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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Warning: This song contains questionable elements (murder, violence); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
All external links may also contain questionable elements.
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Song title
Romaji: Shuujin
English: Prisoner
Original Upload Date
November 1, 2008
Kagamine Len
ShuujinP (music, lyrics)
Various illustrators
990,000+ (NN), 21,000+ (PP)
Niconico Broadcast / piapro Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (reprint)

Alternate Version

Prisoner Rin
Rin version
Upload date: August 11, 2008
Featuring: Kagamine Rin
Producer(s): ShuujinP (music, lyrics)


Japanese Romaji English
ある時代 ある場所 aru jidai aru basho In some time, at some place
一人の囚人が hitori no shuujin ga A lone prisoner falls for a girl
柵越しに恋をする sakugoshi ni koi o suru Through barracks
セツナイ セツナイ setsunai setsunai Heartrending, heartrending

自由を 奪われ jiyuu o ubaware Robbed of my freedom
迫害を 受ける hakugai o ukeru I suffer persecution
汚い 僕と君とじゃ kitanai boku to kimi to ja Between you and someone dirty like me
サガアル サガアル sa ga aru sa ga aru There is a big difference, big difference

手紙を書きました tegami o kakimashita I wrote a letter
紙飛行機を折って kami hikouki o otte And folded it into a paper plane
二人の壁越えてけるように futari no kabe koetekeru you ni Praying it'd reach you through the walls
トンデケ トンデケ tondeke tondeke Fly away, fly away

あぁ いつか自由に aa itsuka jiyuu ni Oh, to be able to get away
なれるというのも nareru to iu no mo from here someday
嘘だと uso da to is a lie
しってるんだ shitteru nda I know that

君がいればどんな嘘だって kimi ga ireba donna uso datte Your existence made me feel
すべて本当になる気がした subete hontou ni naru ki ga shita Like all lies could be true
「僕とこっちにきて話そうよ」 "boku to kocchi ni kite hanasou yo" "Come here and have a talk with me."
けしてこの思いは伝わらない keshite kono omoi wa tsutawaranai You'd never know my agony

だけど君を dakedo kimi o But watching you
見てることが miteru koto ga from here
明日への ashita e no is a tiny happiness
ささやかな幸せ sasayaka na shiawase for tomorrow

幾日幾月 ikunichi ikutsuki Days and months
あれから毎日 are kara mainichi have passed since then
君の紙飛行機が僕の kimi no kami hikouki ga boku no Paper planes from you every day were my
ヨロコビ ヨロコビ yorokobi yorokobi Happiness, happiness

だけども君は dakedo mo kimi wa But suddenly one day
突然僕に告げた totsuzen boku ni tsugeta you said to me
遠くに行くのよだから tooku ni yuku no yo dakara You had to go far away
バイバイ バイバイ baibai baibai So goodbye, goodbye

あぁ 苦しみながら aa kurushimi nagara Oh, I have been
今日まで生きてきて kyou made ikite kite living with agony
これほど kore hodo But I had
泣いた日は無い naita hi wa nai never cried like today

君がいればどんな運命も kimi ga ireba donna unmei mo Your existence made it so I felt like
笑顔に変えられる気がしたんだ egao ni kaerareru ki ga shita nda I could change any fate into a smile
名前も知らない君とであって namae mo shiranai kimi to deatte Seeing you, whose name I didn't know,
未来が輝いた気がしたんだ mirai ga kagayaita ki ga shita nda I felt I restored a bright future

呼ぶことも yobu koto mo I can't call you
追うことも ou koto mo I can't chase you
出られない derarenai I can't get out of here
僕には出来ない boku ni wa dekinai I can't do anything

ついに僕の番が来た tsui ni boku no ban ga kita Finally it's my turn
君のいなくなった今 kimi no inaku natta ima In this moment without you,
この世に未練は無いけど kono yo ni miren wa nai kedo I have no regrets in this world
なぜだかココロが叫んでる naze da ka kokoro ga sakenderu But I am screaming within my mind

もう少しだけ生きたい mou sukoshi dake ikitai I want to live a little more
今はもう難しい気持ちじゃ ima wa mou muzukashii kimochi ja I no longer have complicated feelings,
無くてただ最後に君に nakute tada saigo ni kimi ni I just "want to see you"
「アイタイ」 "aitai" one more time

君と過ごした日は戻らずに kimi to sugoshita hi wa modorazu ni Never able to return to the days we spent together,
走馬灯のように甦る soumatou no you ni yomigaeru I remember them like a flash
一つ一つ君がくれたもの hitotsu hitotsu kimi ga kureta mono Everything you gave me, one by one,
それが僕の生きる糧になっていた sore ga boku no ikiru kate ni natte ita became my only sustenance to live

闇が渦巻いてる雑草の yami ga uzumaiteru zassou no By the side of the weeds choked with darkness
そばに咲く綺麗な一輪華 soba ni saku kirei na ichirinka There was one flower blooming beautifully
生きていく世界が違ったよ ikite iku sekai ga chigatta yo Even though we lived in different worlds
だけど必死に手を伸ばしてた dakedo hisshi ni te o nobashiteta I tried desperately to reach out to you

お願いもしこれが最後なら onegai moshi kore ga saigo nara If this is the last moment
僕をあの子と話をさせて boku o ano ko to hanashi o sasete Please let me talk to her
狭く暗い閉じたその部屋に semaku kurai tojita sono heya ni In the small, dark closed chamber
切なくただその声は響く setsunaku tada sono koe wa hibiku Those screams are resounding vainly

胸も息も mune mo iki mo I'm feeling pain in my chest
苦しくなる kurushiku naru I can hardly breathe
せめて君の semete kimi no I wanted to know
名前だけでも namae dake demo Just one thing

知りたかッタ… shiritakatta... Your na..me...

English translation by motokokusanagi2009, with edits by MeaningfulUsername

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