! | Warning: This song contains questionable elements (suicidal ideation); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences. All external links may also contain questionable elements. The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice. |
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Song title | |||
"卑屈の脳内" Romaji: Hikutsu no Nounai English: A Feeble Mind | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
April 6, 2019 | |||
Singer | |||
Kasane Teto | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Aoya (music, lyrics)
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Views | |||
180,000+ (NN), 1,900,000+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
"My 39th work. Gloomy" |
Japanese | Romaji | English | |
生きている ごみなのに生きている | ikite iru gomi nanoni ikite iru | I'm alive, I'm absolute scum, yet I'm still alive | |
嫌な奴 嫌々生かしてもらってる | iya na yatsu iyaiya ikashite moratteru | My tormentors are begrudgingly keeping me alive | |
きっともっと大事なことがあるのにこんな曲を聴いてる | kitto motto daiji na koto ga aru noni konna kyoku o kiiteru | Even though I'm sure there's better things I could be doing, I'm listening to this song again | |
無為な4分を繰り返して 朝日が昇ってやっと後悔する | mui na yonfun o kurikaeshite asahi ga nobotte yatto koukai suru | Looping those meaningless 4 minutes, and when the sun finally rises, I regret it | |
ああ ただ漠然と消えたい | aa tada bakuzen to kietai | Ahh, I just kind of want to disappear | |
今日も「おはよう」を聞き返される | kyou mo "ohayou" o kikikaesareru | I hear "good morning" over and over as always | |
言い直した声が更に小さい | iinaoshita koe ga sarani chiisai | My restated voice is even meeker today | |
変に思われてないかなあって | hen ni omowaretenai kanaa tte | Thinking "I wonder if she thinks I’m weird..." | |
僕が気にかけているように | boku ga ki ni kakete iru you ni | Just like how I'm worrying about it, | |
あの子も気をつかってくれている | ano ko mo ki o tsukatte kurete iru | I’m sure she is too | |
ちゃんと分かんなきゃ | chanto wakannakya | But I have to know for sure! | |
とか何良い子ちゃんぶってんの | toka nani ii ko chan butten no | Come on, what kind of goody-two-shoes are you trying to be? | |
とか思ってる時点で良い子じゃない | toka omotteru jiten de ii ko ja nai | But doesn't me thinking that make it true? | |
とか(以下省略) | toka (ika shouryaku) | And- (Omitted for brevity) | |
個性とオンリーワン信仰 好きなことで生きよう | kosei to onriiwan shinkou suki na koto de ikiyou | Individuality and an "only one" ideology. Let's live as we please | |
新進気鋭のクリエイター 必死のバーター | shinshinkiei no kurieitaa hisshi no baataa | An up and coming aspiring creator, desperately bartering | |
既製品のアイデンティティ なんだ4年で終わり? | kiseihin no aidentiti nanda yonnen de owari? | A ready-made identity. What, 4 years and that's it? | |
笑いと不謹慎 それが大人と子どもの分岐点・・・ | warai to fukinshin sore ga otona to kodomo no bunkiten... | Laughter and indiscretion. That's the turning point from childhood to adulthood... | |
生きている ごみなのに生きている | ikite iru gomi nanoni ikite iru | I'm alive. I'm absolute scum, yet I'm still alive | |
嫌な奴 嫌々生かしてもらってる | iya na yatsu iyaiya ikashite moratteru | My tormentors are begrudgingly keeping me alive | |
優しいから捨てないでくれてる | yasashii kara sutenaide kureteru | They’re nice, so they're not discarding me just yet | |
せっかく生まれた感情が | sekkaku umareta kanjou ga | These precious, newly born emotions | |
