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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
小悪魔chimera - デスおはぎ
Song title
Romaji: Koakuma chimera
English: Little Devil Chimera
Original Upload Date
February 14, 2011
Kasane Teto
Oyamano Mayo, Camui Gackpo (spoken lines)
Sekka Yufu (chorus)
Death Ohagi (music, lyrics)
Yurahonya (tuning)
CompP (Gackpo tuning)
Sumi, Yaita Sake, Tamute. (illustration)
Mimikiri (illustration, video)
Oyamano Mayo, nwp8861 (special thanks)
Niconico Broadcast


Hazuki no Yume has requested past usages of her translations to be removed. We would normally respect the author's wishes to remove their work. However, given the circumstances under which the request was made, the fact that she previously gave us explicit permission to use her translations (see also Good faith), and the best interest of the fandom, we have decided against removing the translations and only replacing those where another translation of sufficient quality is available. If you have found such a translation and has been checked as accurate, please replace this one or leave a comment with a link to that translation so another editor can replace it.

Japanese Romaji English
「ぱぱ~、てとお腹空いちゃった」 "papa~, teto onaka suichatta" "Papa~ I'm hungry"
「DVD、返してきて?」 "DVD, kaeshite kite?" "Will you return my DVDs for me?"
「てと、ノルウェーに行ってみたいなぁ~」 "teto, noruwei ni itte mitai naa~" "I want to go to Norway~"
「いつ連れてってくれるの?」 "itsu tsuretette kureru no?" "When will you take me there?"

何でもしてくれるてとのパパ nandemo shite kureru teto no papa My papa will do anything for me
てとのことが大好きなの teto no koto ga daisuki na no You love me, so adding this to your MyList
光速でマイリス余裕でしょ? kousoku de mairisu yoyuu desho? at the speed of light should be no problem, right?

「てと、おっきくなったらパパのお嫁さんになる!」 "teto, okkiku nattara papa no oyomesan ni naru!" "I will marry Papa once I grow up!"
なんてねっ nante ne Just kidding

てとのパパはね? teto no papa wa ne? You know what?
ヌイグルミも nuigurumi mo Papa is my servant
フランスパンも何でもくれる furansupan mo nandemo kureru He will give me anything I want
召使いなのよ meshitsukai na no yo Be it a stuffed toy or French bread

ミクちゃんもね? miku-chan mo ne? You know what?
羨んでた 自慢のパパよ urayandeta jiman no papa yo Even Miku-chan is jealous, I'm so proud of papa
だからあのね、 dakara ano ne, So hurry up
早く迎えに来て hayaku mukae ni kite And come get me
二次元までっ☆ nijigen made ☆ In the two-dimensional world ☆

「ママぁ~ がくぽくんがてとのこといじめるぅ~」 "mamaa~ gakupo-kun ga teto no koto ijimeruu~" "Mama~ Gackpo-kun is bullying me~"
「まぁて~なっすなすにしてくれる」 "maate~ nassu nasu ni shite kureru" "Wait~ I will turn you into an eggplant!"

何でもしてくれるてとのママ nandemo shite kureru teto no mama My mama will do anything for me
てとのことが心配なの? teto no koto ga shinpai nano? Are you worried about me?
音速で弾幕余裕でしょ? onsoku de danmaku yoyuu desho? Then flooding the screen at the speed of sound should be no problem, right?

「てと、おっきくなったらママとデビューするの!」 "teto, okkiku nattara mama to debyuu suru no!" "I will debut with mama once I grow up!"
なんてねっ nante ne Just kidding

てとのママはね? teto no mama wa ne? You know what?
クラシックも kurashikku mo Mama is my producer
電波ソングもつくってくれる denpa songu mo tsukutte kureru She will create any song for me
プロデューサーなの purodyuusaa na no Be it classical or an electronic piece

レンくんもね? ren-kun mo ne? You know what?
羨んでた 自慢のママよ urayandeta jiman no mama yo Even Len-kun is jealous, I'm so proud of mama
だからあのね、 dakara ano ne, So hurry up
早く連れていって hayaku tsurete itte And take me
殿堂までっ☆ dendou made ☆ To the hall of fame ☆

恋をして 恋をして koi o shite koi o shite They love me, love me
恋をして 振られ また捨てられても koi o shite furare mata suterarete mo They love me, touch me, then they leave me
てとにはね、パパがいる teto ni wa ne, papa ga iru Even then, I still have papa
守ってくれるよね? mamotte kureru yo ne? You will protect me, won't you?
「好きだよ♥」 "suki da yo♥" "I love you ♥"
君たちは実に親バカだなぁ! kimitachi wa jitsu ni oyabaka da na! Gosh, you all are such doting parents!

てとのパパはね? teto no papa wa ne? You know what?
フィギュアだって figyua datte My papa is an addicted meister
痛車だってつくってくれる itasha datte tsukutte kureru He will make anything for me
廃人(マイスター)なのよ maisutaa nano yo Be it figures or a car with my picture on it

てとのママはね? teto no mama wa ne? You know what?
デスメタルも desumetaru mo Mama is my producer
ジャズプログレもつくってくれる jazupurogure mo tsukette kureru She will create any song for me
プロデューサーなの purodyuusaa na no Be it death metal or progressive jazz

リンちゃんもね、ルカちゃんもね? rin-chan mo ne, ruka-chan mo ne? You know what?
羨んでた 自慢の親よ urayandeta jiman no oya yo Even Rin-chan and Luka-chan are jealous, I'm so proud of my parents
だからあのね、 dakara ano ne, So hurry up
早く出させてよね hayaku dasasete yo ne And let me appear
Mステとかっ emusute toka On Music Station or something

English translation by Hazuki no Yume

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