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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Velvet Arabesque
Song title
Romaji: Birōdo Arabesuku
English: Velvet Arabesque
Original Upload Date
July 2, 2009
Hatsune Miku
Hata Aki (music, lyrics)
Namiki Koichi (arrangement)
Yasuo (manipulator)


The following translation was made by ElectricRaichu, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his user page.
Japanese Romaji English
どうしていまの風は切ないの? doushite ima no kaze wa setsunai no? Why does this wind bring pain?
思い出にして omoide ni shite Save away the memory
消さないでねアラベスク kesanaide ne arabesuku Don't let it fade, the arabesque

とまればいいな ああこのままで tomareba ii na aa kono mama de I wish they would stop just as they are
変わらずに楽しい日々よ kawarazu ni tanoshii hibi yo without changing, these pleasant days
だってだって datte datte Because, because
離れたときは もう聯絡も hanareta toki wa mou renraku mo Now that we're apart, it seems you
してはくれないみたいだし shite wa kurenai mitai da shi haven't even contacted me

やーね わたしってば yaa ne watashi tteba No way, for me to be
悲観しすぎ オカシイ NON-NON hikan shisugi okashii NON-NON so pessimistic, it's weird NO WAY!
どうしていまは風が切ないの? doushite ima wa kaze ga setsunai no? Why does the wind right now bring pain?
天鵝絨なでる biroudo naderu Stroking velvet
指で描いたアラベスク yubi de kaita arabesuku with my fingers, I drew an arabesque

気づけば見てる ああ鼓動には kizukeba miteru aa kodou ni wa When I realized, I saw it, ah, in my pulse
不規則な熱さがあるわ fukisoku na atsusa ga aru wa There's an unsteady heat
じんとじんと jinto jinto *choke* *choke*[1]
胸のリズムが まだ届かない mune no rizumu ga mada todokanai You still haven't noticed the rhythm in my chest
あのね 瞳で合図した ano ne hitomi de aizu shita Hey, I signaled you with me eyes

いーの あなたってば ii no anata tteba It's all right, I say to you
鈍いところ カワイイ WAN-WAN nibui tokoro kawaii WAN-WAN It's cute when you're dull, boo hoo
始まるときは終わらせないよと hajimaru toki wa owarasenai yo to Although, once we start,
決めるのになぜ kimeru noni naze I decide not to let it stop,
時は過ぎていくのかな toki wa sugite iku no ka na why does time still keep moving?

とまれこのままで tomare kono mama de Stop, just as you are
鼓動に気づいて kodou ni kizuite Notice my heartbeat

天鵝絨なでる biroudo naderu Stroking velvet
指で描いたアラベスク yubi de kaita arabesuku with my fingers, I drew an arabesque

English translation by ElectricRaichu

Translation Notes

  1. choking with emotion

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