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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

! Warning: This song contains explicit elements (Cannibalism); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
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Song title
Romaji: Akujiki Musume Konchiita
English: Evil Food Eater Conchita
Official English: Beelzebub Party
Original Upload Date
March 3, 2009
Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len (chorus)
mothy (music, lyrics)
Ichika (illustration)
1,900,000+ (NN), 50,000+ (PP), 2,600,000+ (YT), 76,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / piapro Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YouTube)
YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)


The following translation was made by Pricecheck Translations, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on her tumblr.
Singer MEIKO (Banica Conchita) Rin and Len (Arte and Pollo)
Japanese Romaji English
「さあ、残さず食べなさい」 "saa, nokosazu tabenasai" “Come, eat without leaving anything”

腐臭漂う背徳の館 fushuu tadayou haitoku no yakata In a corrupted mansion with a rotten stench hanging in the air
今日もはじまる最後の晩餐 kyou mo hajimaru saigo no bansan Today as well the last supper begins
身の毛もよだつ料理の数々 minoke mo yodatsu ryouri no kazukazu With numerous foods that could make anyone's hair stand on end
ひとり食い漁る女の笑顔 hitori kuiasaru onna no egao Is the lone smile of a woman looking to eat

彼女の名前はバニカ・コンチータ kanojo no namae wa banika konchiita Her name is Banica Conchita
かつてこの世の美食を極めた katsute kono yo no bishoku o kiwameta Formerly a master of this land's gourmet foods
その果てに彼女が求めたのは sono hate ni kanojo ga motometa no wa To that end what she pursued
究極にして至高の悪食(あくじき) kyuukyoku ni shite shikou no akujiki Was to extremes the most supreme evil food

敬い称えよ われらが偉大なコンチータ uyamai tatae yo warera ga idai na konchiita Honor and praise our own great Conchita
この世界の食物は 全てがあなたの為にある kono sekai no shokumotsu wa subete ga anata no tame ni aru This world's food, all of it exists for you

食らい尽せこの世のすべて kuraitsukuse kono yo no subete Completely devour everything in this world
胃袋にはまだまだ空きがある ibukuro ni wa madamada aki ga aru There's still room to go in my stomach
青白く輝く猛毒 aojiroku kagayaku moudoku This pale blue, shining, deadly poison
メインディッシュのスパイスに最適♥ mein disshu no supaisu ni saiteki♥ Is most suitable as a spice for the main dish ♥

骨の髄までしゃぶり尽せ hone no zui made shaburitsukuse Chew it down to the bone marrow
足りなければ皿にもかぶりつけ tarinakereba sara ni mo kaburitsuke If that's not enough, bite into the dishes too
舌先を駆け巡る至福 shitasaki o kake meguru shifuku The tip of my tongue running with supreme bliss
晩餐はまだまだ終わらない bansan wa madamada owaranai This dinner isn't over by a long shot

今年に入って15人目の kotoshi ni haitte juugoninme no My fifteenth cook
お抱えコックがこう言ってきた okakae kokku ga kou itte kita Employed this year said to me:
「そろそろお暇を貰えませんか?」 "sorosoro ohima o moraemasen ka?" “Might I take a vacation soon?”
まったく使えぬ奴らばかりね mattaku tsukaenu yatsura bakari ne Good grief, you can't do anything with these people

敬い称えよ われらが偉大なコンチータ uyamai tatae yo warera ga idai na konchiita Honor and praise our own great Conchita
裏切り者には 報いを受けていただきましょう uragirimono ni wa mukui o ukete itadakimashou Let's give thanks for receiving traitors' just desserts

食らい尽せこの世のすべて kuraitsukuse kono yo no subete Completely devour everything in this world
今日のメニューは特別製なの kyou no menyuu wa tokubetsu sei nano Today's menu is specially made
青白く輝く毛髪 aojiroku kagayaku mouhatsu The pale blue shining hair
オードブルのサラダに丁度いい♥ oodoburu no sarada ni choudo ii♥ Is just right as an hors d'oeuvre for the salad ♥

骨の髄までしゃぶり尽せ hone no zui made shaburitsukuse Chew it down to the bone marrow
足りなければ「おかわり」すればいい tarinakereba "okawari" sureba ii If that's not enough, just get “seconds”
ちょっとそこの召使さん chotto soko no meshitsukai-san Hey, little servant over there
あなたはどんな味がするかしら? anata wa donna aji ga suru kashira? What do you taste like, I wonder?

いつしか館はもぬけのからに itsushika yakata wa monuke no kara ni Before long, the mansion was completely empty
何にもないし 誰ももういない nan ni mo nai shi dare mo mou inai There was nothing inside, there wasn't anyone anymore
それでも彼女は求め続けた soredemo kanojo wa motome tsuzuketa Nevertheless she continued to desire
究極にして至高の悪食(あくじき) kyuukyoku ni shite shikou no akujiki To extremes the most supreme evil food

食らい尽せこの世のすべて kuraitsukuse kono yo no subete Completely devour everything in this world
彼女は自らの右手を見て kanojo wa mizukara no migite o mite She looked at her own right hand
そして静かにほほ笑んだ soshite shizuka ni hohoenda And quietly smiled
「マダ タベルモノ アルジャナイ」 "mada taberu mono aru ja nai" “There still is something to eat”

コンチータの最後の悪食(あくじき) konchiita no saigo no akujiki Conchita's last evil food
食材はそう 彼女自身 shokuzai wa sou kanojo jishin The ingredients were, yes, her very self
食を極めたその身体の shoku o kiwameta sono karada no Now there's no longer anyone who knows the flavor
味を知るものはすでにいない aji o shiru mono wa sude ni inai Of the body that had thoroughly mastered foods

English translation by Pricecheck Translations


This song was featured on the following albums:

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