Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
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Shaonu Chuxing
Song title
Traditional Chinese: 少女處刑
Pinyin: Shàonǚ Chǔxíng
Official English: Maiden‘s Execution
Original Upload Date
July 17, 2023
Natsuki Karin
NorainuP (music, lyrics)
白溪爱长安 (illustration)
530+ (SC), 250+ (NN), 400+ (YT), 1,800+ (BB)
SoundCloud Broadcast / Niconico Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast / bilibili Broadcast (deleted)

Alternate Versions

Shaonu Chuxing Cong Zheng
Cong Zheng version
Upload date: July 17, 2023
Featuring: Cong Zheng
Producer(s): NorainuP (music, lyrics)
Shaonu Chuxing Tianyi
Tianyi version
Upload date: July 25, 2023
Featuring: Luo Tianyi
Producer(s): NorainuP (music, lyrics), 林木禽 (illustration)
BB (deleted) / NEM


Chinese Pinyin English
囚禁着人世间的监牢 qiújìn zhe rénshìjiān de jiānláo The prison that holds the world
天空它狰狞地微笑 tiānkōng tā zhēngníng de wēixiào The sky is grimly smiling
放弃祷告 fàngqì dǎogào Give up (your) prayers
不论谁都无路可逃 bùlùn shéi dōu wúlùkětáo There's no escape for anyone

有限的时间不停奔跑 yǒuxiàn de shíjiān bùtíng bēnpǎo The limited time runs on and on
拖着疲惫不堪的躯壳 tuō zhe píbèibùkān de qūqiào Dragging its weary body along
打磨每个人的棱角 dǎmó měigerén de léngjiǎo Grinds the edges of everyone

猎杀游戏 lièshā yóuxì The hunting game
裁决的号角 吹响 cáijué de hàojiǎo chuīxiǎng The horn of judgment blows
满怀爱意 mǎnhuái àiyì (As long as I'm) full of love
全世界就会把我原谅 quánshìjiè jiù huì bǎ wǒ yuánliàng The world will forgive me
Judgement Draws Near!

心脏!震耳欲聋在喧嚣 xīnzàng! zhèn'ěryùlóng zài xuānxiāo Heart! (My) deafening heartbeat
绝望!你恐惧着在尖叫 juéwàng! nǐ kǒngjù zhe zài jiānjiào Desperation! You're screaming in fear
退场!规则已经改变掉 tuìchǎng! guīzé yǐjīng gǎibiàn diào Exeunt! The rules have changed
别慌!倒数开始三!二!一! bié huāng! dàoshǔ kāishǐ sān! èr! yī! Don't panic! The countdown begins in Three! Two! One!

听啊!多么甜美的哭号 tīng ā! duōme tiánměi de kū hào Listen! What a sweet cry
看啊!你的命运我主导 kàn ā! nǐ de mìngyùn wǒ zhǔdǎo Look! Your fate is up to me
去吧!胜利扬起了屠刀 qù ba! shènglì yángqǐ le túdāo Go! Victory raises the butcher's knife
立刻!逃亡时间三!二!一! lìkè! táowáng shíjiān sān! èr! yī! Now! Escape time! Three! Two! One!


来 唱首歌吧 lái chàng shǒugē ba Come on, sing a song
边追赶着 biān zhuīgǎn zhe (I'm) catching up with you
跳起血腥的圆舞曲 tiào qǐ xuèxīng de yuánwǔqǔ Dancing a bloody waltz
请 尽情展露 qǐng jìnqíng zhǎnlù Please show
你的恐慌 来讨我欢心 nǐ de kǒnghuāng lái tǎo wǒ huānxīn your panic to please me

啦♪ 啦噜哩啦 哩啦噜啦♪ lā♪ lālūlǐlā lǐlālūlā♪ La♪ La-lu-li-la li-la-lu-la♪
噜哩噜啦 啦啦啦啦♪ lūlǐlūlā lālālālā♪ Lu-li-lu-la la-la-la-la♪
啦♪ 啦噜哩啦 哩啦噜啦♪ lā♪ lālūlǐlā lǐlālūlā♪ La♪ La-lu-li-la li-la-lu-la♪
啦哩噜啦♪ lālǐlūlā♪ La-li-lu-la♪

猎杀游戏 lièshā yóuxì The hunting game
裁决的号角 吹响 cáijué de hàojiǎo chuīxiǎng The horn of judgment blows
满怀爱意 mǎnhuái àiyì (As long as I'm) full of love
全世界就会把我原谅 quánshìjiè jiù huì bǎ wǒ yuánliàng The world will forgive me
Judgement Draws Near!

心脏!震耳欲聋在喧嚣 xīnzàng! zhèn'ěryùlóng zài xuānxiāo Heart! (My) deafening heartbeat
绝望!你恐惧着在尖叫 juéwàng! nǐ kǒngjù zhe zài jiānjiào Desperation! You're screaming in fear
退场!规则已经改变掉 tuìchǎng! guīzé yǐjīng gǎibiàn diào Exeunt! The rules have changed
别慌!倒数开始三!二!一! bié huāng! dàoshǔ kāishǐ sān! èr! yī! Don't panic! The countdown begins in Three! Two! One!

听啊!多么甜美的哭号 tīng ā! duōme tiánměi de kū hào Listen! What a sweet cry
看啊!你的命运我主导 kàn ā! nǐ de mìngyùn wǒ zhǔdǎo Look! Your fate is up to me
去吧!胜利扬起了屠刀 qù ba! shènglì yángqǐ le túdāo Go! Victory raises the butcher's knife
立刻!逃亡时间三!二!一! lìkè! táowáng shíjiān sān! èr! yī! Now! Escape time! Three! Two! One!


English translation by yxlxy007

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