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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Warning: This song contains questionable elements (mild violence, horror); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
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Demon in the Heaven UTAU
Song title
Pinyin: Dìyù Lèyuán
Official English: Demon in the Heaven
Original Upload Date
August 22, 2021
Janly, Er Ci Yin, Janbane, Ansu and Qi Ran
Yan (planning, music, lyrics, illustration)
Taipunise Sun (planning, arrangement)
Ting Yu (lyrics)
Jimmy (tuning)
Zhongzheng (tuning)
minisons (illustration)
Fangcheng (illustration)
Ali (mixing)
Ai Shuilanjiao de Gu Yue (PV)
bilibili Broadcast

Alternate Versions[]

Demon in the Heaven SV
SynthV ver.
Upload date: August 22, 2021
Featuring: Shian, Haiyi, Minus, Muxin and Chiyu
Producer(s): Yan (planning, music, lyrics, illustration)
Yiran_Taibai (planning, arrangement, tuning)
Ting Yu (lyrics)
Jimmy (tuning)
minisons (illustration)
Fangcheng (illustration)
A Li (mixing)
Ai Shuilanjiao de Gu Yue (PV)


PV Text
(as the clown)
Er Ci Yin/Haiyi
(as the magical fairy)
(as the sweets fairy)
(as the long-haired vampire)
Qi Ran/Chiyu
(as the skull conductor)

The following translation was made by CoolMikeHatsune22, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on their website.
Chinese Pinyin English
在地狱尽头,有一处肆意狂欢之地 At the end of Hell, exists a place filled with unbridled merriment
因大罪堕入其中的魂魄,将于此获得最极致的体验 The souls that have descended upon this place after committing great sins will undergo nothing but the most intense of experiences
最后向奈何桥前进,走向又一次轮回…… Finally they will head towards the Naihe bridge, towards reincarnation…
然而这一切,又有多少人知道其中的真相呢? But who could truly profess to know the truth of this place?

欢迎来到这个国度 huānyíng lái dào zhège guódù We welcome you to this land
请你跟随我的脚步 qǐng nǐ gēnsuí wǒ de jiǎobù Come now, follow in my footsteps
尽情奢靡荒诞无度 jìnqíng shēmí huāngdàn wúdù Where the most extravagant, hedonistic, and absurd unfold,
不必惊慌这里就是最佳归处 bùbì jīnghuāng zhèlǐ jiùshì zuì jiā guī chù No need for alarm, after all, nothing can be greater than this place
踏上这童话的国土 tà shàng zhè tónghuà de guótǔ Come, step into this fairy-tale land
想象力铺开这旅途 xiǎngxiànglì pù kāi zhè lǚtú Imagination will pave your way
千万别着急着离开 qiān wàn bié zhāojízhe líkāi Don’t be so anxious to leave
帷幕还未拉起好戏仍未上演 wéimù hái wèi lā qǐ hǎo xì réng wèi shàngyǎn The curtains are still closed, and the show is yet to begin
还有许多甜美蜜糖 hái yǒu xǔduō tiánměi mìtáng There’s still plenty of sweets to savour
所有物品都在歌唱 suǒyǒu wùpǐn dōu zài gēchàng And all the things are singing
抛弃所有尘世迷茫 pāoqì suǒyǒu chénshì mímáng Throw away all your earthly worries
与我来一起歌唱 yǔ wǒ lái yīqǐ gēchàng And come sing along

快来吧 快来吧 亟待每位的光临 kuài lái ba kuài lái ba jídài měi wèi de guānglín Come on, come on, we need everyone to come
只需留在这里狂欢沉溺在这“乌托邦” zhǐ xū liú zài zhèlǐ kuánghuān chénnì zài zhè “wūtuōbāng” All we want is for you to wallow yourselves in this manic “utopia”
沉沦吧 沉沦吧 走向憧憬的“光明” chénlún ba chénlún ba zǒuxiàng chōngjǐng de “guāngmíng” Sink deeper, sink deeper, as you walk towards the “light” of your desires and longing
就让它们往奈何桥之上继续徘徊吧 jiù ràng tāmen wǎng nàihé qiáo zhī shàng jìxù páihuái ba Let the souls be left to wander on their way to the Naihe bridge

