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Rag Doll Cryptolalia
Song title
Pinyin: Bùwáwá Cryptolalia
English: Rag Doll Cryptolalia
Original Upload Date
July 17, 2014
Luo Tianyi
SAKA Axis:
DELA (music, lyrics)
Jiang Wu Luan Wan (tuning)
Yu Li (lyrics)
Electricpoison (mix)
Cha Li (illustration)
bilibili Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint)

Alternate Versions[]

Rag Doll Cryptolalia
Official Human Vocals ver.
Upload date: July 19, 2016
Featuring: 双笙


Chinese Pinyin English
公主那些童话 还有好多没讲完啊 gōngzhǔ nàxiē tónghuà hái yǒu hǎoduō méi jiǎng wán a Of those princess fairytales, there are still so many left untold.
这样要怎么睡得著呢 妈妈 zhèyàng yào zěnme shuì dé zháo ne māmā So, how can I sleep like this, mom?
新的房间很大 我只带了我的布娃娃 xīn de fángjiān hěn dà wǒ zhǐ dàile wǒ de bù wáwá The new room is huge, but I only brought my rag doll.
窗户的影子下 谁对谁说娃娃要听话 chuānghù de yǐngzi xià shéi duì shéi shuō wáwá yào tīnghuà In the shadow of the window, who told whom that the doll (child) had to be obedient?

你看太阳升起来啦 我亲爱的小布娃娃 nǐ kàn tàiyáng shēng qǐlái la wǒ qīn'ài de xiǎo bù wáwá Look, the sun's rising, my dear little doll.
我们还能笑吗 还能笑吗 wǒmen hái néng xiào ma hái néng xiào ma Can we still laugh? Can we still smile?
不要再哭啦 bùyào zài kū la Don't cry anymore, okay?

你看月亮也升起来啦 我亲爱的小布娃娃 nǐ kàn yuèliàng yě shēng qǐlái la wǒ qīn'ài de xiǎo bù wáwá Look, the moon's rising too, my dear little doll.
你说妈妈会梦到我吗 就好像我天天梦到她 nǐ shuō māmā huì mèng dào wǒ ma jiù hǎoxiàng wǒ tiāntiān mèng dào tā Do you think mom will dream of me just like I dream of her every day?
爸爸再也不提起妈妈 说她在很远的地方 bàba zài yě bù tíqǐ māmā shuō tā zài hěn yuǎn de dìfāng Dad didn't mention mom again, saying she's at a very distant place.
她一定是会回来的吧 娃娃和娃娃都在等她 tā yīdìng shì huì huílái de ba wáwá hé wáwá dōu zài děng tā She's definitely going to come back, right? The doll and doll (child) are both waiting for her.

像是公主一样 我也有了蓬蓬裙纱 xiàng shì gōngzhǔ yīyàng wǒ yěyǒule péng péng qún shā Just like a princess, I also have a long, flowing dress[1].
准备要带我去哪里呢 爸爸 zhǔnbèi yào dài wǒ qù nǎlǐ ne bàba Where are you getting ready to bring me, dad?
白色蛋糕很大 我只带了我的布娃娃 báisè dàngāo hěn dà wǒ zhǐ dàile wǒ de bù wáwá The white cake is huge, but I only brought my rag doll.
被塞上了鲜花 谁对谁说娃娃要听话 bèi sāi shàngle xiānhuā shéi duì shéi shuō wáwá yào tīnghuà Stuffed with arms full of fresh flowers, who said to whom that the doll (child) had to be obedient?
你看大人们都笑啦 我亲爱的小布娃娃 nǐ kàn dàrénmen dōu xiào la wǒ qīn'ài de xiǎo bù wáwá Look, all the grown-ups are laughing, my dear little doll.
我们必须唱啊 必须跳啊 wǒmen bìxū chàng a bìxū tiào a We have to sing. We have to dance.
怎么能停啊 zěnme néng tíng a How can we possibly stop?

你看大人都把我们夸 我亲爱的小布娃娃 nǐ kàn dàrén dōu bǎ wǒmen kuā wǒ qīn'ài de xiǎo bù wáwá Look, the grown-ups are praising us, my dear little doll.
把你送给我的是妈妈 却不是现在的这个她 bǎ nǐ sòng gěi wǒ de shì māmā què bùshì xiànzài de zhège tā It was my mom who gave you to me, but not this mom.
爸爸亲吻了新的妈妈 他们幸福快乐地唱 bàba qīnwěnle xīn de māmā tāmen xìngfú kuàilè de chàng Dad kissed the new mom, and everyone sang in happiness and joy,
王子抛弃掉了灰姑娘 再也没有人来接娃娃 wángzǐ pāoqì diàole huī gūniáng zài yě méiyǒu rén lái jiē wáwá The prince abandoned Cinderella and no one came to pick up the doll (child) again.

这是我的错吗 zhè shì wǒ de cuò ma Is this my fault?
是不是因为不够听话 shì bùshì yīn wéi bùgòu tīnghuà Was it because I wasn't obedient enough?
泪水想停也没法停下 lèishuǐ xiǎng tíng yě méi fǎ tíng xià The tears won't stop even though I want them to.
我不想一个人长大 wǒ bùxiǎng yīgè rén zhǎng dà I don't want to grow up alone.
我失去了家 wǒ shī qùle jiā I lost my home (family),
所有人却都祝福他和她 suǒyǒu rén què dōu zhùfú tā hé tā Yet everyone still blessed him and her.
这个世界上没有童话 zhège shìjiè shàng méiyǒu tónghuà This world has no fairytales.
只剩下 zhǐ shèng xià The only ones left are
我和我的布娃娃 wǒ hé wǒ de bù wáwá me and my rag doll.

English translation by Anonymous, checked by Emiliers

Translation Notes[]

  1. 蓬蓬裙 is a petticoat/pettiskirt. Baidu page. Wiki page. In Chinese, it can also literally be called a princess dress. If petticoats are too obscure, I might've just translated this as "long, flowing dress".


This song was featured on the following albums:

External Links[]

