenai kara I can never forget them,
ずっと待っているよ zutto matte iru yo So I’ve been waiting for you.

繰り返す君の名を kurikaesu kimi no na o Repeating your name in heart
言葉にも出来ずに koroba ni mo dekizu ni But being unable to put it in words,
心の中で kokoro no naka de I was crying
泣いていた naite ita In my heart.

呆れてしまうほどに akirete shimau hodo ni I’ve always been dwelling on it
いつまでも引きずって itsumademo hikizutte So much I myself am fed up.
君の温もり kimi no nukumori Even if I try to reach out
手を伸ばしてみても・・・ te o nobashite mite mo... To your warmth…

もしも、嘘をつくことがキミの優しさなら・・・ moshimo, uso o tsuku koto ga kimi no yasashisa nara... If you say that you’re showing kindness by lying…
傷つけたくないから?もうこれ以上 kizutsuketaku nai kara? mou kore ijou Then I don’t think I want to hurt you? Not anymore.

君と別れて以来、長い月日が流れ kimi to wasurete irai, nagai tsukihi ga nagare A long time has passed since I left you.
声にならない言葉 along with the melodys koe ni naranai egao along with the melodys My words remain muted, along with the melodies.
君の笑顔 君の涙 kimi no egao kimi no namida Your smile, your tears—
忘れられないから wasurerarenai kara I can never forget them,
ずっと待っていたよ zutto matte ita yo So I’ve been waiting for you.

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

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