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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Failure Girl
Song title
Romaji: Shippaisaku Shoujo
Simplified Chinese: 失败作少女
Pinyin: Shībài Zuò Shàonǚ
Official English: Failure Girl[1]
Original Upload Date
August 8, 2015
August 9, 2015 (PV)
Hatsune Miku
Kairiki Bear (music, lyrics)
Shiomizu (character design, illustration PV)
Nou (illustration)
Waka (special thanks)
Mienohito (video PV)
PV version: 13,000+ (NN), 5,500,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast
PV version: Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast

Alternate Versions

Failure Girl
Chinese ver.
Upload date: September 6, 2017
Featuring: Hatsune Miku V4C
Producer(s): Kairiki Bear (music, lyrics)
YT / YT (reprint, subbed)
Demonstration song for Hatsune Miku's V4 Chinese voicebank.
Failure Girl MARETU
Upload date: August 9, 2019
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): Kairiki Bear (music, lyrics)
MARETU (rearrangement)
inabakumori remix
Upload date: January 15, 2020
Featuring: Kaai Yuki
Producer(s): inabakumori (remix)
YT (auto-gen)


Japanese Romaji English
あぁ ほら また間違えた これで何度? 何回目? aa hora mata machigaeta kore de nando? nankaime? Oh, look, I’ve made a mistake again How many times has it been at this point? Just how many times?
ねえ ほら 塞いでたって ぽっかり浮き出る傷跡 nee hora fusaidetatte pokkari ukideru kizuato Listen, look, even though they had closed, the scars suddenly surface
あぁ ほら また誤魔化した 見て見ぬ振り お上手ね aa hora mata gomakashita mite minu furi ojouzu ne Oh, look, I’ve changed the subject again I'm good at turning a blind eye, huh?
もう ほら 何言われたって 誰もわたしを望まない mou hora nani iwaretatte dare mo watashi o nozomanai Tsk, look, no matter what I'm told, nobody wants me

むき出して痛い痛い mukidashite itai itai Letting it show hurts, hurts
強がって 痛い痛い tsuyogatte itai itai Acting tough hurts, hurts
息詰まって痛い痛いんだよ ikizumatte itai itai nda yo I can’t breathe, it hurts, it hurts so much

わたしって失敗作だってさ って いらない子なんだって… watashi tte shippaisaku datte sa tte iranai ko nanda tte… They all say that I'm just a failure They say that I'm unwanted...
何やったって 頑張ったって ダメらしいや nani yattatte ganbattatte damerashii ya No matter what I do, even if I hang on, it seems it's just no use
愛 愛 愛されたくて 偽って ai ai aisaretakute itsuwatte Love, love, wanting to be loved, deceiving...
もっともっと笑顔で いればいいかな… motto motto egao de ireba ii kana… Would it be alright if I keep smiling more and more?...

あぁ ほら また擦りむいた これで何度? 何回目? aa hora mata surimuita kore de nando? nankaime? Oh, look, I've scraped myself again How many times has it been at this point? Just how many times?
ねえ ほら 隠してたって じわり浮き出るトラウマ nee hora kakushitetatte jiwari ukideru torauma Listen, look, even though I hide it, the trauma gradually surfaces
あぁ ほら また飲み込んだ 澄まし顔が お上手ね aa hora mata nomikonda sumashi gao ga ojouzu ne Oh, look, I’ve swallowed it again I'm good at keeping a composed face, huh?
もう ほら 何言われたって 嘲られ 痣だらけ mou hora nani iwaretatte azakerare aza darake Tsk, look, no matter what I'm told, I'm met with jeers I'm bruised all over

閉塞感にユラユラ heisokukan ni yurayura Swaying with this feeling of hopelessness
劣等感にクラクラ rettoukan ni kurakura Dizzy with this inferiority complex
息詰まってカラカラなの ikizumatte karakara na no I can’t breathe, I’m dead inside

