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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

! Warning: This song contains questionable elements (Death); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
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デスおはぎ - 千紫万紅
Song title
Romaji: Senshi Bankou
English: Exuberance of Beautiful Flowers
Official English: The Blood Flower
Original Upload Date
April 1, 2010
Kasane Teto
Momoko Fujimoto (spoken lines)
Death Ohagi (music, lyrics)
Yurahonya (tuning)
Nyto (video)
Yunfree Photo (image)
Akiba, Haruhi, Nakajima, Miiko, Take, Kurosuke, fu-yumi, ha, SK2, Hariko (illustration)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)


Japanese Romaji English
日暮れより 鐘の響きひとつ higure yori kane no hibiki hitotsu A solemn temple bell rings in the dusk
袖で拭い切れぬ 後悔に(うな)され sode de nuguikirenu koukai ni unasare I am tormented by the regret I can never wipe out
ふらふらと 憐れ 侵され行く furafura to aware okasare yuku And totter along with this empty miserable mind
無常の果てに 何を求め彷徨う mujou no hate ni nani o motome samayou What should I ask for at the end of vanity?

ほろり ほろり 散り往く椿 horori horori chiri yuku tsubaki The camellias are falling down lightly, lightly
伽藍堂(がらんどう)の 月夜を映して garandou no tsukuyo o utsushite And they reflect the desolate moonlit night
今宵 ひとり 未練の闇へ koyoi hitori miren no yami e I shall go into the darkness of regret alone tonight
背水の思い賭して haisui no omoi toshite With the resolution of staking my own life

刹那の(ほむら) 其れは華の如く setsuna no homura sore wa hana no gotoku As if a blooming flower is this flame in a moment
血の雨を降らせた 名も無き人 chi no ame o furaseta na mo naki hito An obscure man bringing blood rain is there
鳴呼 何時の世も 綺麗事さへ aa itsu no yo mo kireigoto sae Alas, contradiction swallows it all and even cosmetic words
矛盾に呑み込まれゆく mujun ni nomikomare yuku No matter what the world would be

屍越えて 其れは生きる事と shikabane koete sore wa ikiru koto to I must live over corpses
疑心暗鬼の 儚い絆は gishin'angi no hakanai kizuna wa So fragile was our doubtful bond
鳴呼 悲しみも 涙も嘘も aa kanashimi mo namida mo uso mo Alas, everything, even sadness, tears and lies,
疾うに空の絵空事 touni kara no esoragoto Is a mere empty illusion

偽りに未だ気付かぬ素振り itsuwari ni mada kizukanu soburi I am in the middle of trust and betrayal
笑みは(やが)て錆びて言ノ葉枯れ果て emi wa yagate sabite kotonoha karehate Smiles soon go rusty and I lose words to you
累々と狂気(ふる)う夜に ruirui to kyouki furuu yoru ni In a night when you scatter madness here and there
重ねた恨み 愁いに沈る頃 kasaneta urami urei ni shizuru koro I bear up malice to you and sink in thought

転々(くるりくるり) 輪廻する音 kururi kururi rinne suru oto I can hear anything and everything transmigrates
宵も 宵も 切なる願いは yoi mo yoi mo setsunaru negai wa My desperate wishes break apart
はらり 千切れ 奈落の底へ harari chigire naraku no soko e And fall down into abyss evening by evening
一寸先は闇の恋路 issunsaki wa yami no koiji Yet one step ahead lies the trap of love

灰のやうに 夕凪のやうに hai no you ni yuunagi no you ni Now I cease breathing in silence
音も立てず息の根絶つ頃は oto mo tatezu ikinone tatsu koro wa Like crumbled ashes, like a calm in the evening
夢現でも傍で貴方が 亡骸を抱き乍ら yumeutsutsu demo soba de anata ga nakigara o idaki nagara You stay by my side and carry my body—I do not know whether I am in a dream or the real

そして一粒 大きな雫を soshite hitotsubu ookina shizuku o You drop a big tear on my cold cheek
冷たい頬に落とし顔を歪め tsumetai hoho ni otoshigao o yugame And twist your face
鳴呼 この人に愛されていたと aa kono hito ni aisarete ita to Alas, let me feel the love you gave me
一瞬(ひととき)、感じさせて hitotoki, kanjisasete Even if the love was only in a transient moment

「―――あなたは本当に降らせるのですね、血の雨を。」 "anata wa hontou ni furaseru no desu ne, chi no ame o." "―――You really do cause blood rain."

するり 撫でた 髪を(くすぐ) sururi nadeta kami o kusuguru Your fingers comb your hair smoothly
遠い遠い 貴方の指先 tooi tooi anata no yubisaki They are too far for me to touch
どろり 刃、宿命(さだめ)に濡れて dorori yaiba, sadame ni nurete The bloody sword gets wet with destiny
梅の匂ひ狂い咲く ume no nioi kuruizaku And the perfume of plum smells faintly

涙を拭いて、愛をくれたひと namida o fuite, ai o kureta hito You wiped away my tears and gave me your love
寒煙迷離(かんえんめいり)の幼き心中 kan'enmeiri no osanaki shinjuu But this immature one chose death in oblivion
鳴呼 彼の腕で朽ち果てたなら aa kano ude de kuchihateta nara Alas, I will perish in the arms of a man who loved me
細雪、はらはらと sasameyuki, harahara to There falls fine snow lightly, lightly

魑魅魍魎(ちみもうりょう)蔓延る 浮世の終焉(おわり) chimimouryou habikoru ukiyo no owari ni In the end of this floating transient world, where evil spirits and malice roam around
我武者羅(がむしゃら)に咲かせた命なれど gamushara ni sakaseta inochi naredo I tried living life of my own in a blind effort, yet
屠りし乙女の 心疼きて hofurishi otome no kokoro uzukite The heart of a slaughtered girl aches
浅き夢の香に酔へり asaki yume no ka ni yoeri And is intoxicated with the fragrance of this faint sweet dream

現世(うつしよ)越えて 巡りし先に utsushiyo koete megurishi saki ni May my unheard dream be fulfilled
何時(いつ)ぞの夢 叶うやうに itsuzo no yume kanau you ni In the afterworld where I shall transmigrate

English translation by Damesukekun


This song was featured on the following album:

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