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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Warufuzake kose
Song title
Romaji: Warufuzake
English: Shenanigans
Original Upload Date
July 24, 2020
Hatsune Miku
Nakiso (music, lyrics)
Noise (mastering)
Kusuriya (illustration)
35,000+ (NN), 150,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
私は遊びだったの? watashi wa asobi datta no? Were you not serious with me?

笑えますね waraemasu ne How laughable—
嘗てあんなことを謳っていた少女は katsute anna koto o utatte ita shoujo wa The girl who once extolled that thing
甘い恋じゃなくて本当は君の友達でした amai koi ja nakute hontou wa kimi no tomodachi deshita Turned out to be not your sweet love but just one of your friends.
気づかないで泣いて恰もさ被害者の面だね kizukanaide naite atakamo sa higaisha no tsura da ne Not having noticed that, she weeps—look at how she pretends to be a victim!
自分勝手だった jibungatte datta I’ve been very selfish.
「嗚呼これが人生、嘆きたいな」 "aa kore ga jinsei, nagekitai na" “Alas, this is life. How deplorable.”

ぱらり parari Fluttering…

「赦さない」は離れないの "yurusanai" wa hanarenai no “I won’t forgive you” will never leave you.
ずっとずっと忘れはしない zutto zutto wasure wa shinai You shall, you shall never forget about it.
「君はお遊び半分で接吻(キス)をした?」 "kimi wa oasobi hanbun de kisu o shita?" “Did you give me that kiss half in fun?”

「君の好きが私の好きに "kimi no suki ga watashi no suki ni This is “a tragedy where your love
敵わない悲劇」とお分かりで? kanawanai higeki" to owakari de? Is no match for my love”—Do you understand?
まだまだ不幸になるよ madamada fukou ni naru yo I’m getting even more unhappy!
ああああああああああああ aaaaaaaaaaaa Aaaaaaaaaaaa!
「君の好きが私の好きに "kimi no suki ga watashi no suki ni This is “a tragedy where your love
敵わない悲劇」とお分かりで? kanawanai higeki" to owakari de? Is no match for my love”—Do you understand?
去って 暫く恋だとかもういいや satte shibaraku koi da toka mou ii ya Just leave; I think I’ll be giving up on love for a while.

笑えますね waraemasu ne How laughable—
だってどんな時も僻んでいる datte donna toki mo higande iru You know why? Suppose you seduced a girl
少女を誑かすだなんて shoujo o taburakasu da nante Who’s always overly sensitive,
「最期にはどうなることでしょう?」 "saigo ni wa dou naru koto deshou?" “Can you guess what would happen at the last moment?”
気づかないで哭いて真っ逆様 kizukanai de naite massakasama Not having noticed that, she weeps, falling headfirst,
眩んでは項垂れ kurande wa unadare Growing dizzy and hanging her head.
これが限度なんて如何しよう kore ga gendo nante dou shiyou This is the limit—what should I do?
生涯 憂いたいな shougai ureitai na I’d love to worry over it for all my life.

ぱらり parari Fluttering…

言わなければ壊れないが iwanakereba kowarenai ga I won’t break as long as you don’t say it,
ずっとずっと隠せはしない zutto zutto kakuse wa shinai But it’s not, it’s not as if you could conceal it forever.
「君の耳飾りになれたなら」 "kimi no mimikazari ni nareta nara" “If only I could be your earrings.”

「君の好きが私の好きに "kimi no suki ga watashi no suki ni This is “a tragedy where your love
敵わない悲劇」とお分かりで? kanawanai higeki" to owakari de? Is no match for my love”—Do you understand?
あらあら気づかない振り ara ara kizukanai furi My, my, you’re turning the other way!
ああああああああああああ aaaaaaaaaaaa Aaaaaaaaaaaa!
「君の好きが私の好きに "kimi no suki ga watashi no suki ni This is “a tragedy where your love
敵わない悲劇」とお分かりで? kanawanai higeki" to owakari de? Is no match for my love”—Do you understand?
なんてずっと倦んでるのも馬鹿 nante zutto agunderu no mo baka Always being weary like that is an act of folly.

哀しい結末に至るいつもの恋か到頭 kanashii ketsumatsu ni itaru itsumo no koi ka toutou I come to a tragic conclusion—so it’s the usual love, after all!
もうどうなったっていい mou dou natta tte ii I don’t care whatever happens anymore.
生まれ落ちた瞬間 umareochita shunkan From the very moment I was brought into the world,
決められた愛の解を宿していた kimerareta ai no kai o yadoshite ita I’ve always been pregnant with the definite solution of love.

君の「好き」に私は成れない kimi no "suki" ni watashi wa narenai There’s no way I could be your “love.”
生まれ変わる為 umarekawaru tame In order to be born again,
首を吊る kubi o tsuru I hang myself.

「君の好きが私の好きに "kimi no suki ga watashi no suki ni This is “a tragedy where your love
敵わない悲劇」とお分かりで? kanawanai higeki" to owakari de? Is no match for my love”—Do you understand?
まだまだ生きてたいよ madamada ikitetai yo But, but—I still want to live!
ああああああああああああ aaaaaaaaaaaa Aaaaaaaaaaaa!
「君の好きが私の好きに "kimi no suki ga watashi no suki ni This is “a tragedy where your love
敵わない悲劇」とお分かりで? kanawanai higeki" to owakari de? Is no match for my love”—Do you understand?
一生ずっと悔やんで仕舞え isshou zutto kuyande shimae May you regret this as long as you live!
「最期も苦しかったんだよ、馬鹿」 "saigo mo kurushikatta nda yo, baka" “Even at my last moment, I suffered so terribly, you idiot.”

English translation by Tackmyn Y.


This song was featured on the following album:

External Links

