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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Break it, Break it
Song title
Romaji: Kowase Kowase
Official English: BREAK IT, BREAK IT !
Original Upload Date
December 16, 2010
E.L.V.N (music, lyrics and arrangement)
390,000+ (NN), 32,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated)


Japanese Romaji Official English
遠くでは 夜の匂いがする tooku de wa yoru no nioi ga suru From far away comes the scent of night
湿った風の音に 君が歩いて入ってくる shimetta kaze no oto ni kimi ga aruite haitte kuru You walk into the sound of a moist breeze

今君が思ってること ima kimi ga omotteru koto Let me guess
僕が全部 当てたげようか boku ga zenbu atetageyou ka Every single thing you're thinking right now
作り笑いの裏側を tsukuri warai no uragawa o I'll grab and tear off your plastic smile
つかんで剥いで見せてやるよ tsukande haide misete yaru yo To show you what's behind it

その目を僕に向けたら sono me o boku ni muketara When you look at me

話などしなくていいから hanashi nado shinakute ii kara Don't bother speaking
その冷めた笑顔 ただちに捨ててしまえ sono sameta egao tadachi ni suteteshimae Throw away that chilly smile right now
意味のない声もぬくもりも imi no nai koe mo nukumori mo Your meaningless voice and your warmth
お前が持ってるもの全部 あきらめよう omae ga motteru mono zenbu akirameyou Give up everything you have
壊してあげよう kowashite ageyou I'll break it all

階段のぼりきった時から kaidan noborikitta toki kara Once I got to the top of the stairs
何も残らない気がしてたんだ nani mo nokoranai ki ga shiteta nda I knew nothing would remain
大きな目 斜めそれても ookina me naname sore te mo You avert your beautiful eyes
向けられているのは 白い目 mukerarete iru no wa shiroime But disdainful eyes stare back at me

話すならこっち見ろよ hanasu nara kocchi miro yo If you're going to talk, look at me

叫びだす風の音引きずって sakebidasu kaze no oto hikizutte The screaming of the wind coils around us
まるで聞こえない 美しくもない言葉 marude kikoenai utsukushiku mo nai kotoba I can't hear any of your tarnished words
壊せ壊せ壊せ壊せ kowase kowase kowase kowase Break it, break it, break it, break it
いらない なにもいらない iranai nani mo iranai I don't need it, I don't need anything
ああ なんて下らない aa nante kudaranai Ah, it's all worthless
君という人 kimi to iu hito You're worthless

遠くでは 雨の音がしてる tooku de wa ame no oto ga shiteru From far away comes the sound of rain
重い夜空に ふたりでただ黙って座ってる omoi yozora ni futari de tada damatte suwatteru In the heavy night sky, we sit in silence

君といると少しずつ kimi to iru to sukoshizutsu When I'm with you, little by little
少しずつ少しずつ僕が削られて sukoshizutsu sukoshizutsu boku ga kezurarete Little by little by little, I'm chipped away
静かになって寒くなって shizuka ni natte samuku natte Growing quiet, cold
白くなる硬くなる shiroku naru kataku naru Growing white, hard
ああ 冷たくなる aa tsumetaku naru Ah, freezing solid

壊せ壊せ壊せ壊せ kowase kowase kowase kowase Break it, break it, break it, break it
壊せ壊せ壊せいらない壊せ kowase kowase kowase iranai kowase Break it, break it, break it, I don't need it, break it
赤い赤い言葉も全部 akai akai kotoba mo zenbu All the red, red words
いらない 何もいらない iranai nani mo iranai I don't need it, I don't need anything
ああ なんて下らない aa nante kudaranai Ah, it's all worthless
会えない方がいい aenai hou ga ii We're better off apart.

English translation from Project DIVA F 2nd


This song was featured on the following albums:

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