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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Miracle Shop
Song title
Traditional Chinese: 奇蹟販賣店
Pinyin: Qíjī Fànmài Diàn
English: Miracle Shop
Original Upload Date
June 2, 2016
Luo Tianyi
bilibili Broadcast / Netease Music Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)

Alternate Versions

North Star Vol.1
Album version
Upload date: November 30, 2016
Featuring: Luo Tianyi, Yuezheng Ling, and Xingchen
Producer(s): Qincai Zhurou Dahuntun (music), Xiu Lan (lyrics)


Chinese Pinyin English
指针悄悄转动 滴答滴答 zhǐzhēn qiāoqiāo zhuǎndòng dīdā dīdā Clock are spinning, tick tock tick tock,
旋转整个星球 xuánzhuǎn zhěnggè xīngqiú Spinning the globe as well.
风吹过 触碰花瓣落 fēng chuīguò chù pèng huābàn luò Flower petals fall as the wind blows,
某个时候 穿过月亮做的梦 mǒu gè shíhòu chuānguò yuèliàng zuò de mèng And passed through the dream of the moon at an unknown time.
尽头 不会写满温柔 jìntóu bù huì xiě mǎn wēnróu The end wasn't gently written,
一路颠簸 翻越这片山丘 yīlù diānbǒ fānyuè zhè piànshān qiū And there is always a bumpy road to climb this mountain
记录下 日出的天空 jìlù xià rì chū de tiānkōng For us to record this sky with the rising sun.

每天 重复演相同情节 měitiān chóngfù yǎn xiāngtóng qíngjié It's always the same story every day,
偶尔感到厌倦 ǒu'ěr gǎndào yànjuàn And it gets boring sometimes.
快停滞不前 始终留恋 kuài tíngzhì bù qián shǐzhōng liúliàn I almost stopped, but was reluctant
风和日丽的晴天 fēng hé rì lì de qíngtiān To forget the beautiful sunshine.
可能暴风雨雪太直接 kěnéng bàofēngyǔ xuě tài zhíjiē The storm was probably
在我身边画着圆圈 zài wǒ shēnbiān huàzhe yuánquān Too straight forward, spinning around me,
才继续冒险 遇见不可思议世界 cái jìxù màoxiǎn yùjiàn bùkěsīyì shìjiè Keeping me going to continue my adventure and meet the incredible world.

即使小小尘埃 也渴望拥抱大海 jíshǐ xiǎoxiǎo chén'āi yě kěwàng yǒngbào dàhǎi Even the tiniest speck of dust still wants to embrace the ocean,
拥抱那 蔚蓝 色彩 yǒngbào nà wèilán sècǎi To embrace the color of blue.

推开 贩卖奇迹的店 想象着 tuī kāi fànmài qíjī de diàn xiǎngxiàngzhe Enter the Miracle Shop, and imagine who will be
站在门口是谁 出现 zhàn zài ménkǒu shì shéi chūxiàn The one standing in front of the door.
听说 最初的起跑线 tīng shuō zuìchū de qǐpǎoxiàn I've heard the time that I delivered
已经看见 我邮递回的时间 yǐjīng kànjiàn wǒ yóudì huí de shíjiān Had arrived to the very first starting line.
感谢 旅途足够遥远 gǎnxiè lǚtú zúgòu yáoyuǎn Thanks for the journey
足够用 日月星辰作纪念 zúgòu yòng rì yuè xīngchén zuò jìniàn That was far enough to make the sun, the moon, and the stars as my mementos.
终点 数着拍迎接 zhōngdiǎn shùzhe pāi yíngjiē Counting the beats at the destination and welcoming
啊 记忆的脸 a jìyì de liǎn Ah, those faces in my memories.

每天 依旧演相同情节 měitiān yījiù yǎn xiāngtóng qíngjié It's always the same story every day again,
不再感到厌倦 大踏步向前 bù zài gǎndào yànjuàn dàtàbù xiàng qián But I'm no longer getting bored.
因为勇气与我并肩 yīnwèi yǒngqì yǔ wǒ bìngjiān I'm gonna walk at a fast pace because courage is on my side.

即使小小尘埃 也渴望拥抱大海 jíshǐ xiǎoxiǎo chén'āi yě kěwàng yǒngbào dàhǎi Even the tiniest speck of dust still wants to embrace the ocean,
拥抱那 蔚蓝色彩 yǒngbào nà wèilán sècǎi To embrace the color of blue.

推开 贩卖奇迹的店 想象着 tuī kāi fànmài qíjī de diàn xiǎngxiàngzhe Enter the Miracle Shop, and imagine who will be
站在门口是谁 出现 zhàn zài ménkǒu shì shéi chūxiàn The one standing in front of the door.
听说 最初的起跑线 tīng shuō zuìchū de qǐpǎoxiàn I've heard the time that I delivered
已经看见 我邮递回的时间 yǐjīng kànjiàn wǒ yóudì huí de shíjiān Had arrived to the very first starting line.
感谢 旅途足够遥远 gǎnxiè lǚtú zúgòu yáoyuǎn Thanks for the journey
足够用 日月星辰作纪念 zúgòu yòng rì yuè xīngchén zuò jìniàn That was far enough to make the sun, the moon, and the stars as my mementos.
终点 数着拍迎接 zhōngdiǎn shùzhe pāi yíngjiē Counting the beats at the destination and welcoming
啊 最灿烂的笑脸 a zuì cànlàn de xiàoliǎn Ah, those bright smiles.

即使是小小色彩 漂浮在尘埃 jíshǐ shì xiǎo xiǎo sècǎi piāofú zài chén'āi Even the tiniest drop of color, floating in the dust,
也渴望 点缀 空白 yě kěwàng diǎnzhuì kòngbái Still wants to decorate the blank canvas.

推开 贩卖奇迹的店 想象着 tuī kāi fànmài qíjī de diàn xiǎngxiàngzhe Enter the Miracle Shop, and imagine who will be
站在门口是谁 出现 zhàn zài ménkǒu shì shéi chūxiàn The one standing in front of the door.
听说 最初的起跑线 tīng shuō zuìchū de qǐpǎoxiàn I've heard the time that I delivered
已经看见 我邮递回的时间 yǐjīng kànjiàn wǒ yóudì huí de shíjiān Had arrived to the very first starting line.
感谢 旅途足够遥远 gǎnxiè lǚtú zúgòu yáoyuǎn Thanks for the journey
足够用 日月星辰作纪念 zúgòu yòng rì yuè xīngchén zuò jìniàn That was far enough to make the sun, the moon, and the stars as my mementos.
终点 数着拍迎接 zhōngdiǎn shùzhe pāi yíngjiē Counting the beats at the destination and welcoming
啊 最灿烂的笑脸 a zuì cànlàn de xiàoliǎn Ah, those bright smiles.

English translation by VNN


The trio version of this song was featured on the following albums:

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