Song title | |||
"夕立のりぼん" Romaji: Yuudachi no Ribon English: Ribbon of the Evening Shower | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
November 7, 2012 | |||
Singer | |||
MAYU | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
910,000+ (NN), 566,000+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
"I want to keep it a secret! I really do!"..."My lips are sealed" |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
突然の夕立に降られて 校舎裏の |
totsuzen no yuudachi ni furarete koushaura no kage de amayadori | As a sudden evening shower came down, we take shelter underneath the school building |
荒くなる 二人きりの呼吸が響いた | araku naru futarikiri no kokyuu ga hibita | The two of us alone, our breaths grew heavier, echoing |
肌の透けたブラウスに触り つらくなるほど目を合わせて | hada no suketa burausu ni sawari tsuraku naru hodo me o awasete | Touching that transparent blouse, it becomes difficult to look at each other |
この口と その口の 距離はゼロになる | kono kuchi to sono kuchi no kyori wa zero ni naru | and the distance between your lips and mine becomes zero |
隠し事がしたいよ したいよ "内緒だよ" | kakushigoto ga shitai yo shitai yo "naisho da yo" | I want to keep this a secret, I really do. “My lips are sealed” |
その響きは 幼い耳を何十回刺激した | sono hibiki wa osanai mimi o nanjukkai shigeki shita | Those echoing words have pricked my childish ears dozens of times |
トラウマなど忘れさせたげる この指が与える刺激で | torauma nado wasuresasetageru kono yubi ga ataeru shigeki de | I'll make you forget your trauma with the touch of these fingers |
常識と非常識の 距離は紙一重だから | joushiki to hijoushiki no kyori wa kamihitoe dakara | The distance between common sense and foolishness is paper-thin after all |
永遠の閃光 | eien no senkou | A flash of eternity |
雨にまぎれ聞こえる 聞こえる "愛してる" | ame ni magire kikoeru kikoeru "aishiteru" | Amid the rain, I can hear it, I can hear, “I love you” |
そして二人は プラトニックな掟を破ってく | soshite futari wa puratonikku na okite o yabutteku | And then the two of us break those platonic rules |
傘はささずに 一緒に帰ろ | kasa wa sasazu ni issho ni kaero | Let's go home together, without an umbrella |
荒くなる 二人きりの呼吸は重なり | araku naru futari kiri no kokyuu wa kasanari | Our simultaneous breathing grows ragged |
この口と その口の 距離はゼロになる | kono kuchi to sono kuchi no kyori wa zero ni naru | and the distance between your lips and mine becomes zero |
雨にまぎれ 聞こえる 聞こえないフリをしたら | ame ni magire kikoeru kikoenai furi o shitara | Through the sound of the rain I can hear it, but when I pretend I can't |
あどけない眼で この上なく いじらしそうに笑う | adokenai me de kono ue naku ijirashisou ni warau | With those innocent eyes, you give the sweetest-looking smiles |
隠し事がしたいよ したいよ "内緒だよ" | kakushigoto ga shitai yo shitai yo "naisho da yo" | I want to keep it a secret, I really do. “My lips are sealed” |
その響きは 幼い耳を何十回刺激した | sono hibiki wa osanai mimi o nanjukkai shigekishita | Those echoing words have pricked my childish ears dozens of times |
夕立のりぼん | yuudachi no ribon | An evening showers like a ribbon |
English translation by descentsubs and memoriast, with edits by ElectricRaichu
This song was featured on the following albums:
- ぼかろ男子 ぼかろ女子 (Vocalo Danshi Vocalo Joshi) (album)
- 僕は初音ミクとキスをした (Boku wa Hatsune Miku to Kiss o Shita) (album)
- 月刊eta Vol.07
- MAYU LOVES -First-
External Links
- Hatsune Miku Wiki
- VocaDB
- Sailorenna - Manga (English translation)