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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Kodoku no Hate
Song title
Romaji: Kodoku no Hate
Official English: Solitude's End
Original Upload Date
August 8, 2009
Kagamine Rin
Kagamine Len (chorus)
Hikari Shuuyou (music, lyrics)
NEGI (illustration, video)
1,200,000+ (NN), 72,000+ (YT, autogen)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint)
YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YT)

Alternate Versions

Upload date: December 31, 2019
Featuring: Kagamine Rin
Producer(s): Hikari Shuuyou (music, lyrics)
YT (auto-generated by YT)
Featured on the album "Re:CAST".


Japanese Romaji English
過ぎた季節 静かに滲む寒空 sugita kisetsu shizuka ni nijimu samuzora The season passed, and now the cold sky is quietly blurring.
通りを望む この景色も移ろい行く toori o nozomu kono keshiki mo utsuroiyuku I wish I had a way to go; this landscape's changing too.

戸惑いも 悲しみも この声に乗せて tomadoi mo kanashimi mo kono koe ni nosete I'm sending out my confusion and sadness through this voice...

Ah 孤独の果ての蜃気楼 Ah kodoku no hate no shinkirou Ah, the mirage at solitude's end
その背中に刺さる欠けた月 sono senaka ni sasaru kaketa tsuki Is a waning moon that pierces your back.
Ah 路傍の果てに見えるのは Ah robou no hate ni mieru no wa Ah, visible at the end of the roadside
ただ物言わぬ窓の影 tada monoiwanu mado no kage Is nothing but the unspeaking shadow of a window.

物語の結末をただ見つめてる monogatari no ketsumatsu o tada mitsumeteru I'm merely gazing at the conclusion of this story.
過ちの跡、君の手を離れ彷徨う ayamachi no ato, kimi no te o hanare samayou My mistakes leave traces, so I'll let go of your hand and wander.

後悔も 絶望も この声が運んで koukai mo zetsubou mo kono koe ga hakonde This voice is carrying my regret and despair...

Ah 孤独の果ての蜃気楼 Ah kodoku no hate no shinkirou Ah, the mirage at solitude's end
その背中に刺さる青い月  sono senaka ni sasaru aoi tsuki Is a blue moon that pierces your back.
Ah 繰り返しの果てに見えるのは Ah kurikaeshi no hate ni mieru no wa Ah, visible at the end of this loop
ただ穏やかな星の夢 tada odayaka na hoshi no yume Is nothing but the peaceful dream of a star.

喰潰され 忘れ去られ kuitsubusare wasuresarare Eaten down to the bone and forgotten about,
形も無く 消えていくだけ katachi mo naku kiete iku dake With no shape, I'm just fading away.
この歌さえ 忘れ去られ kono uta sae wasuresarare Even this song is being forgotten about,
風に流れ 塵になり kaze ni nagare chiri ni nari Drifting away on the wind, becoming dust...
此処に在れど 其処に在れど koko ni aredo soko ni aredo Whether you're here or there,
忘れ去られ 記憶の果てへ wasuresarare kioku no hate e You'll be forgotten about and head towards memory's end.
あの歌さえ この歌さえ ano uta sae kono uta sae Even that song, even this song—
世の無常を 歌うように yo no mujou o utau you ni May you sing of the uncertainty of this world through them.

戸惑いも 悲しみも この声に乗せてく tomadoi mo kanashimi mo kono koe ni noseteku I'm sending out my confusion and sadness through this voice
後悔も 絶望も この声が運んで koukai mo zetsubou mo kono koe ga hakonde Which carries my regrets and despair.

Ah 孤独の果ての蜃気楼 Ah kodoku no hate no shinkirou Ah, the mirage at solitude's end
その背中に刺さる欠けた月 sono senaka ni sasaru kaketa tsuki Is a waning moon that pierces your back.
Ah 路傍の果てに見えるのは Ah robou no hate ni mieru no wa Ah, visible at the end of the roadside
ただ物言わぬ窓の影だけなのか tada monoiwanu mado no kage dake na no ka Is nothing but the unspeaking shadow of a window...or is it?

Ah 孤独の果ての蜃気楼 Ah kodoku no hate no shinkirou Ah, the mirage at solitude's end
その背中に刺さる青い月  sono senaka ni sasaru aoi tsuki Is a blue moon that pierces your back.
Ah 繰り返しの果てに見えるのは Ah kurikaeshi no hate ni mieru no wa Ah, visible at the end of this loop
ただ穏やかな星の夢の後先よ tada odayaka na hoshi no yume no atosaki yo Is nothing but the past and future of a star's peaceful dream.

English translation by MeaningfulUsername


This song was featured on the following albums:

A remaster of this song was featured on the following album:

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