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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Hello in the pure land of hell
Song title
Romaji: Jigoku no Joudo de Konnichiwa
Official English: Hello in the Pure Land of Hell
Original Upload Date
July 15, 2020
Xin Hua
SLAVE.V-V-R (music, lyrics)
7,800+ (NN), 82,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
だからあなたにとってわたしにとって dakara anata nitotte watashi nitotte After all, to you and to me
この恋が全てで kono koi ga subete de This love means everything
きっと忘れないから kitto wasurenai kara We'll never forget it
この思い出が六道の最下へ墜ちても kono omoide ga rikudou no saika e ochite mo Even when these feelings plummet into the next circle of hell

ごめんねあなたの喜怒哀楽の哀ばかり増えて gomen ne anata no kidoairaku no ai bakari fuete I'm sorry. Your whole life, sorrow was the only emotion you knew
二人の庵にそれは名残だけ残した futari no an ni sore wa nagori dake nokoshita In this tiny hiding place of ours, only the vestiges of it now remain
だけどねわたしの人生が流れゆく中で dakedo ne watashi no jinsei ga nagare yuku naka de But you know, while I was alive
あなたほど見惚れるものはなかった anata hodo mihoreru mono wa nakatta There was nothing in my life more captivating than you
全部赦してその哀を傷路にして zenbu yurushite sono ai o kizuro ni shite So forgive it all and let your sorrow scar over

だからあなたにとってわたしにとって dakara anata nitotte watashi nitotte After all, to you and to me
此処は浄土だった koko wa joudo datta This is the pure land
例え燎原の火で燃えてしまっても tatoe ryougen no hi de moete shimatte mo And even if our love gets as frenzied as a wildfire
恋は焦げ付くでしょう koi wa kogetsuku deshou That just means it will be burned in for eternity

百年の四百四病の外 hyakunen no shihyakushibyou no hoka Lovesickness wracks my body
世迷言の空想の様な時捲は本当は幻か yomaigoto no kuusou no you na jikan wa hontou wa maboroshi ka I wonder if, like some nonsensical delusion, this short-lived time of ours is only a fantasy
それならばいっそ馬鹿になって sore naraba isso baka ni natte If so, then I'll just become a fool
その幻以外視えなくなっていたらどんなに良かったか sono maboroshi igai mienaku natte itara donna ni yokatta ka I'd probably be better off letting everything aside from that fantasy fade away anyhow

あなただけで満たされる世界なんてすごくいい anata dake de mitasareru sekai nante sugoku ii A world where I can be satisfied completely just by you... It sounds wonderful

だからあなたにとってわたしにとって dakara anata nitotte watashi nitotte After all, to you and to me
この恋が全てで kono koi ga subete de This love means everything
きっと忘れないから kitto wasurenai kara We'll never forget it
この思い出が六道の最下へ墜ちても kono omoide ga rikudou no saika e ochite mo Even when these feelings plummet into the next circle of hell

そうでしょあなたにとってわたしにとって sou desho anata nitotte watashi nitotte That's right, to you and to me
此処は浄土だったじゃない koko wa joudo datta ja nai Wasn't this the pure land?
例え燎原の火で地獄と化しても tatoe ryougen no hi de jigoku to kashite mo Even if we get carried away, and it ends up turning into hell
恋は恋の侭でしょう koi wa koi no mama deshou In the end, love is still love, isn't it?

此処はかつて浄土で今は地獄で koko wa katsute joudo de ima wa jigoku de In this hell that was once a pure land
幻に逢える場所 maboroshi ni aeru basho You can meet face to face with your wildest fantasy

焦げた恋にこんにちは kogeta koi ni konnichiwa So I say hello to the love that was burned in for eternity

English translation by JaysAndRavens47

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