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Masterkey Gunman and Masterkey Ninja
Song title
Romaji: Aikagi Ganman to Aikagi Ninja
English: Masterkey Gunman and Masterkey Ninja
Original Upload Date
January 29, 2010
Megurine Luka and Hatsune Miku
hanzo (music)
Shurashushushu (lyrics)
keikei (guitar)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint)


Japanese Romaji English
2枚目の 嗚呼 2枚目の nimaime no aa nimaime no The second... ah, the second..
2枚目の ルルルル… nimaime no rurururu... The second lulululu...

嗚呼 2枚目の 嗚呼 2枚目の aa nimaime no aa nimaime no The second... ah, the second door...
2枚目の扉さ… nimaime no tobira sa... The second lulululu...

荒野にこだまする 蹄(ひづめ)の旋律 kouya ni kodama suru hizume no senritsu Echoing across the barren land, the melody of the horseshoe
風を切って現れた 合鍵ガンマンさ kaze o kitte arawareta aikagi ganman sa Cutting across the wind and appearing the Masterkey Gunman

闇に溶け込んで身を隠す 108つの忍術使い yami ni tokekonde mi o kakusu hyakuyattsu no ninjutsuzukai Fading in the darkness and hiding myself, the bearer of 108 Ninjutsu techniques
高いトコ苦手だがお人好し 合鍵忍者さ takai toko nigate da ga ohitoyoshi aikagi ninja sa With an extreme fear of heights but a nice attitude, she's the Masterkey Ninja
行く手を阻む大きな扉 黒く立ち込める不安 yukute o habamu ookina tobira kuroku tachikomeru fuan A giant door stands in our won way and anxiety covers the area.
扉が開かなきゃ明日は無い tobira ga akanakya asu wa nai If we don't open the door there's no tomorrow.
郷に残した扶養家族たち… sato ni nokoshita fuyou kazoku-tachi... To my love ones back at home...

ご・め・ん・ね go me n ne I'm sorry~

2枚目の扉が開かない 1枚目はあんなにアッサリ開いたのに nimaime no tobira ga hirakanai ichimaime wa anna ni assari aita noni The second door won't open, even though the first one opened easily.
押しても引いても動じない 不動明王の如しさ2枚目は oshite mo hiite mo doujinai fudou myouou no gotoshisa nimaime wa Pushing it and pulling it won't make it budge. The second is like an immovable buddha.
2枚目の扉が開かない 1枚目はスッと開いたのに nimaime no tobira ga hirakanai ichimaime wa sutto hiraita noni The second door won't open, even though the first one opened easily.
襖(ふすま)みたいにスライドが できない扉なのさ2枚目は fusuma mitai ni suraido ga deki nai dekinai tobira na no sa nimaime wa It doesn't slide open like the first one this second door.

事を荒立てずにおさめよう 行政の力で koto o aradatezu ni osameyou gyousei no chikara de Let's try solving this quietly by using the power of the administration
役所に申請してみよう 扉を開けてもらう手続きを… yakusho ni shinsei shite miyou tobira o akete morau tetsuzuki o... Let's try sending application to the governmental office so they can open the door...

書・面・で sho men de By letter....

2枚目の扉が開かない 1枚目はあんなにアッサリ開いたのに nimaime no tobira ga hirakanai ichimaime wa anna ni assari aita noni The second door won't open, even though the first one opened easily.
押しても引いても動じない 不動明王の如しさ2枚目は oshite mo hiite mo doujinai fudou myouou no gotoshi sa nimaime wa Pushing it and pulling it won't make it budge. The second is like an immovable buddha.
2枚目の扉が開かない 役所に申請出したのに nimaime no tobira ga hirakanai yakusho ni shinsei dashita noni The second door won't open, even though we sent an application in
書類に見られたケアレスミス 「印鑑おす場所違います」 shorui ni mirareta kearesu misu "inkan osu basho chigaimasu" On the application is a careless mistake, "You stamped the wrong spot"

やり場の無い怒り覚えたから 酒場のマスターに八つ当たり yariba no nai ikari oabeta kara sakaba no masutaa ni yatsuatari Frustration was building so we let it out at the bartender
エプロンにケチャップを付けたった 酒場のマスターの epuron ni kechappu o tsuke tatta sakaba no masutaa no We splashed ketchup on his apron. Ah, on the bartender's...

一・張・羅 it chou ra most expensive clothing

怒りと悲しみ超えたとき 流れ落ちたカタルシスの涙 ikari to kanashimi koeta toki nagareochita katarushisu no namida When we passed the limit of our anger and sorrow, a tear of Catharsis flowed out.
扉の噛み合わせを刺激する サラダ油のような潤滑油 tobira no kamiawase o shigeki suru saradayu no youna junkatsuyu It slid between the cracks of the doors and stimulated them, a salad oil-like lubricant
2枚目の扉が音を立てて 数センチの光を差し込めた nimaime no tobira ga oto o tatete suusenchi no hikari o sashikometa The second door made a noise and shined in a few centimeters of light
2枚目の扉の向こうには ルルルル… nimaime no tobira no mukou niwa rurururu... On the otherside of the second door was lululululu.....

2枚目の扉が音立てて まばゆい光を差し込めた nimaime no tobira ga oto o tatete mabayui hikari o sashikometa The second door made a noise and a bright line came shining in
2枚目の扉を開いたら… 網戸がしっかり張っていた nimaime no tobira o hiraitara... amido ga shikkari hatte ita We opened the second door... there was a giant screen stretched across

そっかこれなら夏場も涼しく過ごせるね! sokka kore nara natsuba mo suzushiku sugoseru ne! Nice, we could stay cool over the summer!

English translation by Kanannon


This song was featured on the following album:

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