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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Judgment of Corruption
Song title
Romaji: Akutoku no Jajjimento
English: Judgement of Corruption
Official English: Mammon's Court
Original Upload Date
December 22, 2010 (album)
June 12, 2011 (PV)
Megurine Luka, GUMI (chorus, album version)
mothy (music, lyrics)
you-ring (illustration)
1,600,000+ (NN), 2,680,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by Pricecheck Translations, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on her tumblr.
Japanese Romaji English
「さあ 開廷の時間だ」 "saa kaiten no jikan da" "Come, it's time for the trial"

汚された司法 被告の貧富で決まる罪状 yogosareta shihou hikoku no hinpu de kimaru zaijou A disgraced administration of justice with charges decided by the defendant's wealth
master of the court(法廷の主)たる 私が望むのは正義より金 houtei no nushi taru watashi ga nozomu no wa seigi yori kane As the master of the court, I desire money more than justice
極悪人でも金さえ払えば救ってやるさ gokuakunin demo kane sae haraeba sukutte yaru sa Even if you're a scoundrel, I'll save you if you pay up
地獄の沙汰も金次第 jigoku no sata mo kane shidai Money is the best lawyer in Hell

容姿や年齢 人種や性別 全て関係ない youshi ya nenrei jinshu ya seibetsu subete kankei nai Appearance and age, race and gender, all of it's irrelevant
大切なことは金が払えるか ただそれだけだ taisetsu na koto wa kane ga haraeru ka tada sore dake da What's important is whether you can pay up, that's all there is to it
お前の人生は私次第 omae no jinsei wa watashi shidai Your life depends on me
救いがほしけりゃ金を出せ! sukui ga hoshikerya kane o dase! If you want help, show me the money!

そう罪は私のさじ加減ひとつ sou tsumi wa watashi no sajikagen hitotsu Yes, your sins are my consideration alone
悪徳のジャッジメント akutoku no jajjimento Judgment of corruption
冤罪の沼からスクわれたいならば enzai no numa kara sukuwaretai naraba If you want rescue from a swamp of false charges
もっとお金を渡しなさい motto okane o watashinasai Hand over more money

足の不自由な娘の為にも金が必要 ashi no fujiyuu na musume no tame ni mo kane ga hitsuyou For the sake of my disabled daughter too, I need money
大罪の器 七つが揃えば願いは叶う daizai no utsuwa nanatsu ga soroeba negai wa kanau If I collect the seven vessels of grave sin, my wish will come true
今日も繰り広げられる疑惑の法廷 kyou mo kuri hirogerareru giwaku no houtei Today too in the unfolding courtroom of doubt
悪人が笑い善人が泣く akunin ga warai zennin ga naku The wicked laugh, the innocent cry

そう罪は私のさじ加減一つ sou tsumi wa watashi no sajikagen hitotsu Yes, your sins are my consideration alone
悪徳のジャッジメント akutoku no jajjimento Judgment of corruption
自らの悲願を叶えるためならば mizukara no higan o kanaeru tame naraba If it's to grant my own dearest wish
非道の槌を振るい続ける hidou no tsuchi o furui tsuzukeru I will continue to swing this unjust mallet

民衆殺しの悪辣将軍 死罪が当然 minshuugoroshi no akuratsu shougun shizai wa touzen A vicious general is a mass murderer, a capital crime charge is natural
渡された賄賂 私は被告に無罪を告げた watasareta wairo watashi wa hikoku ni muzai o tsugeta I was handed a bribe, and I declare the defendant innocent
巻き起こる怒り 始まった内戦 殺された将軍 makiokoru ikari hajimatta naisen korosareta shougun In the resulting rage, a civil war began; the general was killed
無残な死体 野にさらす muzan na shitai no ni sarasu His miserable corpse is exposed on the field

怒りの矛先 私へと向かい 燃え盛る家  ikari no hokosaki watashi e to mukai moesakaru ie The force of the anger comes to face me, and my house blazes
愛しい「娘」よ 二人一緒なら恐怖などない itoshii "musume" yo futari issho nara kyoufu nado nai My beloved "daughter," if we're together, I have nothing to fear
焼け落ちた屋敷から見つかるだろう yakeochita yashiki kara mitsukaru darou From the burned down mansion, they'll probably find
孤独な「親子」の亡骸が… kodoku na "oyako" no nakigara ga… The remains of a solitary "parent and child…"

目が覚めた時に一人いた場所は 冥界の門  me ga sameta toki ni hitori ita basho wa meikai no mon When I woke up, the place I was alone in was the gate of the Hellish Yard
天国か地獄か それを決めるのは master of the hellish yard(冥界の主) tengoku ka jigoku ka sore o kimeru no wa meikai no nushi Heaven or Hell, that is decided by the Master of the Hellish Yard
極悪人でも金さえ払えば救ってやるさ gokuakunin demo kane sae haraeba sukutte yaru sa Even if you're a scoundrel, I'll save you if you pay up
地獄の沙汰も金次第 jigoku no sata mo kane shidai Money is the best lawyer in Hell

私は微笑み 冥界の主にそっと耳打ち watashi wa hohoemi meikai no nushi ni sotto mimiuchi I smile at the Master of the Hellish Yard, and softly whisper in her ear
「私の財産 貴様なんぞには決して渡さない」 "watashi no zaisan kisama nanzo ni wa kesshite watasanai" "I will never hand over my fortune to the likes of you"
扉に飛び込んだこの身体 tobira ni tobikonda kono karada I jumped through the door and my body
地獄の底へ落ちて行く jigoku no soko e ochite yuku Falls right down to the bottom of Hell

そう罪は私のさじ加減ひとつ sou tsumi wa watashi no sajikagen hitotsu Yes, sins are my consideration alone
悪徳のジャッジメント akutoku no jajjimento Judgment of corruption
たとえ誰だろうと私のこの罪 tatoe dare darou to watashi no kono tsumi No matter who it is, I won't approve
裁くことは認めない sabaku koto wa mitomenai Anyone judging this sin of mine

そういつか再びこの手に集めよう sou itsuka futatabi kono te ni atsumeyou Yes, one day I will again gather in my hands
大罪のフラグメント daizai no furagumento The fragments of deadly sin
その時に地獄は私と娘の sono toki ni jigoku wa watashi to musume no In that moment, Hell may turn into
理想郷(ユートピア)へと変わるだろう… yuutopia e to kawaru darou… Me and my daughter's utopia…

English translation by Pricecheck Translations


This song was featured on the following albums:

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