わたしって失敗作だって なって いらない子なんだって… watashi tte shippaisaku datte natte iranai ko nanda tte… They all say that I’ve become a failure They say that I'm unwanted…
何やったって 頑張ったって 無駄みたいだ nani yattatte ganbattatte muda mitai da No matter what I do, even if I hang on, it seems like a waste
生まれてきた意味が欲しくて umarete kita imi ga hoshikute Wishing I knew the purpose of my life...
もっともっと自然に 笑えばいいかな… motto motto shizen ni waraeba ii kana… Would it be alright if I smile more and more naturally?...

神様 もしも生まれ変わることが出来たら kamisama moshimo umarekawaru koto ga dekitara Oh God, if it's possible for me to be reborn,
愛される子になれますように aisareru ko ni naremasu you ni I hope to become a kid who is loved
泣き止んだ鼓動を子守歌に nakiyanda kodou o komoriuta ni As my heartbeat that's cried itself to exhaustion becomes a lullaby,
きっときっと明日は 笑えるよね kitto kitto ashita wa waraeru yo ne Surely, surely tomorrow, I’ll be able to smile, right?

間違いだらけに オヤスミナサイ machigai darake ni oyasumi nasai To my mistake-filled life, GOOD NIGHT
English translation by MML!opinions!Fun!Chocolate!

Chinese Pinyin English
啊 你看 又是同样的错? a nǐ kàn yòu shì tóngyàng de cuò? Ah, you see, the same mistake again
犯过多少次了?还要几遍? fànguò duōshǎo cìle? hái yào jǐ biàn? How many times have you made it? How much more will you make?
呐 你看 再怎么遮掩 nà nǐ kàn zài zěnme zhēyǎn Ha, you see, no matter how you cover them
留在身上的伤痕总会出现 liú zài shēnshang de shānghén zǒng huì chūxiàn The scars on your body will still show up
啊 你看 又要蒙混过关 a nǐ kàn yòu yào ménghùn guòguān Ah, you see, trying to get away with it
自我欺骗装作视而不见 zìwǒ qīpiàn zhuāng zuò shì'érbùjiàn Deceiving yourself, pretending not to see
呐 你看 不管被怎么说 nà nǐ kàn bùguǎn bèi zěnme shuō Ha, you see, no matter what they say
也没人对我露出期待的脸 yě méi rén duì wǒ lùchū qídài de liǎn No one looks like they care about me

暴露无疑 啊好疼好疼 bàolù wúyí a hǎo téng hǎo téng Baring it all, ah it hurts, it hurts
故作镇定 啊好疼好疼 gù zuò zhèndìng a hǎo téng hǎo téng Feigning calmness, ah it hurts, it hurts
不能呼吸 啊好疼好疼死了 bùnéng hūxī a hǎo téng hǎo téng sǐle Can’t breathe, ah it hurts, it hurts, it hurts like hell

就说我是 jiù shuō wǒ shì Like I said I am
制作失败的少女 zhìzuò shībài de shàonǚ A Failure Girl
无论何时何地在哪里 wúlùn hé shí hé de zài nǎlǐ No matter when or where I am
不管要如何改进努力 都停在原地 bùguǎn yào rúhé gǎijìn nǔlì dōu tíng zàiyuán dì No matter how I try to change, I’m stuck here
爱爱爱想被爱更多而伪装自己 ài ài ài xiǎng bèi ài gèng duō ér wèizhuāng zìjǐ Love love love, I want to be loved so I disguise myself
更多笑容叠一起是不是就可以 gèng duō xiàoróng dié yīqǐ shì bùshì jiù kěyǐ Would it be OK if I smiled more?
English translation by alterist64

Translation Notes

  1. 失敗作 specifically refers to a failed creative work; for example, a failed manuscript or a flop film.


This song was featured on the following albums:

A remix of this song was featured in the following albums:

External Links