夜色褪去 The night becomes darker
当管理者醒来 When the managers awake
面对的是何等残忍的情形 They find themselves with an unbelievably cruel situation at hand
为了不辜负自己的使命 So that they will be able to finish what they set out to do,
他们只能—— They could only –

小心一点不要靠近 xiǎoxīn yīdiǎn bùyào kàojìn Mind your steps, don’t get too close
前方道路布满陷阱 qiánfāng dàolù bù mǎn xiànjǐng The road ahead is filled with traps
深褐泥土黏住了足 shēn hè nítǔ nián zhù le zú The dark brown mud sticks onto your feet,
埋葬着魂灵被吞噬后的痛苦 máizàngzhe húnlíng bèi tūnshì hòu de tòngkǔ Burying away the pain of the souls that have been swallowed within
她们犯下累累罪过 tāmen fàn xià lěilěi zuìguo Those girls have committed countless sins,
点燃无尽地狱烈火 diǎnrán wújìn dìyù lièhuǒ Started the raging fires of infinite Hell
嘴上残留着鲜血 zuǐ shàng cánliúzhe xiānxiě Their mouths left with a streak of blood
聆听着那嘶吼扮演着饕餮 língtīngzhe nà sīhǒu bànyǎnzhe tāotiè As they listen to the screams and play the part of the monster to eat them all
快跑快跑离开这里 kuài pǎo kuài pǎo líkāi zhèlǐ Run, run, leave this place!
不要不要回过头来 bùyào bùyào huí guòtóu lái Don’t ever, don’t ever turn back!
抓紧时间离开这里 zhuājǐn shíjiān líkāi zhèlǐ Take the chance and run!
不要再回来 bùyào zài huílái And don’t ever come back!

快走吧 快走吧 帮助每一个亡灵 kuàizǒu ba kuàizǒu ba bāngzhù měi yī gè wánglíng Run, run, help every one of the dead souls!
再也不要听信谎言之后回到这里来 zài yě bùyào tīngxìn huǎngyán zhīhòu huí dào zhèlǐ lái Don’t ever come back here again after believing another lie
离开吧 离开吧 送走每一个亡灵 líkāi ba líkāi ba sòngzǒu měi yī gè wánglíng Leave, leave, send off every one of the dead souls!
祝福每一个离开的灵魂回到天堂吧 zhùfú měi yīgè líkāi de línghún huí dào tiāntáng ba Bless every single soul that leaves so that they may find their way to Heaven

看吧 这是多么Excited Game啊啊 kàn ba zhè shì duōme Excited Game a a See now, what an Excited Game this is?
是啊 要不等到这戏剧的高潮吧 shì a yào bù děngdào zhè xìjù de gāocháo ba Very true, shall we wait and see the climax of this play?
但是 它们察觉到真相怎么办(啊啊啊——) dànshì tāmen chájué dào zhēnxiàng zěnmebàn (a a a——) But what if, those souls were to realize the truth? Aaaah---
那么就再制作一个“谜”吧 nàme jiù zài zhìzuò yīgè “mí” ba In that case, then let’s manufacture another “mystery”
啊 啊啊 啊啊啊啊啊啊 a a a a a a a a a Ah aah aaaaaaah

享受吧 享受吧 享受这荒诞盛宴 xiǎngshòu ba xiǎngshòu ba xiǎngshòu zhè huāngdàn shèngyàn Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy this feast of absurdities
生命的甜美在唇边留恋 随风化灰烟 shēngmìng de tiánměi zài chún biān liúliàn suí fēng huà huī yān The sweetness of life lingers by the lips, and turns into as smoke in the wind
湮灭吧 湮灭吧 送走每一份晚宴 yānmiè ba yānmiè ba sòng zǒu měi yī fèn wǎnyàn Fall into oblivion, fall into oblivion, see off every part of this banquet
最后变成尘土化为灰烬 散落离开吧 zuìhòu biàn chéng chéntǔ huà wéi huījìn sànluò líkāi ba And finally, turn into as dust and ashes, and scatter into the winds

English translation by CoolMikeHatsune22

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