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Yoshida, Iede suru tte yo
Song title
Romaji: Yoshida, Iede suru tte yo
English: Yoshida Says He's Running Away From Home
Original Upload Date
April 5, 2013
Hatsune Miku
HoneyWorks: shito (music)
shito, Gom (lyrics)
Kaizokuou (guitar)
Gom (bass)
Rokoru (illustration)
Okiku (video)
590,000+ (NN), 1,100,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
彼は言う「ノロマな時計だ」 kare wa iu "noroma na tokei da" He says, “It’s a slow clock”
針は数ミリだけ動いた hari wa suu miri dake ugoita The hands only moved a few millimetres
彼は「飽きたぜ」と漏らして kare wa "akita ze" to morashite He sighs, “I’ve had enough of this”
メロンパンを少し残した meron pan o sukoshi nokoshita And left a bit of melon bread

机に入れた手紙はこれで九通目になりました tsukue ni ireta tegami wa kore de kyuutsuume ni narimashita The number of letters put in my desk is now nine
まだ返事はなく今日は待っています mada henji wa naku kyou wa matte imasu I’m waiting today, still without an answer
彼の世界を覗きたいのに視線が合うことなくて kare no sekai o nozokitai no ni shisen ga au koto nakute I want to peek into his world, but our gazes don’t meet
テレパシー送れば深層分かるかしら terepashii okureba shinsou wakaru kashira If we were able to use telepathy, would he understand deeply?

ジョニーだけがアイツのこと気づいていた jonii dake ga aitsu no koto kizuite ita Only Johnny had noticed
明日が決行の時なんだと ashita ga kekkou no toki nanda to That tomorrow is the day of the plan
特別かける言葉もなかった tokubetsu kakeru kotoba mo nakatta There weren’t even any special words
財布にあった五千円を渡した saifu ni atta gozen en o watashita As I gave him the 5000 yen

ノロマな針変わらず 知らぬ39の他人様 noroma na hari kawarazu shiranu sanjuukyuu no taninsama The slow hand doesn’t change, unknown to the 39 others
盲目に動き出す 変わる40番目何様 moumoku ni ugokidasu kawaru yonjuu banme nanisama Who is the 40th that blindly began to move?

彼は言う「ノンキな時計だ」 kare wa iu "nonki na tokei da" He says, “it’s a carefree clock”
針は数ミリだけ動いた hari wa suu miri dake ugoita The hands only moved a few millimetres
彼は「飽きたぜ」と漏らして kare wa "akita ze" to morashite He sighs, “I’ve had enough of this”
カレーパンを少し残した karee pan o sukoshi nokoshita And left a bit of curry bread

鞄に入れた手紙はこれで十通目になりました kaban ni ireta tegami wa kore de juutsuume ni narimashita The number of letters put in my bag is now ten
渡せる日がくるまで待っています wataseru hi ga kuru made matte imasu I’m still waiting until the day I’ll be able to give them
背後に送る視線のはずがそこには何にもなくて haigo ni okuru shisen no hazu ga soko ni wa nan ni mo nakute I thought I was gazing at your back, but nothing was there
両手を伸ばしてみても触れられない ryoute o nobashite mite mo furerarenai Even if I try to reach with both hands, I can’t touch

ジョニーだけがアイツのこと分かってた jonii dake ga aitsu no koto wakatteta Only Johnny understood that guy
世界をその目で確かめたいと sekai o sono me de tashikametai to That he wants to ascertain the world with those eyes
ほんとはかける言葉探してた honto wa kakeru kotoba sagashiteta He actually was searching for words at that time,
唇噛みしめ羨ましさ飲み込んだ kuchibiru kamishime urayamashisa nomikonda As he chewed his tongue and swallowed his envy

正解誰も分からず 知らぬ39の他人様 seikai daremo wakarazu shiranu sanjuukyuu no taninsama No one knows what is correct in the 39 others
唐突に焦り出す 変わる40番目「俺」様 toutotsu ni aseridasu kawaru yonjuubanme "ore" sama I suddenly begin to get impatient, the 40th, “me”

彼はもう家に帰らない kare wa mou ie ni kaeranai He will no longer return home
春がもう迎えに来ていた haru ga mou mukae ni kite ita Spring has already come
「先に行くぜ」と残して "saki ni iku ze" to nokoshite He said, “Go on up ahead” and was left behind
手紙と五千円握り締めた tegami to gozen en nigirishimeta As he held tightly onto a letter and 5000 yen

電車乗り換えてお腹もその度減ってく densha norikaete onaka mo sono tabi hetteku Each time he transfers trains, he gets hungrier
残したパンの味少し思い出す nokoshita pan no aji sukoshi omoidasu He starts to remember the left-behind bread’s taste a bit
「食べときゃ良かった」 "tabetokya yokatta" “I should have eaten them”

ジョニーとチェリー・Bは信じてた jonii to cherii B wa shinjiteta Johnny and Cherry B had believed
世界は希望で繋がるのだと sekai wa kibou de tsunagaru no da to That the world is connected by hope
追いかけなくたっていいんだって oikakenakutatte iin datte There wasn’t any need to chase after me,
名前を聞く日もいつかまたくるでしょう namae o kiku hi mo itsuka mata kuru deshou because the day we’ll hear each other’s names will someday come again, won’t it?

ノロマな「俺」高笑い 一億と二千万人様 noroma na "ore" takawarai ichi oku to nisenmannin sama The slow “me” laughs loudly at the 100 and 20 million other people
世界は動き出す 後世が為転がせ俺様 sekai wa ugokidasu kousei ga tame korogase oresama The world begins to move, turn over life’s future, me

君は言う「ノンキな時計だ」 kimi wa iu "nonki na tokei da" You say, “it’s a carefree watch”
針は数ミリだけ動いた hari wa suu miri dake ugoita The hands only moved a few millimetres
君は「飽きたぜ」と漏らして kimi wa "akita ze" to morashite You sigh, “I’ve had enough of this”
メロンパン一口噛じった meron pan hitokuchi kajitta And took a bite of melon bread

English translation by Coleena Wu


This song was featured on the following albums:

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