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TokugawaCupNoodle MitchieM
Song title
Romaji: Tokugawa Kappu Nuudoru Kinshirei
English: The Tokugawa Ban on Cup Noodles
Official English: Tokugawa Cupnoodle Prohibition
Original Upload Date
February 16, 2022
Kusanagi Nene, Nene Robo, Mikudayo, KAITO and Kagamine Len
Kagamine Rin, Megurine Luka, and MEIKO (sub vocal)
Mitchie M (music, lyrics)
Morii Kenshirou (director)
Kinutani So-shi (character design, conte, animation)
Nagano Shinpei, Natsuhashi Mirai, Moriya Saki (animation)
Shinomiya You (background)
Tasuku Oozu (cinematographer, effect)
Aoki Yasuhiro (animation producer)
Uchiumi Hiroshi (producer)
SCOOTER FILMS (W-Toon Studio) (animation production)
320,000+ (NN), 9,900,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Singer Mikudayo Nene Robo Kusanagi Nene KAITO Kagamine Len Kagamine Rin, Megurine Luka or MEIKO Mikudayo and Nene Robo
Japanese Romaji English
時は江戸時代。食わず嫌いの将軍徳川家夷斗(カイト) は、 toki wa edo jidai. kuwazugirai no shougun tokugawa kaito wa, The period: Edo. With a dislike for them despite never having tried them,
大流行しているカップヌードルの禁止を発令。 dairyuukou shite iru kappu nuudoru no kinshi o hatsurei. the Tokugawa Shogun KAITO has issued a ban on the popular cup noodles.
その将軍の誤解を解くため、松前藩からミクダヨーが、 sono shougun no gokai o toku tame, matsumaehan kara mikudayoo ga, In order to clear up the Shogun's misunderstanding, Mikudayo from the Matsumae clan
久留米藩からネネロボが江戸城に向かったのであった。 kurumehan kara nenerobo ga edojou ni mukatta no deatta. and NeneRobo from the Kurume domain traveled to the Edo castle.

公方様こちらが カップヌードル味噌ダヨー「ふんっ!」 kubousama kochira ga kappu nuudoru miso dayoo "funn!" Most esteemed Shogun, I present to you: the miso flavor of cup noodles! ("Yuck!")
お口に合わぬ時は “張り”切ってお詫びします「“腹”だろ!」 okuchi ni awanu toki wa “hari”kitte owabi shimasu "“hara” daro!" Should it not be to your liking, then my apologies will be in the form of cutting through all limits. ("Cut your belly!")
ニンジン、ネギ、キャベツ、コーン、謎肉の具材 ninjin, negi, kyabetsu, koon, nazoniku no guzai The ingredients: carrot, leeks, cabbage, corn, and mystery meat!

3種の味噌を合わせた とろけるようなスープは濃厚! sanshu no miso o awaseta torokeru you na suupu wa noukou! Just mix together three types of miso, and you'll be melting in freshly-made soup!
おむすびに合うランキング 第1位ダヨー omusubi ni au rankingu daiichii dayoo It's the number-one pairing to a rice ball!

「膳奉行!」 "zenbugyou!" "Food taster!"
「はっ。では毒見を・・・うまっ!」 "haa. de wa dokumi o... umaa!" "Sir! I shall taste for poison...Yummy!"

味・味・味噌味食べてみそみそ しょうがピリピリ・アクセント(御馳御馳) mi mi misoaji tabete misomiso shouga piripiri akusento (gochigochi) Taste that mi-mi-miso! Add ginger and you'll get a tingly accent! (How tasty!)
味・味・味噌味食べてうまうま にんにくピリピリ・エクセレント(おいちー!) mi mi misoaji tabete umauma ninniku piripiri ekuserento (oichii!) Taste that mi-mi-miso! How excellent is it with a garlic tingle! (So sweet!)
極楽浄土登るような この美・美・美味を分からなくちゃ gokurakujoudo noboru you na kono bi bi bimi o wakaranakucha You have to experience this taste; it's like ascending into heaven!
オッペケペーのオッペケペーのペーペーダヨー ほい! oppekepee no oppekepee no peepee dayoo hoi! It's Oppekepe, Oppekepe-pe-pe! Okay!

それそれそれそれ! soresore soresore! Chop chop, hurry up!
「ネネロボ、参ります!」 "nenerobo, mairimasu!" "NeneRobo has arrived!"