なんでこんなんなんだろうって | nande konnan na ndarou tte | How did they get to be like this? | |
いつかこんな僕を笑えたら | itsuka konna boku o waraetara | If someday, I can laugh at these thoughts... | |
ああ なんでこんなんなんだろう | aa nande konnan na ndarou | Ahh, how did things get to be like this? | |
「かわいいですね」「かっこいいですね」 | "kawaii desu ne" "kakkoii desu ne" | "How cute!" "Wow, cool!" | |
「すごいですね」「上手いですね」 | "sugoi desu ne" "umai desu ne" | "That's amazing!" "You're so good at that!" | |
義務ですか? 欲目ですか? | gimu desu ka? yokume desu ka? | Is it your job to say stuff like that? Are you biased somehow? | |
って思うのはさすがにやりすぎですよね? | tte omou no wa sasuga ni yarisugi desu yo ne? | ...No, that's probably going overboard, right? | |
「そんなことないですよ」より | "sonna koto nai desu yo" yori | Instead of saying "That's not true...", | |
「ありがとう」が絶対可愛いから | "arigatou" ga zettai kawaii kara | saying "Thank you!" is way cuter | |
そうは言うけど思ってないから | sou wa iu kedo omottenai kara | You say that, but I don't believe you so I won't do it | |
そのくせ罪悪感だけはあるから | sono kuse zaiakukan dake wa aru kara | And yet, this sense of guilt remains | |
マイナーな意見 無視してなんぼの尊厳 | mainaa na iken mushi shite nanbo no songen | In the minority, shunning every last bit of my dignity | |
社会の歯車 それでも思考は止めるな | shakai no haguruma soredemo shikou wa tomeru na | A cog in the machine of society, but even so, I won't stop having my own thoughts | |
僕の中に住む怪物 現れる鬱 | boku no naka ni sumu kaibutsu awareru utsu | A monster dwells within me. This despair manifests. | |
撥ねつけた愛 ほんとは少しだけ休みたい | hanetsuketa ai honto wa sukoshi dake yasumitai | I spurned that love. To be honest, I want to rest, just for a little while... | |
生きている ごみなのに生きている | ikite iru gomi nanoni ikite iru | I'm alive. I'm absolute scum, yet I'm still alive | |
嫌な奴 嫌々生かしてもらってる | iya na yatsu iyaiya ikashite moratteru | My tormentors are begrudgingly keeping me alive | |
きっともっと大事なことがあるのに | kitto motto daiji na koto ga aru noni | I'm sure there's better things I could be doing. | |
なんでこんな曲聴いてんの? | nande konna kyoku kiiten no? | Why am I listening to this song again? | |
なに人の時間無駄にしてんの | nani hito no jikan muda ni shiten no | I'm wasting everyone's time | |
ごみはごみ箱へ くさいものには蓋を | gomi wa gomibako e kusai mono ni wa futa o | If it's trash, throw it in the dumpster; if it smells, put a lid on it. | |
どうせごみならいっそ 社会のごみ箱になって | douse gomi nara isso shakai no gomibako ni natte | If I'm garbage, I might as well be society's dumpster | |
汚いの全部 僕に捨ててくれよ | kitanai no zenbu boku ni sutete kure yo | All the filthy things, throw them into me | |
犯罪も汚職も戦争も不倫も劣等感も汚いの全部 | hanzai mo oshoku mo sensou mo furin mo rettoukan mo kitanai no zenbu | All of that disgusting stuff like crime, war, immorality, inferiority complexes... | |
焼却炉に飛び込んじゃったりして 地球が一層綺麗になって | shoukyakuro ni tobikonjattari shite chikyuu ga issou kirei ni natte | If I jumped into an incinerator, I'm sure the world would be cleaner than ever | |
ごみはごみでも良いごみだったねって | gomi wa gomi demo ii gomi datta ne tte | "Let garbage be garbage, it's just garbage, after all", | |
別に好きじゃなくたっていいから | betsu ni suki ja nakutatte ii kara | I don't really need to be liked or anything | |
ただ嫌われたくない | tada kirawaretaku nai | I just don't want to be hated |
English translation by Anonymous
This song was featured on the following album:
External Links
- piapro - Karaoke