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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Love Suicide in Oblivion
Song title
Romaji: Boukyaku Shinjuu
English: Lovers' Suicide Oblivion / Love Suicide in Oblivion
Original Upload Date
November 21, 2007
OPA (music, video)
Asaki No'9 (lyrics)
390,000+ (NN), 24,000+ (PP), 2,500+ (YT), 55,000+ (YT, album)
Niconico Broadcast / piapro Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)


Japanese Romaji English
例えば明日、君が死ぬとしたら tatoeba asu, kimi ga shinu to shitara If you were to die tomorrow,
今日のうちに何がしたい? kyou no uchi ni nani ga shitai? What would you do today?
生きた証しを残そうか ikita akashi o nokosou ka Would you leave proof that you were alive,
生きる術を見つけようか ikiru sube o mitsukeyou ka Or would you try and find out how to live?

例え命が散っても思い出は消えない tatoe inochi ga chitte mo omoide wa kienai Though my life will burn out, my memories won’t disappear.
例え世界が散っても魂は消えない tatoe sekai ga chitte mo tamashii wa kienai Though this world will burn out, my soul won’t disappear.
だけど忘れるのが人間だから dakedo wasureru no ga ningen dakara But since it's human nature to forget,
その時に忘却心中しようか sono toki ni boukyaku shinjuu shiyou ka How about we commit an oblivious lovers' suicide?

あの歴史はもう忘れた人の方が多い ano rekishi wa mou wasureta hito no hou ga ooi There are a lot of people in history who are forgotten,
勝った者が正義になってた時代の話 katta mono ga seigi ni natteta jidai no hanashi And the victors turn into the “good guys” of that era.
僕が死んだら何日で皆忘れるだろう boku ga shindara nannichi de mina wasureru darou After I die, I wonder how many days it will take people to forget about me?
辿り着く答えなんてきっと無いのだろう tadoritsuku kotae nante kitto nai no darou I’m sure I'll never hit on an answer to that.

覚えてます。覚えてます。 oboetemasu. oboetemasu. I remember. I remember.
あなたの手の温もりを・・・ anata no te no nukumori o... The warmth of your hand…

例えば昨日、あの人が死んで tatoeba kinou, ano hito ga shinde If that person died tomorrow,
今日の君に何を与える? kyou no kimi ni nani o ataeru? What would you gain from them today?
それが答えなのかもしれない sore ga kotae nano kamo shirenai That might be the answer.
それが人間なのかもしれない sore ga ningen nano kamo shirenai That might be the nature of a human.

例え君が泣いても世界は変わらない tatoe kimi ga naite mo sekai wa kawaranai Though you'll cry, the world won’t change.
例え自我を殺しても僕は変われない tatoe jiga o koroshi te mo boku wa kawarenai Though I'll kill my ego, I can’t change.
感情の性感帯を切り裂いて kanjou no seikantai o kirisaite Cut off your emotional erogenous zones
その時に忘却心中しましょう sono toki ni boukyaku shinjuu shimashou And let us commit an oblivious lovers' suicide.

あの事件ももう忘れた人の方が多い ano jiken mo mou wasureta hito no hou ga ooi There were a lot of people forgotten in that incident.
幼い頃学んだ常識は壊されて osanai koro mananda joushiki wa kowasarete The good sense I learned as a child was destroyed.
明日が死んでも何人の人が気付くだろう asu ga shinde mo nannin no hito ga kizuku darou If I died tomorrow, I wonder how many people would notice?
それは知らない方が幸せなのかも… sore wa shiranai hou ga shiawase nano kamo... I might be happier if I don’t know the answer…

ありがとう。ありがとう。 arigatou. arigatou. Thank you. Thank you.
わたしの血の温もりと… watashi no chi no nukumori to... The warmth of my blood and…

覚えてます。憶えてます。 oboetemasu. oboetemasu. I remember. I remember
あなたの手の温もりを… anata no te no nukumori o... The warmth of your hand….

English translation by 2bricacity Translations, with revisions by MeaningfulUsername

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