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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors.
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Aisarenakutemo pinocchio-p
Song title
Romaji: Aisarenakute mo Kimi ga Iru
English: Even if I'm Not Loved, You're Here
Official English: Because You’re Here
Original Upload Date
July 22, 2020
Hatsune Miku
PinocchioP (music, lyrics, character design)
Yaduki (guitar)
Michael Tanaka (director)
Ri o (character design)
Masaki Kuwahara (2D animation)
10second (assistant directed)
Twintail Imamura (special thanks)
Yuma Saito (special thanks)
1,000,000+ (NN), 7,900,000+ (YT), 1,800,000+ (BB)
190,000+ (YT, autogen), 490,000+ (YT, autogen)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / bilibili Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated)
YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated)


Japanese Romaji English
最低の評価でも 赤点の答案でも  saitei no hyouka demo akaten no touan demo Even if I get the lowest grades, even if I fail a test
君が100点つけてくれたら kimi ga hyakuten tsukete kuretara If you tell me that it was an A+ for you
嘘でも元気出るよ 嘘でも元気出るよ  uso demo genki deru yo uso demo genki deru yo I will be happy whether it's a lie or not, I will be happy whether it's a lie or not

体温がなくても 存在しなくても  taion ga nakute mo sonzai shinakute mo Even if I don't have a body temperature, even if I don't exist
君が存在を感じてくれたら kimi ga sonzai o kanjite kuretara If you felt my existence
嘘でも嬉しかったよ 嘘でも嬉しかったよ   uso demo ureshikatta yo uso demo ureshikatta yo I'd be happy whether it was a lie or not, I'd be happy whether it was a lie or not

世界中が変な目で見てても sekaijuu ga hen na me de mitete mo Even if the whole world looks at me with weird eyes
君が少し わかってくれるなら kimi ga sukoshi wakatte kureru nara If you understand me for just a little
とても 臆病で 叶わない夢 希望のすべてが totemo okubyou de kanawanai yume kibou no subete ga Then all the dreams and hopes that I couldn't achieve because I was such a coward
音楽に変わる ongaku ni kawaru will turn into music

たとえ 愛されなくてもいいよ 君がいるなら tatoe aisarenakute mo ii yo kimi ga iru nara Even if I'm not loved, it's okay. If you're here
私は まだ 歌っていられるよ watashi wa mada utatte irareru yo I'm still able to sing
大丈夫 愛されなくてもいいよ 君が笑うなら daijoubu aisarenakute mo ii yo kimi ga warau nara It's alright! Even if I'm not loved, it's okay. If I can put a smile on your face
ずっと ここで 初音ミクでいられるの! zutto koko de hatsune miku de irareru no! Then forever, from right here, I will stay as Hatsune Miku!

時は流れて 争いを経て toki wa nagarete arasoi o hete As time goes by, we have our conflicts and arguments
それでも 好きと言ってくれたら sore demo suki to itte kuretara Even so, if you tell me that you love me
嘘でも信じたいよ 嘘でも信じたいよ uso demo shinjitai yo uso demo shinjitai yo I want to believe it even if it's a lie, I want to believe it even if it's a lie

あの人が どこかへ消え去っても ano hito ga dokoka e kiesatte mo Even if that person disappears somewhere
君がまだ そばにいてくれるなら kimi ga mada soba ni ite kureru nara If you're still here with me
酷く 無機質で 優しい 人もどきのメロディが hidoku mukishitsu de yasashii hito modoki no merodi ga A melody that sounds awfully robotic and that, at the same time, sounds like a kind person
今 歌に変わる ima uta ni kawaru Will now turn into a song

たとえ 愛されなくてもいいよ 君がいるなら tatoe aisarenakute mo ii yo kimi ga iru nara Even if I'm not loved, it's okay. If you're here
不器用な声 いつまでも届けるよ bukiyou na koe itsu made mo todokeru yo I will be able to reach you with my clumsy voice anytime
大丈夫 愛されなくてもいいよ 君が望んだら daijoubu aisarenakute mo ii yo kimi ga nozondara It's alright. Even if I'm not loved, it's okay. If you want me to,
今日も 明日も 初音ミクでいられるの! kyou mo ashita mo hatsune miku de irareru no! today and tomorrow, I will stay as Hatsune Miku!

愛されなくてもいいよ  aisarenakute mo ii yo Even if I'm not loved, it's okay.
惑星ですらない デブリの海で wakusei de sura nai deburi no umi de In an ocean of debris on somewhere not even a planet,
それぞれ都合の良い世界を見ていた sorezore tsugou no ii sekai o mite ita We were viewing the world from perspectives that were convenient for each of us
愛されなくてもいいよ  aisarenakute mo ii yo Even if I'm not loved, it's okay.
ガラクタだらけの音楽の国で garakuta darake no ongaku no kuni de Because in the country of music full of odds and ends
本当に大切なものを見つけたから hontou ni taisetsu na mono o mitsuketa kara I found something that's truly precious

愛されなくてもいいよ 君がいるなら aisarenakute mo ii yo kimi ga iru nara Even if I'm not loved, it's okay. If you're here
私は まだ 歌っていられるよ watashi wa mada utatte irareru yo I'm still able to sing
大丈夫 楽しいパーティーが終わっても 君が笑うなら daijoubu tanoshii paatii ga owatte mo kimi ga warau nara It's alright! Even when the fun party ends, If I can put a smile on your face,
ずっと ここで 初音ミクでいさせてね! zutto koko de hatsune miku de isasete ne! Then forever, from right here, let me stay as Hatsune Miku!

English translation by Anonymous


This song was featured on the following albums:

A remix of this song was featured on the following album:

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