公方様こちらが にんにく豚骨味です「うお!」 kubousama kochira ga ninniku tonkotsuaji desu "uo!" Most esteemed Shogun, I present to you: the garlic tonkotsu flavor! ("Eww!")
お気に召されぬ時は 逆立ち腕立てします「無理だろ!」 oki ni mesarenu toki wa sakadachi udetate shimasu "muri daro!" Should it not be to your liking, then my apologies will be in the form of a handstand. ("This can't be!")
キクラゲ、紅生姜、謎肉、その他 kikurage, benishouga, nazoniku, sono ta The ingredients: wood ear mushrooms, red pickled ginger, mystery meat, and so on!

豚の旨みとアブラに ガーリック効いたスープはガッツリ! buta no umami to abura ni gaarikku kiita suupu wa gattsuri! Mixing pork flavor and oil together with garlic make for a punch!
ポンコツ言うな!豚骨です! ささお召しあれ ponkotsu iu na! tonkotsu desu! sasa omeshiare These are pork bones, so quit calling me a bonehead! Please have a taste!

「で、ではいただこう・・・うまっ!」 "de, de wa itadakou... umaa!" "Fine, I'll have a taste...Delicious!"

豚・豚・豚骨食べてみそみそ 旨味つよつよパーフェクト(もりもり) ton ton tonkotsu tabete misomiso umami tsuyotsuyo paafekuto (morimori) Taste that ton-ton-tonkotsu! Its strong flavor is perfect! (Yum-yum!)
オ・オ・オイルも入れてうまうま にんにくつよつよインパクト(最高!) o o oiru mo irete umauma ninniku tsuyotsuyo inpakuto (saikou!) Add that oh-so-good o-o-oil! It has a strong impact with garlic added! (The best!)
富士山のパワーを得たような この美・美・美味を味わわなきゃ fujiyama no pawaa o eta you na kono bi bi bimi o ajiwawanakya You have to experience this taste; it's like wielding Mt. Fuji's power!
オッペケペーのオッペケペーのペーペーダヨー ほい! oppekepee no oppekepee no peepee dayoo hoi! It's Oppekepe, Oppekepe-pe-pe! Okay!

あれれ?スープの香りに誘われて 殿がもう一人出てきたよ arere? suupu no kaori ni sasowarete dono ga mou hitori dete kita yo Well, what's this? Someone's been drawn in by the soup aroma! Looks like another Shogun's about to show himself!
影武者だったのね ささ召し上がれ kagemusha datta no ne sasa meshiagare It seems to have been a body double...Please have a taste!
「う・ま・い・ぞー!」 "u ma i zoo !" "It's...so...tasty!"

味・味・味噌味食べてみそみそ しょうがピリピリ・アクセント(御馳御馳) mi mi misoaji tabete misomiso shouga piripiri akusento (gochigochi) Taste that mi-mi-miso! Add ginger and you'll get a tingly accent! (How tasty!)
味・味・味噌味食べてうまうま にんにくピリピリ・エクセレント(おいちー!) mi mi misoaji tabete umauma ninniku piripiri ekuserento (oichii!) Taste that mi-mi-miso! How excellent is it with a garlic tingle! (So sweet!)
豚・豚・豚骨食べてみそみそ 旨味つよつよパーフェクト(もりもり) ton ton tonkotsu tabete misomiso umami tsuyotsuyo paafekuto (morimori) Taste that ton-ton-tonkotsu! Its strong flavor is perfect! (Yum-yum!)
オ・オ・オイルも入れてうまうま にんにくつよつよインパクト(最高!) o o oiru mo irete umauma ninniku tsuyotsuyo inpakuto (saikou!) Add that oh-so-good o-o-oil! It has a strong impact with garlic added! (The best!)
極楽浄土登るような この美・美・美味を味わったら gokurakujoudo noboru you na kono bi bi bimi o ajiwattara You have to experience this taste; it's like ascending into heaven!
あっぱれぱれあっぱれぱれぱっぱっぱれ! apparepare apparepare pappappare! Bra-bravo, bra-bravo-vo-vo-vo!

こうしてミクダヨーとネネロボの説得の甲斐あって、 koushite mikudayoo to nenerobo no settoku no kai atte, And so, thanks to Mikudayo and NeneRobo's efforts,
徳川家夷斗(カイト)は禁止令を廃止。 tokugawa kaito wa kinshirei o haishi. Tokugawa KAITO eventually lifted the ban.
人々はカップヌードルを心置きなく食べ、 hitobito wa kappu nuudoru o kokorooki naku tabe, The people could now eat cup noodles without reservations,
長く太平の世が続いたのでした。おわり。 nagaku taihei no yo ga tsuzuita no deshita. owari. and the world continued to live in peace. The end.

English translation by MikuMiku05 via the Project SEKAI Wiki

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