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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Romaji: Kiseki
English: Miracle
Original Upload Date
November 4, 2013 (album)
Kagamine Len
KidP (music)
ZankyouP (lyrics)
Crystal-P (tuning)
Wakakohime Moe (album illustration)
300+ (YT, autogen)
YouTube Broadcast (autogen)


The following translation was made by ElectricRaichu, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his user page.
Japanese Romaji English
あなたのいじっぱりな anata no ijippari na Your obstinate tears,
涙も怒り顔も namida mo okorikao mo your angry face,
子供のままでずっと 変わらないままで kodomo no mama de zutto kawaranai mama de ever as a child, never changing,
思い出せるよ omoidaseru yo I can remember.

伝えたい想いさえ tsutaetai omoi sae The more I cannot put into words
言葉に出来ないほど kotoba ni dekinai hodo the very feelings I want to tell,
溢れすぎてる afuresugiteru the more they flood out of me.

もしも僕が生まれ変わって moshimo boku ga umarekawatte If perhaps I could be reborn
君の側にいれたら☢ kimi no soba ni iretara and be alongside you,
またもう一度 mata mō ichido I would again want to stay next to you
その隣でずっと二人で笑いたい sono tonari de zutto futari de waraitai and laugh together once more.
そんな奇跡を今は信じていたい sonna kiseki o ima wa shinjite itai For now, I want to believe in that kind of a miracle.

あなたと出会ったこと anata to deatta koto Meeting you
たったの偶然で tatta no gūzen de was mere chance,
もしまた笑われても moshi mata warawarete mo and even if I'm laughed at again
やっぱりそれは奇跡と言いたい yappari sore wa kiseki to iitai I'll still call it a miracle.

その隅で泣かないで sono sumi de nakanaide In the nook where you are, don't cry.
ほら僕も笑うから君も笑って hora boku mo warau kara kimi mo waratte See, I'm also smiling, so you smile too.

まるで君は僕の親で marude kimi wa boku no oya de You're just like a parent to me,
ときに兄で・・・友達で toki ni ani de … tomodachi de and at times like a big brother ... like a friend.
そっくりな鏡のように sokkuri na kagami no yō ni Like a spit image in a mirror,
もう一人の僕だよ mō hitori no boku da yo you're another me.

ありがとうってたった一つの arigatō tte tatta hitotsu no If you get to hear
言葉だけは届けば kotoba dake wa todokeba only the single word "thanks",
ナツノセミもアキモミジも natsu no semi mo aki momiji mo then summer's cicadas, the red trees of autumn,
フユノハナもいつしか fuyu no hana mo itsushika winter's flowers, and before you know it,
共に歩んできた君との巡る奇跡 tomoni ayunde kita kimi to no meguru kiseki comes the miracle of reuniting with you who had walked with me.

English translation by ElectricRaichu


This song was featured on the following albums:

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